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Brian D

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Everything posted by Brian D

  1. Couldn't agree more with you comments Clive and thanks for popping in. Your tale of woe with the 08 wedged in the shed made me smile but I guess you weren't laughing at the time. Regards, Brian.
  2. Thanks for your kind words Andy. I think the camera pics flatter my work but at least I think they are an improvement on what went before. Also, this is really good practice for the new layout which I will commence once the weather warms up a bit. Regards, Brian.
  3. Thanks Duncan - will do but progress is slow despite me being retired. I sometimes wonder how I had the time to go to work! Regards, Brian.
  4. Some pictures as promised. This shows the platform complete and the loading bank awaiting its top surface. This picture shows both the platform and loading bank complete with a temporary Scalescenes station building placed in position on the platform and the existing goods office, which I might retain, on the loading bank. The last picture shows the existing station building which is about 9 or 10 years old now and which I never really got round to completing (no facias or gutters/downpipes). There are also some glaring errors which I am not happy with - far too many chimney pots (what was I thinking) and the advertising signs are either too big or wrong period (e.g. the Shop at Binns sign). Also, I used Metcalfe building paper which is a little too glossy to my eyes. The new building will hopefully correct these errors and ommissions. Regards, Brian.
  5. The main platform has now been reconstructed and the adjacent loading bank partly completed. I'll finish tomorrow and post some pics here. I've also decided to rebuild the original scratch-built station building to make it look a bit more "North Eastern". Regards, Brian.
  6. Thanks, Andy - I'm glad I'm not the only one suffering this 08 problem. The model railway texts tell you to use your longest carriage to check platform clearances which I did when I built the original platforms and was somewhat miffed when this problem arose with my two 08s. Another lesson learnt. Regards. Brian.
  7. Services suspended again due to platform demolition and reconstruction works - see below. The "engineers' train" was used for checking clearances. One of the reasons why the platforms are being reconstructed, apart from the wobbly nature of the laminated cornflake packet construction of the original platforms, is that the rods on the Bachmann 08 shunter used to collide with the underside of the old platform edge - none of my steam locos exhibit this problem. Hopefully, the new platforms will reopen tomorrow Regards, Brian.
  8. Hi Ray, Just catching up with your thread by speed reading, that is to say hardly reading any of it at all You (or a tame "chippie") could always modify the door and frame and reposition the hinges so that it opens outwards, or have I missed this suggestion by my not very good speed reading? Regards, Brian.
  9. Well, the pictures of "Brit" Oliver Cromwell are still in the big camera but I took a few phone pictures of the almost complete Scalescenes goods shed earlier. Firstly, the main component parts. Secondly. a couple of pics of the office pushed up against the main structure and the main roof resting in position. I still need to glue the main parts together (but might leave the main roof loose so internal access to the shed can be maintained to add interior detail), add the coping stones to the main gable ends and fit a chimney pot to the office. All in all, I am quite pleased with it. Regards, Brian.
  10. Many thanks for your advice, Andy. It's always good to hear the "voice of experience" Best Regards, Brian.
  11. Just caught up, hence all the "likes". Amazing stuff, looking forward to seeing more progress. Regards, Brian. PS Just a thought. To hurry things along, why not give up the golf which I've heard is "a good walk ruined" and spend more time on this fantastic project.
  12. Looking very good, Les. I love the videos. Don't you think that operating signals are just a must have on any layout. Best Regards, Brian. PS Any idea when we are going to see the layout "in print"?
  13. Thanks for that, Andy. I've seen cheaper products but they do look a bit "Micky Mouse" so I've ordered the FMR starter pack (includes the applicator, glue and 4 packs of different colour "grass") which comes to just under £40 including postage. I'm looking forward to having a dabble. Regards, Brian.
  14. Andy, Thanks very much for your comments. That's a great vid. I just watched it without sound (got Portillo on the TV at the moment which, as he's in the north east, I'm half listening to - multi-tasking hahaha!) but will get the full benefit of your dulcet tones later. Would that be the DoubleO Scenics product? The german static inducers are ludicrously expensive so I'm not going there!! My main problem is I am a forty mile round trip from the nearest model shop that sells Peco products so tend to favour the convenience of internet download kits such as Scalescenes and I can get mounting card more locally. The 5 yards of track I bought last week involved a trip from Thames-side Essex to the county town, Chelmsford 20 road miles away. This despite being within commuting distance of central London where there is a dearth of model railway shops despite the massive population. Regards, Brian.
  15. Thanks for your post Jock and a very good evening to you. The device I fancy costs about £30 and was reviewed in one of the mags which I have scanned to my laptop - a "DoubleO Scenics" product. I agree, it is best not to overdo it. It will be nice to experiment. Regards, Brian.
  16. Having had a few days to enjoy the existing layout again in its new location and with its new fiddle yard, I am now minded to leave construction of the new layout until the spring or early summer, or at least until the weather warms up. This decision has been made because there isn't really enough room to construct new baseboards in the shed without damaging the existing layout or the internal shed lining and creating unacceptable amounts of saw dust. So, in the meantime, I plan a few "improvements" to the existing layout including... a few repairs are needed to the scenery and layout framing close to the front edge, these caused by many times folding up the layout. experiments with static grass, but I have yet to source a suitable and reasonably priced applicator. possible reconstruction of the platform. The original platforms are Metcalfe jobs using laminated cornflake packet card. I will still "stick" (sorry) with card, probably replacing the platform structure with Scalescenes textures mounted on mounting board or grey board of the correct thickness(s). improving the track/permanent way appearance (possibly over spray painting the track bed - the ballast is very black in colour and the rail sides need a touch up) adding people and bits an pieces of luggage, goods, etc. I'll keep you posted on these developments as they happen. In the meantime, I do recall "promising" some photos of (1) "Brit" Oliver Cromwell on the GCR at Christmas and (2) my Scalescenes goods shed build. Pics of (1) are in the camera but still not yet downloaded to the pc and pics of (2) are still to be taken. Bear (bare?) with me. Regards, Brian.
  17. I added a safety "fence" at the front edge of the cassette deck using the ubiquitous laminate flooring boards cut to suit - see below (with a full fiddle yard ) Regards, Brian.
  18. Thanks, Andy - already on my list of jobs, as is a fence at the front of the cassette deck to prevent similar accidents. Thanks again for the reminder. Regards, Brian.
  19. Brian D


