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Everything posted by RJS1977

  1. Maybe they should have kept everyone happy by doing the City of Truro model with one side green and one side black, as it was (briefly) painted in the 1980s...
  2. Jaz - sorry to hear about your hand issues. I had RSI/CTS some years ago and ended up losing a well-paid job as a result. It has now largely recovered though I still find things like assembling PECO fencing and 3rd rail difficult.
  3. Though I could just imagine it being dubbed with Charlie's "Get the... get the wheels in line" and Freddie's "Be very careful!"
  4. Was approached by three bTP officers this evening whilst waiting for the Cathedrals Express.Was expecting a telling off for photography (thouigh i didn't even have my camera out at that point) until one of them asked "Excuse me, do you know what time the steam train's due?"

    1. 69843


      Gotta love that!

    2. Kylestrome


      It's a fair cop.

  5. Was approached by three bTP officers this evening whilst waiting for the Cathedrals Express.Was expecting a telling off for photography (thouigh i didn't even have my camera out at that point) until one of them asked "Excuse me, do you know what time the steam train's due?"

  6. One of my club colleagues turned up with a Colron-stained O gauge watermill this evening which he said he'd "bought off some famous bloke I've never heard of..." It looked not dissimilar to the water mill on page 110 except that the main building had a different extension on it and a flight of steps going up the outside of the gable end. I did photograph it, but still haven't found my camera lead....
  7. Sorry, can't get my head round that one. Surely with a curved point, whether it is left handed or right handed depends on which way the point curves when approached from the tiebar end (i.e. the larger radius is equivalent to the "straight" and the sharper radius is equivalent to the "branch" on a straight point).
  8. My understanding is that even Limited Edition runs have to be at least 500 - one of the reasons why we've never commissioned Hornby to do a run of Guinness 08s....
  9. Or, given that Hornby and Oxford have collaborated before, are they working together on the same model? (Hornby to release some versions/liveries, Oxford others?)
  10. Weatheringman - many thanks for the informative review and the extra historical details. One slight point though - it was my understanding that 6029 became King Edward VIII and working forwards, 6028 was King George VI. Richard
  11. Out of my price range,I'm afraid. Guess I'll have to stick with my autocoach on a Nellie chassis.....
  12. I know of at least one British model railway kit manufacturer who does!
  13. HST nominated for the Ice Bucket Challenge....
  14. Well, you could always use the excuses a vicar is alleged to have used when one of the congregation suggested the (poorly-lit) church should get a new chandelier. His reply was: "1) I'd have to write the order for it and I can't spell it. 2) There's nobody in the congregation who knows how to play one...."
  15. My parents visited Basildon House near Pangbourne during the summer, which was used as "Buckingham Palace" for the David Jason series "The Royal Bodyguard". The guide told my parents that he'd taken David Jason for a tour of the house during a break in filming and when they entered a room with a large chandelier DJ said "I can take that down and clean it for you if you like..."
  16. I wonder how easy it would be to convert a T9 into an Adams Radial....
  17. No, that's the British equivalent of Baron Samedi ("the man who never dies") sat on the front buffer beam of a train in Live and Let Die!
  18. So long, containers, and thank you for your service...
  19. It didn't work, but at least you got the shed tiled.... Happy birthday!
  20. Ah yes, the most important question.... I notice that the spec includes sprung buffers (Bachmann reckon these add £15 to the price), full cab detail and DCC Ready - but I'm pretty sure that anyone who wants an Adams Radial for their layout would buy one even if these features hadn't been included (at a lower price,of course) - who really needs DCC Ready anyway? - I'd estimate that over 50% of layouts I see at shows are still analogue (for analogue users the manufacturer's cost of fitting a DCC socket and blanking plug is an unnecessary expense) - and how difficult can it be to solder four wires in the right places - it should be sufficient for the manufacturers to fit wired connections on the motor each side and leave it to the DCC user to do the rest! So it seems to me that this is another attempt at entering the top-end well-detailed models market (yawn!) rather than producing more accessible models which less well-off enthusiasts can afford. I fear (though hope to be proved wrong of course) that in the fullness of time the question will be not so much "How much?" as "How much???!!???". :-(
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