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Paul Cram

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Posts posted by Paul Cram

  1. I have to disagree that this is a North Eastern engine. The Thompson one was hardly in the North East and the rest were built by British Rail.

  2. The Branchlines frames have a much better outline. The motion is a bit too chunky, though, so you can use the Comet valve gear fret instead. Also beware the Branchlines cast crossheads - they are generic and not easy to work with.

    Thanks for that, I'll look at mixing the comet parts for the motion as these are already built.

  3. Hi Morgan, thanks for that but I have already assembled them. It was when I came to fit the exactoscale hornblocks that the cut out size became apparent. I have acquired a set of Branchlines frames from ebay and I am considerer binning the comet ones and using these. This is partly why I haven't progressed this further yet.

  4. No the V2 is on the back burner. Having cut out the hornblocks in the comet frames I now find that they are too deep as well as being too wide. I have corrected the width with strips of brass and now need to do the same with the tops.At that point I was contemplating a new set of frames and starting again. Other things have than taken priority not least progressing the layout for which a V2 is wrong.

  5. It has been awhile since I updated this thread. Having purchased a High Level J72 chassis at the weekend I have been putting it together. Frames and Hornblocks now assembled so just the valve gear and brakes to add. Lovely crisp etch and has gone together well.

  6. Well in respect of North Eastern Prototypes we couldn't be better served. Arthur is expanding his range of Etched kits and Dave Alexander is expanding his whitemetal range although I believe some parts are now etched. London Road Models seems to continue to add to the range. I don't build models very quickly so I have enough to keep me going for a long while yet but there is no rush as for me the pleasure is in seeing the model emerge form the flat metal or castings.

  7. How will you become intolerant given that Hornby are the only manufacturers and supply will be limited?[/quote

    If you have been following this thread,you will have noted that my comments are NOT specifically relevant only to this particular release but more generally to retailers ....not only Hattons....who have been taking orders for new Hornby items which they do not fulfil,either because they over subscribe on their known allocation or because Hornby are short on delivery for reasons best known to themselves.There have been many postings on this forum from members who have had their orders,given in good faith,cancelled because the retailer is unable to supply.This has been the situation for well over a year,starting with the release of the 2-BIL..In my own case,Hattons cancelled my order abruptly and following that a second retailer took the order and then after further enquiry on my part admitted that he 'didn't know' if he would be able to fulfil it. Hence I "went elsewhere".

    Asking the question "how will I become intolerant ?" Is a bit like asking if I look both ways before I cross the road. Yes,you bet I do.Furthermore that is my choice and no one else's.

    That doesn't answer the question so do I presume you will not be buying any more Hornby models as it is not just the P2 for which there is no RTR alternative?

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  8. Which is no consolation whatsoever to the punter who has saved his hard-earned pennies ,ordered in good faith and come away with broken promises.Business model notwithstanding,it is far better to get the model you have actually ordered,rather than be treated with cynical disregard

    I think we are far too tolerant of this kind of nonsense....we are the consumers when all is said and done and not business analysts.

    How will you become intolerant given that Hornby are the only manufacturers and supply will be limited?

  9. I agree with you 100% on the satisfaction of building something point. I purchased a couple of Hornby Gresley suburbans in teak and they are very good models.. I won't be buying any more as I found that the pleasure of owning them was less then the Kirk equivalents that I built myself. In some ways I am fortunate that I model in P4 as this reduces the temptation to buy ready to run as usually there is a lot of work just to convert them. Whether I rewheel the Hornbys or not remains to be seen but I am in no hurry as I need to widen the clearance to get P4 wheels in. It may be easier to replace the bogies.

  10. I use an Antex 18w iron and the trick is not to touch the iron on the white metal. If soldering 2 white metal parts together I just touch the solder on the joint and lrt it flow down the joint. You can hold the iron there quite a long time without melting the casting. If soldering to brass make sure the brass is tinned and then only put the iron on the brass..

  11. The problem is that nobody really makes the essential detailing parts any more.....unless you know somebody.

    i haven't looked into it closely. Brassmasters do a detailing kit for the A4. Would need a chime whistle but a comet chassis and Gibson wheels. I have a portescap motor in stock so for less than a Hornby great gathering price it is possible to have a P4 A4. This is also cheaper than converting my bargain Commonwealth of Australia using an Easichas/gibson conversion.

  12. The obvious problem is that what is on offer appears to be a range of dumbed-down (probably laser-scanned) copies of models that have already been done better (and often, to death) by others. I hope nobody is holding their breath waiting for any surprises.



    Maybe so but if you are modelling in P4 it is a good starting point as you are not having to pay for a chassis and wheels that aren't required.

  13. Just had an email to tell me my preordered Knight of the Grand Cross (ordered Jan 2013) "is likely" to appear on or after 14th of June !

    Hornby , you really are taking the P#ss now !!!!

    Presumably you will be cancelling your order then?

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