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DJM Dave

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Everything posted by DJM Dave

  1. Hi Jamie, The APT is what I consider a ‘one hit wonder’ where crowdfunding will pay for the tooling and the sets. I do not see a market with offering coaches either numbered or un-numbered to allow sets to be ‘grown’ from what is purchased, as who will pay for and store the coaches on the off chance someone ‘might’ want 1 every so often out of the hundreds we would have to order to reach minimum order quantities? Then there’s single boxes for each one to keep them safe etc. So no, no options for this other that just full sets. I’ve said I might want a power car for an etc test train, but again even that’s unlikely due to minimum orders etc. Please note this is a DJM crowdfunding project and DJM will be invoicing, designing, and finally supplying the finished model and is therefore totally responsible for your investment. Also: Please Note: Any 'pure' crowdfunding venture is an investment with no guarantee of return, and your invested capital (deposit payments) are at risk. Please consider carefully whether you wish to partake in this venture before ordering. Cheers Dave
  2. Hello everybody. I hope you have all had a fantastic Christmas and will have an equally great New Years. In continuing with tradition, here is my end of year report to keep you ‘in the loop’ as much as possible with things going on at DJM towers over the last 12 months and hopefully a glimpse into what the next 12 months hold. As a lot of you will know, I have been out a lot more this past year at shows or with presentations, and sometimes both at once. Attendances at Fareham, Spennymoor, Perth, Crewe and Warley to name but a few, have been well received by the modelling public and I shall carry on in the same vein this year, with the forthcoming Safford show in Early Feb. Warley was very busy for me as it was my first time there for 5 years, and I think the APT announcement at the show plus the 92 and HUO 3D printed models pushed things on a bit for me as well. It was great to meet everyone and I’m sorry if I didn’t get a chance to chat to you, but as you could see, there were 5 deep in front of the stand at times, and I hope to rectify some of that by extending my stand to double the length for 2018’s Warley. It was great to meet old acquaintances like Graham Hubbard and Simon Kohler again, and it was just like the ‘old days’ again, chin wagging and reminiscing. I even got a pathetically clumsy attempt by another company to tap me for information regarding new products (I hope the photo came out well, lol)! So to the year almost passed. Well, like the previous year it’s been a bit of a struggle, but things are turning round slowly (I wont give the ‘oil tanker’ analogy, but you get what I mean), and the very smart money is starting to look away from China in earnest due to rising costs and changes , albeit subtle ones, in their terms and conditions out there. Putting a sticking plaster over a problem is short termism in the extreme and as such I fully accept that China will, in fact sooner than later, have priced themselves out of the model railway business. Places looked at recently have included Taiwan, Korea, India, Hungary and Romania. I have even looked at a possibility of bringing full production back to the UK, and this is still ongoing, and talks are continuing with local governments to see if any funding is available to start here from scratch. As for DJM projects, the 14xx for Hattons was fully delivered, as was a second batch of DJM J94’s, plus some class 71’s for clients. The gate stock came in for Kernow a month or so back, with the 1361 in transit, and the D600 to follow once it has been approved. My first wagon, the N gauge mermaid was a huge success in black, but strangely I still have a few Dutch ones left, and I wonder if the market has moved on from ‘Dutch’ livery for the time being, as I only had 1000 of them made? The crowdfunding initiatives have moved on, and I intend to start tooling for the 92 in OO and N gauge and the N gauge King in mid-march after having invoiced customers at the end of January for these models. I still have 2 more