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Blog Entries posted by Gilly

  1. Gilly
    Its been a while since I last posted
    Marsh Green Road TMD was exhibited at the 2013 EXE MRS show with all new scenery and was a great success with only a few niggles found again with the points,

    as this is being written I am replacing/repairing the points so they are more reliable for this years show along with adding more items to the scenery.
  2. Gilly
    Marsh Green Road TMD was on show at the 2012 EXE MRS Show held on the 23rd and 24th of June and performed brilantly on its first outing with no electrical faults atall only problems there were incountered was the SMP hand made points playing up now and then causing a few derailments.
    Since the show i have gone from layout building etc and decided to go back to modeling as due to work comitments and holiday plans means i'll be taking a break till the end of September and starting up again in October and using the winter months in the shed i will be carrying on from where left off hours before friday seting up.
    Sadly i was unable to take any pictures of the layout all set up as was to busy playing trains and assisting other EXE MRS club members if any one was at the show who took any pictures or have any comments please feel free to contact me.
  3. Gilly
    With the track almost finshed (ran out of lenghts) i have now started the wiring for the layout with the link wires for each track and the points be addresed first as the final isolating sections have yet to be decided.



    Over the next 2 weeks i plan to finish the track and progress with the wiring and add lights to the shed area.
  4. Gilly
    The baseboards are now all ready to be bolted together, they have been painted white and not greay as intended due to there being leftover white from decorating to help save a littel cost.
    I have decided to use m8 bolts and nuts to hold the boards together as this is a cheep and easy to use, using 2 per board this should give a strong hold while its being used.
    Clamped in place befor drilling.
    The legs that have come from the EXE MRS www.exemrs.co.uk will not be attached to the layout as the layout will just sit on the legs over the joints to give added suport.
    Once i have decided what height i should have the layout (any ideas or advice grately recived) i will be laying the track in place.

    The first piece of track has been layed and pinned in place at the top of the layout as you look at the picture.
  5. Gilly
    Update the baseboards are now built. They have had cork applied to the top of 3 of the boards as the 4th board will be used as the fiddle yard using a casset system.
    Once the PVA glue has dried i will paint the top of the cork grey and then i will drill the boards so they can be bolted together and drill holes to carry the wires. Once painted i will start laying the track in place lightly pinned untill it is balisted.


  6. Gilly
    This blog is going to be about how iam building my layout and what problems i may face and have to over come.
    Its set in the 1980s to mid 90's on a fictious area of the western region (EXETER) and what could have been built if there was not a industrial estate built.
    The layout plans to be a 4 track coved shed with fuel, wash and departmental faciltys with scratch built, kit built, and ready to run items used to create the layout and with SMP track being used.
    As i progress with the layout i will update this and inclued photos. Curently the layout is still in the planning stage and just awaiting more timber to bulid the basebords 16ft x 2ft is the total size planed. Hopfully in the next few weeks the planning will be finished and construction will begin.

    UPDATE 08/01/2012
    Final plan as been decided now just waiting on the timber to be delivered and then the baseboard construction can begin and the next stage of the layout can begin. More pictures added.
  7. Gilly
    Its been a while since i have been able to work on the layout due to decorating the house but in the last 2 weeks i have fitted all 14 point motors and completed all the wiring with the exception of the control pannel.
    The layout will be be on display at the EXE MRS annual exabition on the 23rd and 24th of June 2012 at The Matford Centre Marsh Barton Exeter ( see website for more details www.exemrs.co.uk ) as a work in progress with some basic sceneary but touch wood fully operational.


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