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Everything posted by mirreles31

  1. Hi Tom, thanks for kind comments, getting the track to your own taste (and thats the important bit) is an evolution. I swapped from Peco to SMP 20 years ago cos I just love bullhead rail . Most of the track on this layout is recycled from previous incarnations and some of it tests the best locos to the limit!!! The track weathering is simply an overall coat of sleeper grime, some areas have had the rail sides painted (tedious job!) with a Humbrol colour, rail rust I believe, but I don;t think you can get it anymore? The shade is a very subtle contrast to the sleepers, which works for me. Ballast is a mixture of N chippings & black powder paint stuck with dilute PVA. Cheers Phil.
  2. Hi All, just finished this Cl.25 and thought it might enjoy an outing on this post. D5182 simmers in the loading dock bay at 'Junction Lane Goods' just at the entrance. The summer sun has dried out the Winter's application of muck and she could do with a visit to the washer!
  3. Hi Tim just avin a gander at your sunshine pics, all good but I still like the Fairburn! I know that feeling when you look at photos of your models and see stuff that still needs to be done, believe me weathering is really never done just like on the real thing, you can tinker about with it til the cows come home but I've found that you reach a stage where you instinctively know when (for you) it's done. Remember as long as you like it it's OK! Phil
  4. I wasn;t sure about these at first but my first outing got me hooked (see my 9F on my 'aerosol vs airbrush' thread) they are very subtle and need to be be built up gradually. This was pre airbrush days and I now use Tamiya stuff for highlighting etc. I havn't tried artists gouache but looking at your van has got me thinking! Cheers Phil.
  5. Hi Tim, both locos are looking good, especially the Fairburn . Was interested in your use of cotton buds which seems to have done the job well. I now use Tamiya Weathering Master palettes which have a white shade, the applicator is like a makeup brush thingy-brush one end and sponge the other and gives a similar effect. The application of water lime stains is an area where I would also break out the artists watercolours (acrylic) and apply thinned white with a very finebrush. I have used this method for yellow rust streaks on my 08 shown in my post 'aerosols vs airbrush' below this post. Keep up the good work cheers Phil
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