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Andy Mac

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Posts posted by Andy Mac

  1. 4. If it's a problem with the shop format being too expensive, why haven't more online retailers stepped in to fill the gap caused by the closure of the shops?

    I think that some of the manufacturers terms and conditions state you require to have a bricks and mortar shop front before they will supply you... which is pretty sensible if we want to maintain what few shops we have left.....

  2. I am not sure but I think no one of us has mentioned a HST before. I thought about it yesterday as I have seen the price for the GWR variant. With £289 it is silly high compared to the £230 for a 156. The HST is a bit like a DMU (Charlie’s & Arran‘s specialty). But in fact it is a locomotive which is availabe in the market for years and comes in a wide range of liveries.

    Charlie, I think it‘s time to tell us which class you have in mind...

    The GWR HST is not a good comparison price wise..... the Hornby standard range swift HST set due for release this year, with TTS sound is £229 through Rails....

  3. Never saw this coming, but it was a nice surprise.....


    Now in the past when we have had multiple manufacturers models of the same prototype, the market doesn’t seem able to support all of them and we revert to two models only being available....


    I’m thinking the class 47, Hornby/Bachmann/vitrains/Helijan


    Class 37 Hornby/Bachmann/vitrains....


    Someone somewhere is going to have to give ground....

  4. Slight correction there for you, on previous experience on projects that have been cancelled none of the crowd funders have lost money, okay there is the (small) risk of losing money but up to know the retailers who have fronted the projects have taken the hit, a small but extremely important fact.

    My understanding is that there are no retailers supporting this project.... DToS was initially only facilitating the orders/project going forward and promotion. DJM has clarified it’s now basically him, and it’s a pure crowd funded model....

    Therefore there is an element of risk, I’m personally comfortable with that, I think that it’s more likely i’ll End up with a fantastic 14 car model wondering where I can get a 5m long display case to show it off in when it’s not running!!!!


    I suppose you can say don’t gamble money you can’t afford to loose.....

  5. Hi,

    without trying to come across as a smart a ss, i have said that there is still a mock up test model to make and test, taking into account various factors like adhesion, radius curves, mountain climbing, tilt etc.

    what looks good in a cad cam may still be a dog unless this train is tested to the umpteenth degree before metal cutting, so thats what we are going to do.

    i doubt radius 1 curves will be slack enough to be honest, but i'll try. remember , tilt wil be limited so wont tilt out of its parameters.

    also a traction tyre set of wheels will be fitted as standard with a non traction tyres set of wheels in the box for those that dont like them.

    as for traction tyres, some of the best manufacturers in the world use them still and on new models, so its obvious the system works. heck 'if it aint broke, dont fix it' should be the motto here.

    still a ways to go but i fear we are over analising things before we truly get past the 2nd June 'start line'.

    lets see what the test model does first, i suggest, then go from there.

    One things for sure, im not out to design and supply a good looking train that doesnt deliver as that would be self defeating.





    Please do not compromise the model by even considering making it compatible with first radius curves.... I remember Jason from Rapido, lamenting how difficult it was to get the APT-E to run on 2nd radius curves...


    Every model i’ve Purchased over the last decade (and that’s a scary amount) all require a minimum of second radius curves.....

  6. Hi Dave, appreciate your honesty, but for many years people have ridiculed Lima models for having traction tyres........  That were 30/40 year old technology, and for a company thats slogan is "Setting higher standards", is that really the way to go?


    I did mention this in an recent, earlier post, with particular reference to the 10 car set, that will one motor have enough umph in the middle?  For the speeds, accelleration required for an APT, Plus of course have the necessary weight to enable the coaches to be pushed over point work, curves, etc.  Not to mention that some of us have gradients to consider.....


    With reagrds the optional swop out of traction tyres, presumably to get "decent" performance over a variety of of situations, the traction tyres are deemed necessary for the traction specification.....  So removal of them is only going to cause some people problems?  By the time extra wheelsets are provided, would it not be just as cheap, to provide an excellent traction package?  Effectively it is only another powered chassis that is already being provided on the remainder of the trains.  (Particularly emphasising the 10 car which is most likely to have the most issues under the current proposal of one motored coach to power 10 vehicles from the middle), so 4 or 5 will always be pushed, with a trailing load of 4-5 coaches too, plus powered coach, over points, round corners, up gradients, and perhaps all at once!  Ultimately, the APT is "promised" to be something "special"  and this is not to sound negative, but for anyone spending the best part of £900 on a 10 car train, whilst the detail spec is to make a superb model", the reality is that to gain necessary performance, you may need traction tyres, otherwise it may slip like the good old Hornby "Pug" 0-4-0!  Sorry but alarm bells are sounding on this, that "on face value" the train is going to look great, but not have satisfactory performance.   (Class 71 speed being a good example!)  



    (Oh, and for the record I have a 14 car, with two motor coaches on order). 


    Best Regards,



    Dog box, modern multiple units, 5 pole motors, They have no problem with long rakes of coaches.... Hornby Pendolino, 9 car units either being pushed or pulled race round.... traction tyres seem to make a big difference to a light weight power unit. I was initially a bit sceptical about the performance, but once tried out on track was perfectly happy...Hornby High Detail Hst’s, 8 coach pulse trailer car again no issue.... though I haven’t tried them on very tight curves and steep inclines.....

