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John M Upton

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John M Upton last won the day on March 24 2012

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  • Location
    Driving along the Coastway West in a 377 now they have taken my 313's away...
  • Interests
    Model Railways, writing novels and eating all those things the Food Standard Agency keeps trying (and failing) to warn me about....

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  1. 6O52 - Westbury to Chichester Yard arrives in Chichester before reversing into the Yard.
  2. 377101 still has it's poppies. The only other specials in the fleet at large are 377111, 700111 and 717011 (All NHS Thank You's) and 700155, the Trainbow. 387201 and 387202 don't have all their Gatwick Express markings from their time on loan to Great Northern . Only other variation is 377442, still missing its First Class yellow stripes at one end from its time when it was a three car for a few years.
  3. Last train of the Night Shift, also the first train out of Bognor: Then one stop and back to bed...
  4. Yep, seems to be working now. Must have been an ebay glitch. Many thanks!!
  5. Hello I am trying to purchase some of these: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/176455350984? From a seller called CB Models on ebay but every time I select colour required, the entire page freezes, there is also not watch item option for some reason and the description is blank. Is it just my PC setup or is something awry here?
  6. £45 for a reheated old EFE tooling with a better paint job, yikes... Would have expected a much better new tooling for that kind of money but probably not worth it given the diecast bus "collectible" market is well and truly dead and buried.
  7. Yet more Routemasters apparently. Yawn... 🥱
  8. 6Z73 is RTT route refreshing although the inclusion of a load of container flats in between does seem a little odd, especially as at one point it visited Bognor Regis!!
  9. Not to mention the issue of having bits of buddleia and other foliage coming in through the side window (I always drive with the droplight open) and the issues with vegetation obscuring signals, signs and other key points... Fortunately not a problem last night on the last service train out of Bognor, just a humble shuttle to Barnham with more crew than passengers that for some reason now warrants a six car formation:
  10. Perhaps a completely retooled Leyland National? The attempt to resurrect the dire old EFE tooling (and charge a fortune for it) seems to have fallen very flat. Mind you, you would struggle to know Bachmann remembered they even owned the diecast bus producer, they have done next to nothing with it since they bought it.
  11. An unexpected extra trip up to Gatwick Airport this evening and an encounter with pretty much the nearest we have on our books to a celebrity, 377111
  12. The 387's do Saturdays as well on the Brighton/Southampton runs:
  13. One of Network Rail's little blue boxes has been roaming the Coastway West for the last few days, it's now parked up at Barnham for the weekend:
  14. ...and 5405 appears to be missing a buffer...
  15. What the actual....?!?!?!? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175756087406?
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