contracts to sign for ‘new items’ which will as I have alluded to on RMweb, surprise a lot of people. The Shark Plough Van is in the tool room for revised bodyside handrail positions and planking gaps and should be with me within a month. J94 (3rd batch) are undergoing artwork creation, and there might be an announcement regarding more special editions using this model within a few months. Stobart Rail N gauge class 92 will be added to the DJM expressions of interest page this coming few days along with ‘Tops’ HUO wagons in both gauges. There will also be an announcement regarding the OO gauge Stobart Rail class 92 as well. The N gauge class 17 is awaiting 2nd ep tooling and financing (I do wonder if I should have crowdfunded the missing funds to deliver it quicker?) The class 74 is in final cad/cam design and will be shown on the DJM website and RMweb, plus released to magazines at the same time, and I hope this is an ‘any day’ thing now. APT. This was the surprise announcement at Warley, where I have been commissioned to produce (Crowdfunding permitting) the OO and N gauge by Durham Trains of Stanley. This ‘fully loaded’ model is available in quite a few versions form 5 car test to the full 14 car passenger train. Whilst not cheap, it is seen as a 1 hit model as it is doubtful there will be a market after initial production to produce more models, and as such needs to cover its costs immediately. Having said that, it is fully featured with DCC, DCC sound (2 working power cars where necessary) directional lighting, carriage lighting, tilt, close coupling, through pick-ups, correct painted interior details etc. The design for the tilt mechanism is undergoing testing at the Chinese factory already, as is the multi pin through connector design. So things are moving one nicely. If you have yet to place an order, I would urge you to do so soon (remember the cost for the train will be spread over 4 payments), so as not to miss out on what will be part of UK model railway history. Crowdfunding of these models is well underway, and you can sign up via the Durham Trains of Stanley website. http://durhamtrainsofstanley.co.uk/my_store/ With more to come this year, and the delivery of some long awaited items, this should free up a lot of finance to help push the outstanding models (class 23, Q6, J94 etc in N, and the Hudswell Clarke etc in OO), however, there is always a slip between cup and lip, so no guarantees. I’ll sign off now with a repeat of my opener… please have a fantastic New Years, and I wish you and whoever you love, a healthy, fun and great 2018. Cheers Dave DJModels Ltd
  3. Just picked up my split box blue one from TMC. Had a play while I was there to test, and it’s lovely. Thoroughly recommended by me, get them while you can, and yes TMC have more in stock. Cheers Dave
  4. OO and N gauge APT-P Crowdfunding update Since this project was announced in N gauge at Warley 2017, and in OO a week later, we have been inundated by orders for each version we propose producing. Subsequently adding a shorter Black window surround version (set 003) to keep the balance of models ‘just right’, demand has been extremely encouraging. OO, as expected, leads the N gauge versions by a considerable margin but as Mick and Dave both model N we hope the N gauge one will get over the line with crowdfunding, but it will probably take a bit longer than the OO one to do so and as such we will monitor this accordingly. However, taking into account this is being written in only the 4th weekend since the announcement we are pleased with the response for both gauges. Updates will come as and when we have news, but for now, we have sourced the manufacturer for the train, specified motor type, drive system type, had basic designs made by Dave for the Tilting system, and for the electrical connections through the train. We are constantly refining details of the mechanism etc, and this refining will pay dividends for the model once tooling starts. As to the APT open day at Crewe? This will happen once we reach the figure required for Cad-Cam / tooling / production to start, and will be announced as and when. For those attending the Model Rail Scotland in early 2018 , please pop by the Durham Trains of Stanley