    So I wouldn’t overly worry about the motor performance on generally flat track or gentle radius curves... i’m Sure that whatever the final arrangement is, it’ll be fit for purpose....

  7. .... and I'm very pleased you did, having bought 2 of them.


    I see the compromise with the bodysides now but had honestly never noticed before. Even knowing that detail I wouldn't fancy holding my breath to get a more accurate Class 107 when more common classes like Class 104s, 116/117/118 and 120s are still to be produced then 107s must be unlikely

    Likewise, I got two of them and glad I did....


    There was one on hattons pre-owned yesterday at £190, it’s gone now, so appears to be still in demand and someone prepared to pay a premium price for it....

  8. Charlie messaged me, apparently he has mine set aside but there is an issue with the credit card details, in that they have been held for too long, so i’ll Need to phone and give my card details again.... other than my ones he had about a dozen still to go.... so hopefully will get a hold of him on Monday and get these models on their way to Oz....

  9. I'm new to model railways - therefore by them not being at the CAD stage yet, are we looking at an early 2020 release date, or something even later?



    Bachmann are now getting back on track, so to speak, with their new models or re-toolings of existing models.... we are still waiting for the class 158/mk2f’s which were announced in 2013, class 90 in 2014 (dates from memory!!!)

    If you look a couple of posts up at DRS Crewe on a mission’s post #48, then i’d say that answers your question...

  10. Hmm. I can't help but ponder what would have been said if the accounts had shown a large increase in labour costs. I suspect that it would have been a good chunk of "I told you so". As it's gone the other way with a neglible reduction in staff numbers, we're having other 'explanations' put forward. It just goes to show something that I've always suspected - we just don't know - it's all speculation.

    Kader instructed Bachmann a few years ago to increase their profit margins to a similar level as to other parts of their model railway business....it was announced about the time Graham Hubbard retired if my memory serves me right...

  11. I’m pretty sure there are no Bachmann 108’s with conductive couplings... what’s the five digit number on the box, ie 32-903, which is the class 108 white and blue livery version? If you’ve bought second hand then it’s possible someone with more skill than me has modified the models electrics...

    Bachmann have the 101 model which looks similarish to the 108, and that has conductive couplers....

  12. Oh that's ages away!!!!

    They seem to have taken onboard some of the criticism regarding the intercity colours, and are looking to better match the colours with the Bachmann Scotrail livery.... think I read that in another thread somewhere.....

    So, i’m Delighted and happy to wait a bit longer for them.....

  13. More like F666..


    Nah, it’s F@#k.......


    Great news to hear another model being produced, i’d Just about given up hope for the C and H options.... both are now in touching distance, shame it’s taken nearly a year to get to this point.... hopefully in the near future i’ll Get the invitation to contact them and pass on my credit card details...lol...

  14. Hi, one thing I did ask DTOS is, following the change in numbers and the fact that no-one can have a Black Cab 14 Car and a Yellow Cab version, without one of the numbers duplicated, could the 10 car be done version with No.3 and No.6 also be done with the option of yellow end only - basically it would just require X amount of units being taken off the production before the black cab surround was added, and possibly a different variation of "Intercity APT" on the front.


    A good number of people on RMweb were complaining about the number duplication issue, and that they wouldn't buy a Yellow End Version because of the duplication issue.  On face value, (assuming there is no manufacturing restriction) it would seem to be a very easy way of satisfying this demand!


    Best Regards,




    I fully agree....


    I’d have thought it would have been easier to offer a selection of black or yellow fronted driving car packs, then separately select a set pack that contains the rest of the coaches/power cars that best suited your needs.... I.e. i’ll Take one black and one yellow driving car packs, and a 12 car pack of coaches, and one eight coach pack...


    If it was that flexible, i’d Have ordered two sets, as opposed to the single set currently on order....I looked at ordering a second set, but just couldn’t get it to work for me combination wise....



  15. I thought the same but then realised that they've done it wrong. The large logo liveries had the BR logo and TOPS number much further apart and nearer the cabs. Even though the grilles are in the way the BR logo should be further to the right next to the grilles, and the numbers further to the left. And the yellow on the cabs extends too far back due to the design of the 66 (one door is yellow, the other blue) so all in all it doesn't quite work.


    Not my image....26666499300_252de992f3_b.jpg




    Couldn’t agree more..... i’m Sure it’ll be a very popular release, and rightly so, as any company that uses a little artistic licence on their fleet should be celebrated in model form..... but she ain’t pretty!!!

  16. Is it just me, or does a class 66 and large logo blue just not look right? Evening star, I thought suited the br green logo, but I just find myself starring at the photo and screwing my face up trying to like it!!! Perhaps i’m Just too old fashioned and prefer seeing large logo livery on 20, 26, 37, 47, 50 and 56’s....

  17. £259?!

    I hope it's DCC sound for that price!


    Might just get the old model if it's going to be stupid money.

    £306 according to latest Hattons email update.... plus still up to 18 months away.... so that could equate to further price rises before its released.....


    This is referring to the new 158 with sound....no doubt it’ll be a select chip as opposed to a v4.....

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