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Andy Mac

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Posts posted by Andy Mac

  1. Nothing appears untoward upon visual inspection. It runs OK with a Hornby train set controller. However it is drawing 0.26 amps at half speed, where my other diesels draw in the range 0.12-0.17A.


    At 0.26 amps it is reaching the limit of the Gaugemaster which has a 0.3A limit, so is tripping it out.


    Has anyone else measured the current on there's? The draw way seems way too high but it runs smoothly and quietly. The issue is similar to the Dapol 121 I bought earlier in the year........



    All Helijan models are well known for their high power draw... they tend to require a decoder able to sustain 1amp, I think you need something a bit more beefy than your 0.3amp gaugemaster controller...

  2. Looking at the new Bachmann website the availability tab states the class 90 will be available March 2019. It's not the extra wait that bothers me it's the inevitable price rise when the new catalogue is announced in January!


    Couldn’t agree more.... they did the same with some of the 2017 announcements... class 37, 47, 85’s.... all existing toolings, delivery dates pushed back a couple of months and then given the 2018 price increase, which was substantial....so, for the first time ever, i’ve Cancelled and reduced my pre-orders, so overall, Bachmann will be getting less business from me....

    So currently £153 on hattons for the 90....I wouldn’t be surprised at £165, discounted price, RRP close to £200, when it gets released some 5 years after being announced.....

    • Like 1
  3. I'd be surprised if we saw a main range Scotrail 47/7 in OO again for a few years ... assuming 47712 comes out in some form then I'd think they'd want to see how things settle down again after 47708 being released here. They wont want to flood the market with different options.


    However a BR Blue 47/7 or one of the large logo ones 47711 or 47712 would be a good choice especially with the DBSOs and Mk2Fs in Blue and Grey. If I were placing a bet I'd think 47711 in large logo if 47712 is appearing in Scotrail livery

    Definitely, anything to run with the Dbso’s would have been welcomed.....

  4. I have two Bachmann renumbers, one to a weathered 47712 lady Di and the other an much cleaner 47708 Waverley (what else).  Oh well am guessing we will be seeing a bit more of that pair.  Mind you the more 477s I see at exhibitions the better as far as I am concerned.

    To be honest, I was half expecting another main range release of another Scotrail 47/7.... the ebay prices are high and i’m Pretty sure with the Dbso’s (eventually) being released and the OR Mk3a’s close (hopefully pending some colouring matching) then there would have been plenty of demand for something to run with them....


    I couldn’t agree more, mid 80’s Scotrail is something special.... many happy days spend in the freezing cold getting soaked to the skin on platform ends.... just wish I had a camera or video camera in those days to record my spots.....

  5. Meanwhile lurking in a cabinet in Warley, this one has yet to break cover..attachicon.gif3C5C11F7-B0BC-4225-AD5D-5AC69AAE8D7D.jpeg

    2018 is shaping up as a good year for Scottish modellers

    Lol.... it’s like waiting for the buses..... you wait around for ages and nothing.... then they all turn up at once....


    Just typical, I renamed and renumbered one of my sir Walter Scott’s, to Lady Diana Spencer.... so I see there are some Hornby models in there as well, was that a dealers cabinet for second hand stuff or was it something more interesting?

  6. I thought I had read somewhere on the class 156 thread, that Charlie had already mentioned that there were anticipated delays from Rapido, and that he was far from happy about this delay.



    I believe the balance of the delayed rapido delivery arrived just before Christmas, some 5 months late... from some of Charlie’s posts, i’d Imagine the models are close to or are about to go sold out.... i’m Just concerned the models are sold out and then there is some problem identified with my order....



  7. Charlie,


    Are you still posting them out? Still not had my card debited....


    Just getting concerned you sell all the remaining ones at model rail Scotland and there is a problem with my two orders for 4 156’s.....



  8. These are commercial companies not charities, the market is what holds them to account in order to satisfy their shareholders or owners as the case may be. Yes they will strive to increase their market share but their strategies will not suit everyone.

    I think Jeff sums this all up nicely.... Hornby/Bachmann are all companies out to make as much profit for their owners shareholders as possible.... they are not charities out to provide models at cost price... take for example Hornby mk2e, a railroad and main range model... i’d Suggest the main range model will only cost a tiny percentage more to produce than the railroad model, due to the extra printed details, steel wheels and other minor improvements. now Hornby price that model at the maximum price they think that the market will sustain... i’m Pretty sure the price has no correlation to the cost to produce....I think it would be the same if they sent their 156’s/59’s older models to the railroad range, they’d still sell them for the maximum they could.