stand and speak to Mick about the project, Dave will also try and make the weekend to give support. If you have ordered, thank you. If not and are thinking of doing so, please do, the project needs numbers to get across the line, and once there you will more than probably be one of a very select ownership club, as we do not envisage this model going into further production for model shop release at any time in the future, so you will have a very special model. All the best Christmas and New Year’s wishes to you all. Please note this is a DJM crowdfunding project and DJM will be invoicing, designing, and finally supplying the finished model and is therefore totally responsible for your investment. Also: Please Note: Any 'pure' crowdfunding venture is an investment with no guarantee of return, and your invested capital (deposit payments) are at risk. Please consider carefully whether you wish to partake in this venture before ordering. Mick Worrell (DToS) & Dave Jones (DJmodels Ltd)
  5. OO and N gauge APT-P Crowdfunding update Since this project was announced in N gauge at Warley 2017, and in OO a week later, we have been inundated by orders for each version we propose producing. Subsequently adding a shorter Black window surround version (set 003) to keep the balance of models ‘just right’, demand has been extremely encouraging. OO, as expected leads the N gauge versions by a considerable margin but as Mick and Dave both model N we hope the N gauge one will get over the line with crowdfunding, but it will probably take a bit longer than the OO one to do so and as such we will monitor this accordingly. However, taking into account this is being written in only the 4th weekend since the announcement we are pleased with the response for both gauges. Updates will come as and when we have news, but for now, we have sourced the manufacturer for the train, specified motor type, drive system type, had basic designs made by Dave for the Tilting system, and for the electrical connections through the train. We are constantly refining details of the mechanism etc, and this refining will pay dividends for the model once tooling starts. As to the APT open day at Crewe? This will happen once we reach the figure required for Cad-Cam / tooling / production to start, and will be announced as and when. For those attending the Model Rail Scotland in early 2018 , please pop by the Durham Trains of Stanley stand and speak to Mick about the project, Dave will also try and make the weekend to give support. If you have ordered, thank you. If not and are thinking of doing so, please do, the project needs numbers to get across the line, and once there you will more than probably be one of a very select ownership club, as we do not envisage this model going into further production for model shop release at any time in the future, so you will have a very special model. All the best Christmas and New Year’s wishes to you all. Mick Worrell (DToS) & Dave Jones (DJmodels Ltd)
  6. Hi, Then you’d be wrong, sorry. Cheers Dave
  7. Not sure this helps, but a damn good modelling aid, showing an overlay of modern progress over reddish depot.
  8. Isn’t the newer tunnel now devoid of any occupation from electrical stuff as I thought it had all been removed and the new tunnel was ‘free’ again? I apologise in advance if wrong, but looking at Dunford Bridge recently it’s just steel gates I believe.
  9. Nothing as yet I’m afraid. Mermaids still first’ish, then shark, then turbot, then road van although those ‘last’ 2 might swap depending on finances. Then the HUO will, I hope, fit nicely in there between shark and turbot/road van. HTH Cheers Dave
  10. Thanks mate, I think his mix will cover most peoples want / wish list. Although we could have done more versions ‘ lengths, it dilutes the ‘pool’ and the miq gets silly. This way at least most are covered, including yellow and black ends, and a mix of lengths. I believe that if this is to be a one hit deal (if it reaches crowdfunding levels) then it’s more probably it will never be repeated again, although as mentioned in a previous post i’d Like a single power car and coach to be able to do the 2 that ran in the RTC test train with the 252 powercar on the front. Cheers Dave
