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Paul Cram

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Everything posted by Paul Cram

  1. I always assumed that horse boxes were for carrying horses not being pulled by them.
  2. It was a 7 plank wagon. I have one to finish adding brake levers to. I would be interetsed in a couple more.
  3. Dave Bradwell's J27 and J39 chassis and possible oyjers of his. 52F also does fol up chassis
  4. Please add me tp the waiting list for an F8 kit.
  5. The Gearge Norton kit was oeiginally an 07 models kit. I purchased one from them at Expo EM at Paddington in the early 80s. I did get an etch for the boiler off Gearge when he took over the kits as the oringinal boiler was a turend brass and difficult to solde the firebox sides to.
  6. Where do you apply code? Gift card says not found.
  7. Birchwood Casey do Brass black for use on brass.
  8. The K was Lens wife at the time Kay. When they got divirced Len changed it to C for Chris his eldest son. The chairs were developed by Len and the East London Area group of the S4 society. They were originally for P4 but when Alan Gibson got involved he wanted then for all 4mm scales. Exacroscale was a later project after Len sold C&L to John Pottinger.
  9. Yes. It appears every time I select a topic.
  10. Why does this appear every time I click on something?
  11. No The numbers for 1926 are: 77 & 15 1927 64 & 9 1928 46 & 7 1929 31 & 6. 1923 184 & 25
  12. The figures quoted were taken from the LNER supplement to the carriage stock book of 1919 annotated in pencil as Asst Mechanical engineer Darlington
  13. There were 9 daigarm 15 third class 6 wheelers 32' and 4 34'342 withdrawn in 1930. There was 1 diagram 68 first 32' withdrawn the same year. With the exception of several first and 3rd saloons these were the last NER 6 wheelers.
  14. I have measured the oo spacers on the LRM D23 kit that I am currently building and they are 13mm wide. Thye J5 spacers are 12mm on the test etches.
  15. Yes this was a Paul Craig design which I test built for LRM
  16. The back to back isn't fixed. I can't remember what I set it to as I normally model in P4. I think I used 14.5mm. The distance between the splashers is 23.4mm
  17. Hi Jonathon Om the test build the frames over the bearings measures 13.3mm. I used gibson wheels.
  18. I was a stewrad at the MRJ exhibition and yes it was packed. The other layout that was a once only affair was South Shields. As an North Eastern modeller that was an attraction for me.
  19. That hasn't worked for me on any page since the wor pop up started.
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