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Ian Morgan

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Posts posted by Ian Morgan

  1. So, track laying is now complete on the fiddle yard and one of the scenic boards:




    OK, it does not look like much, but there has been a lot going on below decks. It has a Merg DCC Command Station, servo operated points controlled by Merg CBUS modules, and point crossing switch modules that sense the signals going to the servos to operate the latching relays to switch frog polarity. This is not all, as I have not fitted the uncoupling magnet mechanisms yet, and some other electically operated items I am toying with.


    I took the fiddle yard and scenic board to the club Monday evening to complete the wiring and setting up, and trains ran for the very first time. I had one feed dropper wire detach itself from one rail, but apart from that, it ran pretty well. So, once the minor faults identified have been fixed, and the wiring tidied up with some cable ties, I can proceed with track laying on the other scenic board.




    There will then be a lot of test running before, and after, applying ballast. I want to get it all running smoothly before I start on the scenic work.


    For anyone interested, the wiring colour coding is:

    • blue and yellow - DCC track feeds
    • black - 0V for power supplies
    • purple - 15VDC from the mains power supply
    • red - 12VDC, derived from the 15V power supply via a 'buck' converter module
    • pink - frog droppers
    • green and white - CBUS CANH and CANL lines


    Servo leads are beyond my control, but fairly obvious as they are three wire ribbons.


    • Like 6
    • Informative/Useful 1
    • Craftsmanship/clever 1
  2. 6 hours ago, PatB said:

    Currently watching the prices of small van EVs come down, and availability improve, with a view to replacing our current diesel Scudo in about 3 years. The choice at the moment is between the Peugeot ePartner and the Renault Kangoo E-Tech. Either would do the job. The Kangoo is still a little pricey, but I note that it's currently possible to get an ex-demo Partner (still less than 1000km) for under $50k, which is starting to look somewhere near affordable. Hopefully pricing and choice will improve in the interim.



  3. Having panels split between east and west facing roofs, the maximum power generated is lower, but power will be generated over a longer part of the day than a south facing array.


    I don't know how the overall figures compare though.


    • Interesting/Thought-provoking 1
  4. Since assembling and painting the baseboards, I have been collecting and assembling the stuff I need for the next phase: track, point motors and electricals.

    • Plain track is EasiTrak code 40 bullhead rail inserted into plastic sleeper bases, supplied by the 2mm Scale Association
    • SR buffer stops are etched nickel-silver kits supplied by the 2mm Scale Association
    • points are EasiTrak B7 kits, produced by FiNeTraks for the 2mm Scale Association (a joy to assemble)
    • Servo mounts are Dingo Low Profile Mk2, required because the baseboards are quite shallow.
    • Electrics are Merg CBUS modules, salvaged from other projects.

    So, now I am ready to start laying track 🙂



    • Like 5
  5. Radio-therapy is now complete. Side effects are frequent and urgent calls of nature, and soreness when passing water and some diarrhea and flatulance. Curiously, I am often getting the wrong signals, an urgent need for a pee, but only a trickle comes out. I actually need to pass a motion instead.


    I have now been told that I am 'still cooking', so side effects could get worse over the next couple of weeks before they start subsiding.


    I was given a leaflet about food that could exacerbate the symptoms, and so should be avoided. Basically, it was anything spicey, anything dairy, anything with fibre content, caffeine or carbonated drinks. There was not much on the 'can have' side.


    Next week I get my next hormone injection, get bloods checked and pick up my next 4-week cycle of enzalutamide tablets.


    Apparently I can apply for a 'blue badge' to allow parking closer to toilets, if I want to. I don't feel the need just yet though.


    • Friendly/supportive 3
  6. 2 hours ago, Reorte said:

    Seen on the side of a van this morning:


    "No persons to be inside this vehicle while it is moving."


    So, my whole scout troop in the back of the van with the tents and gear going off to camp in the late 1960's was a no-no then?

    • Like 3
    • Funny 2
  7. I had a thoroughly enjoyable day. Long queue on arrival, but we were through the door at 09:30 as it moved quickly once the doors were opened.


    OK, the big layout was obviously having major problems all day, maybe today will be better for them. But it was well worth the trip for the quality of the other layouts, many from northern parts that I would not get to see otherwise. I also appreciate the fine modelling skills of the other disciplines on show, and spent lots of time viewing them. I do prefer the diarama's to just planes sitting on a table though. The big RC trucks are also entertaining to watch.


    The prime mover for the trailer with the class 37 on was also an exhibit, polished and emmaculate for a 2017 number plate.


    The entrance queue passed the NECs mobility centre with lots of mobility scooters, presumeably for hire, but it was a long walk from the station to get to it.



  8. Now half way through my 4 weeks of radio-therapy. Bit tired, but having naps in the taxi. Also, memory is playing up more - forgetting a name or a word and needing ten or fifteen minutes concentration to recall it.


    Needing to go to the loo more urgently, and more frequently, and when I do pass urine, it feels sore, and sometimes the flow and/or volume is low despite the urgency.


    Constipation has changed to diarrhea this week, to add to the fun.


    Once the radio-therapy is complete, the hormone/chemo will continue, along with the 4-weekly blood tests.


    Apparently, I have to wait for 3 months after the radio-therapy before the next PET scan to find out if it was all successful.


    • Friendly/supportive 8
  9. 4 hours ago, Oldddudders said:

    What impresses me is that instead of wallowing, you are embarking on a new layout with ambitions to show it overseas. Some of us should take good note!


    As I keep saying, I feel absolutely fine and if I had not had the PSA test and diagnosis, I probably would still not know anything was wrong with me. All the minor niggles I have to put up with (hot flushes, tiredness, etc) are just side effects of the hormone and chemo-therapy.



    • Friendly/supportive 4
  10. So that is the first two sessions under my belt (not that you can wear a belt, or much else down there when undergoing the treatment).


    Apart from the logistical difficulties of achieving an empty bowel and a full bladder in conjunction with a one hour taxi ride, the treatment is simple, just lie still on a plank for 15 minutes while the machinery moves around you, then dash to the loo and get the taxi home again.


    The first session took a little longer as they tried to get my positioning correct using the CT scanner. This involved tipping the 'bed' 8 degrees to the left which was a bit alarming. Talking of alarms, the monthly fire alarm test happened during this. It was pretty loud, and caught everyone by surprise because of the bank holiday on Monday making everyone forget it was a Tuesday. They were still not happy, and had to repeat the CT scanning until they were certain they were on target.


    The radio-therapy was quicker than the preparation.


    No noticeable side effects yet, but as I said, they can be culmulative, so may show up next week or the week after.


    • Friendly/supportive 10
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