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Chris Heighton

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Status Replies posted by Chris Heighton

  1. Hmm. Shorts or long trousers?

  2. Oho! A week off beckons! Now to see what this "Real Life" is that everyone is going on about.

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      I'm not entirely familiar with the concept myself, but I forsee a sea voyage from Lancashire and several 3-foot gauge Beyer, Peacocks.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Well, that's me holidays booked. Of to the Hartz mountains for ten days of culture, sun fine German wines and lots of steam engines! Roll on July 20th!

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      I think the Eurostar folks may be a little suspect of the grumbling luggage.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Warning according to the cucumber your sausage requires updated drivers, please insert bacon to continue

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Device <Butty> not found. Please re-insert bacon and press any key to continue.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  5. Ask yourselves this, rail users: Would YOU travel on a railway that allows ME to be a COSS?!

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Trying to be glib about it. I finally passed my COSS exam! (Just in time for it to be replaced by Safe Work Leader)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Curse you, Network Rail! That was I grade 2-listed beard I had to shave off!

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      The thing is, my work usually doesn't take me near the HOBC. Ah well, Just enough time to grow it back in time for Christmas.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hey Tyneside, I'm fixing your Metro. You're welcome.

  8. Today I are mostly been condemning sidings.

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Hartlepool Pipe Mill. The exchange sidings and internal network have not had any real money spent on them in years, so are slowly falling to pieces. As part of a fortnightly inspection, we decided that some of the sidings were so bad that they should be taken out of service immediately.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Has had a brilliant day at day 1 of the NYMR spring gala

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Nope, can't find any trace of smut here. Who are you and where is the real Boris?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. I don't think there's such thing as a stupid question on RMweb. This subject is just too vast to know everything. But asking a question and then arguiing with the person who answers it, now that's stupid.

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      It's because the answer you're giving them and the answer they require aren't necessarily the same thing...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. BONG!!!

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Mrs Boris hitting you with the frying pan again?

  12. how stupid are people, 2 individuals complained they were "nearly hit by a train" today after following their "smartphone" GPS thorugh a railway tunnel.

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      That's the thing with these fancy new smart 'phones: you have to trade in your brain to get one.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Important lessons learned on the Tanfield Railway, No. 46: Don't go for a massive chinese buffet the night before you have to spend all day inside an enclosed firebox!

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Well, let's just say it's a tight squeeze through the Austerity's firehole door, and it was just as well that there were no naked lights in the shed!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. Guard training again tomorrow on the Tanfield... Should be my last turn before they give me a passing out run!

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Well, that was fun, certainly learned a thing or two today!

  15. Off to York MRS this Sunday with my secret stash of savings. Massive Spending Ahoy!!

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Well worth the 200 mile round trip, plus it coincides with my Dad's birthday. Handy trip out!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. I thought &mm to the Foot was a good scale to work in; then I spent today doing trackwork in 12" to the foot scale. Much more fun!

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Hello Mr. ampersand, how did you get in there? Of course, I meant "7mm".

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. loves you all very much and wants a hug.

  18. ###### ###### ######

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      I thought I warned you to stay off the hash!


      I'll get me coat...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. has spent a productive day painting the frames on a box van.

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Sounds fun. Better than sitting in a grounded 12ton van body, opening crossing gates all day.

  20. has just got back from A&E after his wife tried to swallow a sack barrow. What she did was so implausable that they've accused me of hitting her, you've got to love the nanny state.

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Trust me, if he'd tried to hit Mrs Boris, *He* would be the one in A&E!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  21. It doesn't have to be like this - all we have to do is make sure we keep talking.

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      It was the same phrase used by Pink Floyd in the song "Keep Talking" of the album "Division Bell"

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. Seriously considering an 'N' gauge shunting layout after seeing a Farish 03in action

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Don't think I'm quite ready to build finescale track just yet, although it's a lovely thought.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Yup, its November, the Christmas adverts are now on telly in force. BUMHUG!!!!!

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      There must be a recession on: normally they start the first week of October!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  24. Chris has a sad: His favorite pub is closing next weekend...

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      The annoying thing is it is a good, profitable pub; they are pulling it down so lorries can turn into the new supermarket more easily!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  25. Working unfitted freight is fun!

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Sorry, strictly 12 inches-to-the-foot scale!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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