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Everything posted by bbishop

  1. As someone dealing with the Covid outcome ..... thanks Tony. And I appreciate WW, a daily fix of model trains. I have a day off tomorrow, a chance to do some modelling - I'm building a Layout in the Time of Plague (with apologies to Alexander Pushkin). Bill
  2. Off to the coalface. Bill
  3. Back home from the coal face. One more day, then actually I get a day off. Bill
  4. It's actually all the PPE equipment. I do have one PPE3 mask, but otherwise I'm only PPE2 compliant. Bill
  5. John, I slept through the applause. Probably most off duty NHS staff did. Bill
  6. I didn't see Sherry's earlier post, but I can promise you the reality is pretty serious. I'm mainly in a support role but there are a lot of St John Ambulance volunteers out there in the front line. Think of us. Bill
  7. Home from London Ambulance Service HQ. Whacked. Bed. Bill
  8. London is weird. Carriage to myself going up, average of three coming back. Second day "worked", four more to go. And now to bed. Bill
  9. I'm working at LAS HQ until Sunday. At least I won't have to wear a Tyvek suit. Bill
  10. I'm back home after a long day at London Ambulance Headquarters, so no clinical work today. I'm back there tomorrow. Bill
  11. Need to get organised, I'm with the LAS tomorrow. Back tomorrow evening. Bill
  12. Layout building in Time of plague! (with apologies to Aleksandr Pushkin). Having built the five baseboards for Blindheim, I made a "lying in the bath" decision, that they had to be increased from 8 to 12 inches deep. So two sheets of plywood required but everywhere closed other than Wickes with two week delivery time and a total cost nudging £40. The only spare plywood was the already painted backscene boards. So I've unscrewed the three layout boards and have replaced them with the backscene boards. Of course, with nowhere open to purchase plywood, the foregoing layout boards become the backscene boards. Track on order from Gaugemaster, everything else from the last 40 year's accumulation (the benefit of a never know when it might be needed mentality)! The next job is fixing the boards together, normally a two person job but in the time of plague ..... I've already switched on the heater in the garage. Bill
  13. Lurker, It will be wise to isolate as a family for 14 days. Follow NHS guidelines and I've summarised my latest LAS guidelines, (which came as a PDF so I can't copy). Patients will need plenty of water and paracetamol (don't exceed dosage on packet). Plenty of hand washing and sanitising. Patients dispose of their own waste - if into plastic bags, double bag and keep separate for two days. Shoot the family cat. Bill PS - not the last one!
  14. Dry cough or wet cough? Bill
  15. Paul, I've delved into Moog, Wenz and Weinert. Have a look at page 271 of the Weinert Blätterkatalog. How close? Bill
  16. Cummings next? Hang on - can a Mekon catch Covid-19? Bill
  17. Morning awl, There are other bugs around other than CV-19, pace Mrs GCB, and I've had an mild upper respiratory tract infection for a couple of days - temp normal, occasional "wet" cough, no back pain. Wouldn't normally stop me doing duties, but I'm taking a week off in the present circumstances. Anyway, there is a photographic collection to organise, a layout to build and sundry other tasks. Bill
  18. Food for thought, Flavio. Our main predator appears to be orange, doubly so in my case as the fruit could kill me. After my unsuccessful onto the Wickes website, the mid page advert changed to their plywood. Scary what cookies do. It's now reverted back to little blue pills. Bill
  19. Of course, I have the hazsuits if anyone would like to come over and help. Bill
  20. And good morning all. Lying in the bath yesterday, I was thinking about the Guildex layout challenge and decided that I needed to add another 4 inches to my layout, to make it 12 inches wide. Richard (HH) knows what I'm burbling about and, yes, I'm still within constraints. So - new baseboards, onto the Wickes site this morning and the supply of two sheets of 4 foot by 2 foot plywood would cost about £40 with delivery in over a fortnight. No ta! Plan B is to cut up the three boards that I've already built to make two and to use the offcuts from the fiddle yard boards to make the third. Not pretty, but would work. Then walking from the back room into the kitchen, I looked at the stack of backscenes for the big layout. I measured them, and they are 4' x 1' so as plan C three of them will be requisitioned for Blindheim. The undersides will be painted white as a bonus. I can recycle the timber sides from the existing baseboards and just need new ends. All I need now is for Guildex to be cancelled. Bill
  21. Some railway societies continue to meet. Bill
  22. Don't you follow? It is the Grundys that rear the turkeys. Bill
  23. Kicking my heels. Just one cancellation so far. They must be screening me off other calls. Bill
  24. Jamie, I make a rectangular brass floor and solder it to the sides and ends. Then the ply floor is glues on top. Bill
  25. An interesting shift. The kit has been Clinelled, the uniform has gone through the washing machine, I've scrubbed off in the bath. A tip, wait until you have tied off the mask and apron before donning the second set of gloves. Bill
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