    My idea of design clever is what the SLW class 24 is.... it’s a high detail/cost model...however the chassis is future proofed to be used as a class 25 chassis, thus reducing the cost to SLW of introducing a (hoped for) hypothetical class 25 model. Obviously, again, this doesn’t mean we get a cheap class 25, but a model that is hopefully able to be brought to market at a price point that will sell well and provide maximum returns...


    Design clever should be about thinking ahead to reduce future costs, possibly invest just a little bit more into R&D to provide a common chassis/body that will cover a couple of classes or sub classes with minimal additional costs. If the R&D is done correctly, then there shouldn’t be any compromises in detail.....


    I think we have to accept that model Railways went out of fashion in the 80’s, and that there just isn’t the same numbers of youngsters involved now, so the manufactures, smaller companies, crowd funders all seem to target high detail, high spec models as the areas where they can make a return, from the likes of me, a middle aged guy, with some spare disposable income who was toy trains obsessed as a youngster, who came back to the hobby after a long absence.



    • Like 8
  9. I’ll just say i’m a happy subscriber, out in the colonies, so no free gifts, but still a discounted price, delivered maybe a week or so after everyone else....


    I don’t really expect anything more than that, after all I do appreciate that Bauer Media will need to make some profit in order to keep the mag going and keep paying the wages....

  10. My fleet arrived today. Slight mix up as they sent an extra coal livery instead of Blue 26 026, but that's getting rectified. Looking forward to getting these on the layout over the weekend.







    There is someone worse than me out there for buying stuff..........

    Got to say, having 10 locos arrive at the same time is impressive....


    Feeling a lot better now..... now to go and order something........ lol......

    • Like 1
  11. Nearly 10 months ago, the poll was released for the new releases...(April 12th/13th)....


    10 months later i’m Still not any nearer getting my 24/1, still no commitment to production. As per their website, the last batch of 24’s, which were general release (without a poll), are getting low in stock. So seems that there is still a steady turnover of models being sold.


    Is it time That the poll should be scrapped and maybe the top 3 or 4 models be committed to production? Any leftovers after those who have committed to them, should become a general release models?



  12. If the soon? to be released ScotRail Mk3a's don't match this years model of the 47/7 and the soon to be released 2f DBSO I feel there'll be a lot of paint and new transfers involved.

    I think there’s little chance of that.... Oxford rail conducted a poll regarding liveries and the majority voted against colour matching with the existing models, preferring oxford to match against the correct livery.....

  13. Hi Phil


    Your concerns regarding the body being on back to front have been addressed. Mind you it didn't like going on the right way round, it was a bit of a fight. I have a feeling that it was made the wrong way round and when I threatened it with the choice of window it wanted throwing out because it wouldn't work. I put it back the way I took it off because that was the way it fitted the body.





    10 to 1 Bachmann will be first past the post. 

    12 to 1 SLW will win


    Odds for a 1160 hp locomotive with a headcode box

    7 to1  SLW

    15 to 1 Bachmann


    As for a 25/0


    50 to 1 SLW

    51 to 1 Bachmann

    evens the flying pigs will be first.


    Clive, can I get a £1k on SLW for a 25/0 first please..... lol, your returns are much better than bitcoin!

  14. I don't want to get into bashing a manufacturer and until you've seen them in the plastic it isn't always possible to judge, but the colour reproduced above does look pale compared to the existing preserved ones.14536307430_5d0f2ba13c_b.jpg10077.jpgMike Trice has managed a much closer match IMHO.

    To my eyes, your two pictures, which i’m assuming are of two different coaches, to me show two different shades of teak, or it could just be the light levels... so it must be extremely hard to replicate on a model a accurate rendition....

  15. Heljan posted on their Facebook page today that they are now in stock, and available to order from your Heljan stockist. Can't wait to receive my little lot.

    Oh Great.... So literally within a week or so, I have my 26’s coming, my realtracks 156’s, and rakes and rakes of oxford rails mk 3’s.... all I need is Bachmann to get the mk2f’s into the shops to complete my financial pain!!!! my postie and credit card have no idea what is about to hit them!


    Looking forward to seeing the new stuff arriving, been waiting a long time for some of it...

  16. PM me with your full details please.  to Charlie@dckits.co.uk


    PM me with your full details please.  to Charlie@dckits.co.uk



    I’ve got 2 barbie and two ScotRails on order with you, on two seperate orders from the time of the original announcement, which you still haven’t debited my credit card for... i’ll PM some details to you....

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