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Everything posted by newdecade1986

  1. @frobisher Hence the "d" part being in quotation marks. I certainly don't reasonably expect to see Farish doing subclasses beyond the non-AC/AC distinction any time in the foreseeable future. If the only alternative is dredging ebay for the ancient printed side coaches, when everything else for a push-pull rake exists in relatively recent form, I can't imagine the average modeller being stubborn enough to turn down a brand new offering over nitpicks. There aren't sliding door toolings for Dapol's MK3s either but that didn't stop KMS Railtech commissioning the Inter7city sets.
  2. What are the odds of Mk2"d"s in Scotrail blue stripe appearing any time soon, to sit between the DBSOs and BG/Mk2a sets that still don't appear to have sold out everywhere yet? Seems like the sort of thing a retailer might be willing to take an exclusive punt on.
  3. @Sitham Yard Fair enough, thanks for the report. Seemed like the whole idea was just about plausible enough to make it worth a punt - glad I didn't go for it. These modules do however look like a great solution so no doubt some alternate scheme will present itself.
  4. Thanks Andrew, if you get the chance to do a full test fit to confirm it would be hugely appreciated! You've got what I was thinking.
  5. Oddly specific question: is there room in a 77L box to put two BB029 sets, one placed upside down such that the two together essentially form a cuboid, or does one alone fit in too snugly? A spare 3 or 4mm on each side should be enough? Got a couple of layout ideas that might work if a second fiddle yard module could be squeezed in.
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