  11. Slightly confusing prose, but i hope you know what i meant ?
  12. N & OO gauge APT configuration, specification update 18th December 2017 N gauge APT thread OO gauge APT thread
  13. Hi everyone, Just to keep you up with things and to answer a few questions asked both here and on the N gauge section, i have spoken to DToS and we have, together finalised the set numbers, coach numbers within the set and specifications. The list for the sets is a long one as it labels each coach as an individual line, so the 14 cars set has 14 lines. Rather than block this up with the info i've attached it all to the posting as Word files and will do the same to my website in a few minutes. This info will also be posted in the N gauge APT section of RMweb in a minute Hope it helps answer a few questions and will 'fill in the gaps'. Please note i have changed 2 car set 007 to another to make the train less of a problem number wise, as pictures i have show 007 with the DTS and the Trailer Brake First, with a single car or 2 cars between those 2 coaches which remain unidentified (indeed that's assuming the TBF is indeed 007's mate which it might not be, so altering it is playing safe for us all. cheers Dave APT car typesV1 (2).pdf Durham Trains of Stanley Crowdfunded APT electric train project train configurationsV1 (1).pdf Durham Trains of Stanley OO & N specificationsV1 (1).pdf
  14. Hi everyone, Just to keep you up with things and to answer a few questions asked both here and on the N gauge section, i have spoken to DToS and we have, together finalised the set numbers, coach numbers within the set and specifications. The list for the sets is a long one as it labels each coach as an individual line, so the 14 cars set has 14 lines. Rather than block this up with the info i've attached it all to the posting as Word files and will do the same to my website in a few minutes. This info will also be posted in the N gauge APT section of RMweb in a minute Hope it helps answer a few questions and will 'fill in the gaps'. Please note i have changed 2 car set 007 to another to make the train less of a problem number wise, as pictures i have show 007 with the DTS and the Trailer Brake First, with a single car or 2 cars between those 2 coaches which remain unidentified (indeed that's assuming the TBF is indeed 007's mate which it might not be, so altering it is playing safe for us all. cheers Dave Durham Trains of Stanley Crowdfunded APT electric train project train configurationsV1 (1).pdf Durham Trains of Stanley OO & N specificationsV1 (1).pdf APT car typesV1 (2).pdf
  15. I can honestly say I’m not doing one, for myself, a crowdfunding or a third party. Personally i’d love one for myself.
  16. Kerosene castle huh? Interesting, and my lips are sealed But like buses, you wait for one...................then ........ perhaps?
  17. Yup, now required reading, that's for sure! Well done Simon, splendid job. Cheers Dave
  18. Hi Mate, I think Mick will be in a better position to answer this in full around Christmas once the magazines and releases are out in general circulation. That way there should be more of a surge that would be expected for such an announcement. Cheers Dave
  19. No, the lights wouldn’t be, as it would be lifted for being hauled. The rear end would have tail lights working though afaik, as there’s no lamp irons for a lamp that I know of. Obviously the lifted nose won’t have working lights, but will have a light unit fitted, hence the design stage now of brass wipers or plungers to give connectivity to them. It has to be discrete though, as you don’t want to see any ‘gubbins’ that shouldn’t be there. Cheers Dave
  20. No, the lights wouldn’t be, as it would be lifted for being hauled. The rear end would have tail lights working though afaik, as there’s no lamp irons for a lamp that I know of. Obviously the lifted nose won’t have working lights, but will have a light unit fitted, hence the design stage now of brass wipers or plungers to give connectivity to them. It has to be discrete though, as you don’t really want to see the contacts when the nose is raised. Cheers Dave
  21. Get your coat? You’ll need a sowester after that little lot. Lol Cheers Dave
  22. You’ll be wanting realistic piles of vomit too i’ll Bet. Lol Nothing cheesy like a sandwich (excuse the pun) , but I would like to model the drink bottles on the shelves in the buffet, and the guards ‘office’ detail etc. My way of thinking is this is our one chance (probably) to made this icon, so I’d like to make a landmark model, in detail, authenticity, running etc. At the moment we have a blank sheet of paper, surrounded by an ever growing set of scribbles and designs that will all come together for a pretty big brain storming session with DToS and you the customer. Maybe we do that at Crewe for the scanning party? Would be great to get as many like minded individuals as we can there and bat things back and forth. It won’t be a design by committee, but I guarantee we will listen and take on board everything, and maybe incorporate a few things too. Cheers Dave
  23. Don’t forget the red ‘APT’ legend too.
  24. The nose can be un-clipped as designed at present, however there’s a couple of engineering bits and bobs to get over first. One of the things I’ve noticed recently in new models of some limited edition models is that the mad trencher has had his shovel out on the model design. I’m looking for the nose on the APT to have a lot more ‘finess’ than that Moving back to the nose internals, the nose has the lights in in real life, and i’d Like to have the lights operational. So i’m Toying with the plug in nose having brass type connectors on it that touch an area on the front of the cab front bulkhead that has the buffers attached, and a plug in NEM pocket. Still playing with design ideas, and no doubt that this is on the list to accomplish. Cheers Dave
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