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Tony Davis

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Everything posted by Tony Davis

  1. I bought a wagon plate from a local chap who had fished it out of the local river (Nene). I would like to know how I can find out more about the wagon it was attached to, I know it was made by charles roberts, but that is about it. I have tried entering the numbers into google but no joy. Photo attached. Regards Tony
  2. Thanks Ian, I will wait for the item to arrive and see what size it is. Tony
  3. Is this the article? I notice Chris credits Allan Downes with the discovery http://nevardmedia.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/pva-water-allan-downes-way.html Tony
  4. Thanks Ian, looks good. I have also ordered the cheap chinese version, the wiring looks the same as the one that Luke Towan used. If it doesn't work I will buy the Australian one as all the other parts are the same. I have also found a polish version on ebay that has an higher Kw output but I don't know if that would make a significant difference. Can I ask what diameter pipe you used? Luke Towan used 50mm but I wondered if I could get away with a smaller diameter, I suppose it will depend on how big the neg ion unit is. Regards Tony
  5. Did you honestly think there would be any other outcome?
  6. Thanks Nick & Ted, I'll be getting those.
  7. Thanks Ian, was it the Oatley Electronics Negative Ion Generator? regards. Tony
  8. I bought editions 0 - 138 from ebay for £67.00 inc postage and, having flicked through, am extemely impressed with the content. I see that there are compendiums also available and wondered if the content differed from the periodicals or if they are "best of" articles? Enlightenment welcomed. regards Tony
  9. Mine came today as well, although it wasn't until about 13:00, AND - I beat the dogs to the door so the package was unadorned with Staffie teeth holes! Yes!!
  10. No subscription copy here in sunny Guyhirne as yet, maybe the pony has gone lame again. I did get the Exact Editions online copy though so I do get to read it.
  11. I think you mean Arras The end of the line, it's a WW1 NG layout IIRC, I think it was at Peterborough last time I went.
  12. German satellite video and Radio 5 live audio?
  13. Thanks Stephen, I have had (in my eyes) fairly good results with 2mm grass using an home build flyswatter device but I want to start using longer grasses and also a fairly larger area so I think, from reading your response, that I will build a negative ion based tool. I take your point about the different shaped nozzles and, to be honest, I enjoy building this sort of thing. regards Tony
  14. I have built one of the flyswatter based static grass applicators and, having seen instructions for building a negative ion based applicator, wondered if they were an improvement worth the effort of building?
  15. Thanks John, I live in the Fens so quite a bit of fine silt which would do the job, also saves me buying the fine brown ballast that I have been watching on Ebay......
  16. Doesn't just replace "Well" or, as I noticed some American friends saying "Why"?
  17. I have seen this technique mentioned elsewhere, and I thought it was recommended that the earth be baked first, is that actually necessary, or just belt and braces?
  18. I've been following this thread with some interest as, 3 weeks ago, I attended my local model railway club for the first time. I am inclined to work alone quite happily and usually prefer to do so as a matter of course, so going along to a club was not without reservation. I was able to attend for 3 nights before I had to decide whether or not to join and have to pay membership. Last night I made that commitment as what I found the club to be was; friendly, welcoming, inspirational and accepting. I have learned a great deal already and it has definitely upped my modelling output at home. As to why I joined a club, well, I had reached the limit of my knowledge and wanted to learn from others, I know that there is a wealth of experience on this board and have always had helpful replies no matter which question I asked, but there is nothing like the opportunity to watch others and question them about what they are doing, also to be able to have a real time discussion about whatever it is that I need to know at the time. I am also enjoying the social side a great deal too.
  19. Rhyl made me ill, I did yearn for Guyhirn

  20. Don't bogart that joint, my friend. Little Feat
  21. It's not great Phil, I'm working from a scan taken from the Branchlines to Upwell book. I am tempted to visit Wisbech museum to have a look at the original drawings. I had made a model of one of the depot offices and wanted a model of the waiting room, and it the depot office model that it looks too large against. I measured the door on the depot office and it is within 1mm so it is probably just an appearance thing. Tony
  22. I did do that Ray, and it did work out. The door comes out at 13mm which I reckon to be just over 6', so that's about right. Thanks for the reply, I need to go back and have another look at my model. Regards, Tony
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