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Posts posted by Gilbert

  1. I have an update.

    I decide to have a play with the B2Bs on my Hornby 31. I dug out an old Markits 00 gauge I use when building wagons. The Class 31 wheels were a tight fit so I widened them so the gauge was a very easy fit (almost loose). I have just run the loco over 6 BH points on 2 different layouts in bioth directions and turning the loco round as well and had no problems. Phew. A word of advice - make sure you remove the Class 31 bottom bogie plate before doing anything to the side frames......don't ask me how I know.

    I also tried a Sir William Stanier Pacific which mainly lives on a shelf after noting the comments about 4-6-2s and had no issues with that loco at all. I have not yet fitted the flange rear wheels - I need to work out how!

    I hope that is a bit more encouraging.


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  2. 6 hours ago, Nearholmer said:

    Yes, any interfaces where alignment dowels and/or NBW are fitted for joining boards need a bit more meat, so sandwiches of ply and softwood or, better, some thicker good-quality ply.


    As regards distances between supports/braces, I think I must be a bit more daring than harlequin. My view is that the loads imposed by a model railway are trivially small, so I would accept larger spans, provided everything is solidly glued. 6mm birch ply on a grid of support at 200mm centres could probably support a clog dance :-).



    It possibly does depend on whether you are building for home or exhibition use. For exhibition use a board  benefits from being light but is more prone to damage or twisting. Catch 22?

  3. 12 minutes ago, No Decorum said:

    Many thanks, Andy, to you and your team. I was wondering how the show would be organised and I have my answer: brilliantly. It must have taken a lot of very hard work to get it all put together. It’s pleasant to talk to people but the virtual show has lots of advantages. No pushing and shoving, no people blocking the front of layouts and stands, lots of time listening to interviewees instead of merely quick words and above all, easy to get to.


    My shopping list is however untouched...

  4. 4 minutes ago, Grampus said:

    Such a shame to hear about your backscene problem, though I am sure you will resolve it.  I really like the layout: the quality of the modelling and the amount of railway you have packed into such a small space is quite inspirational.  Top drawer stuff - will look forward to seeing how you get on - feel sure it will bounce back better than ever.  


    Best wishes, 



    I'm pausing and reflecting while I do a few small bits but I fear the nice pictures may be going.

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  5. Sorry - I should have realised you were using DCC - analogue cobalts not via a decoder need a clean supply - I blew a few by using normal 12dc from a Gaugemaster Train supply. I now have the correct analogue DC supply. I think its a WM2

    I've now tried their IP Digital PMs and so far so good using the NCE supply - pure luck I bought of 6 analogues on ebay and digitals turned up instead so I got used to them...


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  6. 28 minutes ago, AY Mod said:








    Thanks for the positive comments guys, it's certainly not the first virtual show to happen to fill our current void but at least we have a good archive to be able to dig into and try and give a balanced and curated selection of material mixed in with Zoomworld. The project has not been without its challenges!

    Andy - will the Youtubes stay up after the weekend?


  7. 2 hours ago, Zomboid said:

    A clever idea, though it seems like the "really useful box" solution limits the width to 20cm or so. Still wide enough to build something though.

    It is..this is a Christmas Tree box layout - although I add a short shunting lead on a second board and the LED lighting strip does lift off - you can see the gap - but does store in the box with the layout..



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  8. 32 minutes ago, D9502 said:



    Hi Chris


    First of all, very nice layout, love the weathering of the freight stock and the scenic detail.

    I've just bought some G&H laser cut baseboard kits too, i guess you pre-drilled the wiring holes in the cross bracing before assembly?

    Did you pin the boards together as well as glue?

    Also have you used the wooden alignment dowels between boards or 'upgraded' to brass ones?

    Apologies for all the queries but would be interested to hear from your experience in using G&H boards!




    Hi Rich.

    The holes came in the cross braces - I assume they still do but they shallower than the sides anyway. (Update -I've got a G&H kit I ordered in March which I've just opened up to check and it has holes)

    I just drilled a 16mm hole between layout and FY board ends to take the two wire trackpower connector.

    I don't think I pinned or screwed - the fit was so good it was not necessary. I assembled on a flat surface work surface and used bricks for weights and right angles! I used Gorilla Wood Glue.

    You'll note I did need to add small packing pieces to give a tight fit where the braces cross. Its worth doing a dry run.

    I bought brass dowels from Station Road baseboards. The layout will hopefully go "on the road" so I wanted to be sure of the alignment

    Finally my order was a custom 1500mm board so the sides are made up of two shorter pieces with a bracing piece on the inside and I did have to  make a few adjustments to cross bracing etc.

    There are fewer cross  braces than spaces - I was able to decide locations based on where PMs would go.

    Good luck


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  9. 1 hour ago, Wingman Mothergoose said:

    So is the general consensus that the PL-13 is rubbish and not fit for purpose? 
    I’m in the process of wiring up my layout, in my scenic section all of my point motors are PL-10’s, and I was looking for a way to indicate point position on my control panel. If the PL-13 is no good is there an alternative? 


    I've started using the PL15 where I've got Peco PMs on an existing layout. This appears more reliable so far but is a little pricey.

  10. On 29/05/2020 at 18:00, pauliebanger said:

    Hi Chris,


    There's this one:



    This is an 0 gauge of course, but the sound project, produced in conjunction with Class 15 Preservation Society and recorded from D8233, is also available for 00 gauge.


    PM me if this is of interest to you.


    Best regards,



    Hi Paul

    Just seen this!

    Thank you for posting

    In the end I measured up inside and got a Zimo decoder/speaker/stay alive package from Jeremy at Digitrains.



  11. On 25/06/2020 at 15:25, Bon Accord said:

    I certainly wouldn't visit a preserved railway/go on a main line tour if I was faced with the prospect of having to wear a face mask for hours (perhaps 8+ if on a mainline tour) especially on a warm sunny day, and I doubt many other people would find it much fun either. Not forgetting the impact this will have on the lucrative dining side of things on both preserved lines and the mainline.


    I am booked with my better half on an expensive steam hauled dining service in August which includes a 4 hour stay at the destination. I have a few decisions to make.

    One of our few annual treats arranged a long time ago.....but..

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