    Must be your "magnetic personality" Andy Seriously, this thread is building into a great source of reference for all RMWebbers. Keep it coming. Regards, Brian.
  20. I finished off the cassettes this afternoon, attaching the carry/lifting handles - see below. So, the infrastructure having been reinstated, passenger services have been resumed. Regards, Brian.
  21. That's great news, Ron. I'm only too happy to take the blame. Do research the sheds available though. There are some dodgy ones about which are not particularly well constructed. A good quality shed will cost a few bob as mine did. All the best and let me know how you get on. Regards, Brian.
  22. I agree with the "healthy" bit. Unfortunately my son's labradoodle goes completely nutty when he sees another dog to the point where he takes no notice at all of instructions to return. So we are constantly on the look out for other dogs so we can get him back on the lead. Takes the edge of it a bit . My son is on a short break skiing recce and his wife is heavily pregnant with our third grandchild so we are dog walking for a few days until my son returns. Regards, Brian.
  23. Good Afternoon Jock, I hope you are well. I totally agree with you about RMWeb - it is a fantastic resource, like being a member of a model railway club (but no subs ). I have completed two of the cassettes just now having attached the handles. We have to do a dog walk shortly so I'll hopefully complete the other cassettes when we get back and post pictures on here later. Best Regards, Brian.
  24. Thanks, Andy. I was a bit concerned about using mdf strips for the cassette sides but they have responded well to the pva treatment and all appears quite sturdy now. Regards, Andy.
  25. Many thanks for your kind words, Ron. The last few weeks cold weather have shown that my shed heats up quickly using the fan heater and intermittent bursts of the fan keep it cosy so I don't think it is costing much to heat. The temperatures still plummet overnight but with (so far) no adverse effects on the existing layout - I was a bit concerned about my less than perfect soldered joints. Good luck with your shed refurb and feel free to "pinch" as many ideas as you want. Kind Regards, Brian.
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