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Posts posted by BRealistic

  1. What a briliant 'How to do it', Broc.  Thanks so very much for taking the time.  I've already downloaded the pics, and I'll be doing the same with your 'method' so I can read it at leisure!


    Totally agree with you on your balance between using an airbrush and hand-brushing powders and paint.  Much in line with maestro Chris Nevard's current approach (and others of this parish) that doesn't involve using an airbrush at all. 


    Anyway, keep up the superb work, Broc... and keep us up to date with how you're getting on.  Inspirational, to say the least!


    Best wishes


    ... the everyday well worked engine, not too clean, or too dirty.... just right!



























    Wonderful piece of weathering... yes. just right!!  Some lovely textures and finishes.


    You're the one to be giving tips and advice... so tell us how you did it!!

  3. Hi Mike, and thanks for your reply... I'd more or less given up hope of any discussion! In the meantime I've decided to go plastic!... and this morning took the plunge and ordered a couple of Churchward window frets from Modelex so I can work around their dimensions.  Such good value!  Only thing is, I'm having thoughts about the lower half being constructed in 'das' stonework... to 'match' the engine shed I've just (about) completed... having noticed that a protoype with this appearance stood at Gara Bridge on the Kingsbridge line.  Truth is, I've got too much time on my hands to ponder!


    That's an amazing little model, by the way, knowing it's all been made from card and paper (apart from windows, of course).  Won't be long before winter's here when you can finish the detailing... October maybe?!

  4. I'm about to start a 4mm model  based on the former 'box at Goodrington, which is entirely timber, with just a tiny brick base... an appearance I really like.  I took this photo a few years before it was (shamefully!) removed




    I'm thinking plastic would be the more appropriate material to use (instead of card), given that the upper floor is more window than wall, with just a few 'uprights' to give it strength. I do, though, want to use paper slates to match my other 'card-built' models!... so a roof of card may be the answer, as it will be 'detachable'.


    Sizewise, I'm intending to build it around the dimensions of the Modelex/Churchwards window frets.


    Which way do you experienced folk think I should go??!!



    • Like 2
  5. Hi Andy


    I'm afraid there are no more old pix, from me anyway. I actually 'found' these while helping an 'O Gauge Guilder' collect some ancient Basset-Lowke engines and stuff from the house of a 'former modeller' who died at the end of last year, aged 91, I think. His name was Rob Woodman, and it was probably he that took the excellent photos. His widow was delighted that I could 'make use' of them by displaying them on RMweb. I said I was sure there'd be lots of interest... and I wasn't far wrong!

  6. That's for a Wickham trolley. The rails for turning it are fitted onto a portable pivot that fits into the piece shown in the centre of the running rails to allow the trolley o b turned 90 degrees then it can run or pushed into the shelter

    Were these a SR thing or could they be found elsewhere... WR in particular. A nice little 'feature' that would add a bit of interest. Correct details all important, though.
  7. I've just come into possession of 15 small enprint b+w photos of Bude station and most of the buildings in the nearby yards. Taken early 60's I guess; all a bit overgrown, but in one there's a diesel unit at the platform. Just wondered if they're at all of interest to anyone... if so I'll scan 'em and upload.

    • Like 5
  8. No probs Dave. Just realised I was looking at the wrong page (not OO) in the Hatton's ad in MR!! Any recommendations as far as the OO one's concerned (not sound)?... or do you prefer not to say, in which case I understand!

  9. Thankfully, and on a positive note, the maroon one I collected this morning from my local shop doesn't have the wobbles.

  10. Hi Dave


    Hattons tell me that my pre-order for 4D-003-001 D1029 'Western Legionaire' BR Maroon with syp will be sent when they receive the second half of the batch of their order for this loco.  Is it possible to say when the second half of this batch is likely to be received by yourselves and dispatched to them?  Just like to know when to expect it..


    Same question from me, but relating to a local shop in Buckfastleigh (you know the one!)

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