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Tony Davis

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Everything posted by Tony Davis

  1. If I have a drawing scaled at 2mm to the foot, and want to print it at 4mm to the foot, I just print at twice the original size, right? Only it looks too big. Trouble is I don't have any measurements on the drawing to calculate, and the original building is long since knocked down, Thanks Tony
  2. Of course he isn't worth it, it's a massive amount of money and could be far better spent on other things., and not just because I find him irritating. I don't believe any individual in the publc funded sector should be paid that kind of money. In the case of individuals who are paid by attendances and, for example, record sales, then the public decides by virtue of ticket sales etc, but the BBC gets the money anyway and we have no say.
  3. You are joking right? They carry on as if it is the most important news ever.
  4. If you do find it, please post a link on here. Thanks Tony
  5. I listen to an internet radio station, True Blues, just music and no talking. I find the inane chatter of most D.J's to be intensely irritating. Apart from Ken Bruce when Pop Master is on, but then I don't do modelling when Pop Master is on.
  6. King of the Mountain - Katherine Bush
  7. so, if you are modelling and you need to pee but are thinking "I'll just do this bit first then go", well if the the bit you are doing is changing a scalpel blade, then always, always go for a pee first, because you will hurry and stick the blasted scalpel blade into your finger and bang goes any modelling for the evening...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      I lost a couple of weeks of modelling time last year to a knife-related injury, so you have my sympathy.

    3. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      Didn't get any sympathy from the wife either, "that will teach you!" - Well thankyou Florence-bloody-Nightingale!

    4. Liam


      Pity it's not November, then you could have said the pin for your poppy pronged your thumb and made it bleed - happened to me last year.

  8. Oi!! Leave BBC 4 alone! There are some very good programmes on that channel and I wish it would go full time. Great music channel and interesting documentaries, so hands off.
  9. Not a tennis fan, but SWMBO is, and she is saying the same thing; WHY!!!!.
  10. Set the controls for the heart of the sun - Pink Floyd
  11. Thanks for the info, Stephen, and the tips about embroidery wool are useful too. regards, Tony
  12. Finally got around to buying some 6mm grass mixture, and tonight I tested out the applicator, bearing in mind this is my first try,and that the glue still needs to dry, I am quite pleased with the results. One thought, the fly swatter I based it on uses 2 AA batteries, and I note that other builders have swatters that use 9v batteries, would I be better off building a mark 2 with the higher power battery, or would it make next to no difference?
  13. How much is that doggy in the window - Patti Page
  14. Good Times, Bad Times - Led Zeppelin
  15. Is it going to rain or not, make up your bl**dy mind!!

    1. Liam


      No clue, I'm on my travels in Europe.

  16. Andrew P! I'm shocked and horrified at such a scurrilous attack! Although I was thinking exactly the same thing :-)
  17. I had exactly the same problem and, after trying a few, settled on Bose QuietComfort 15. They are noise cancelling and realy work for me. I can't hear the hum of the engines at all. I also wear them at home when SWMBO is watching one of her programmes. I'm not sure if there is a newer model but, as I say, these work for me. HTH Tony (Edited for spelling, eyes too old to type on an iPhone)
  18. HI, I'm trying to find out details of the workings at Wisbech Harbour. I was wondering if records that the sheds kept of the day to day workings were available. I'm interested in March 31B. Thanks Tony
  19. Little by little - Gregg Allman
  20. Loan me a dime - Boz Scaggs & Duane Allman
  21. The Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys - Traffic
  22. My Father's Eyes - Eric Clapton
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