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Everything posted by J-Lewis

  1. The Duchess and Class 66 test shots were both in the TT display case at Warley today. The 66 was assembled as Evening Star and looked fantastic, really superbly detailed. I did grab some photos but didn’t focus properly due to the glass cabinet.
  2. I could see Rapido dipping a toe into the market. They’ve already teased the idea of doing a 3mm model a few years back, plus they helped promote the TT scale MTB SW1200 when that was released. I’d wager we won’t need to wait five years to see another entrant into UK TT. My bet would be two years at the outside, maybe even sooner.
  3. Yes exactly. It’s almost certainly going to be wagons and coaches before we see a loco from another manufacturer, there are so many opportunities to generate sales without needing the expense of the electronics and mechanicals needed for a loco. Although I could see a European manufacturer using existing mechanisms to create a UK loco if they have the right wheelbase. MTB for example, have some locos which are suitable for conversion as Lincoln bodies, so they might be a good candidate for bringing a loco to market.
  4. Revolution wagons are great, if I still modelled OO I’d definitely have picked some up. Hopefully they will step into the TT market. Those Twin CargoWaggons would surely be a good choice for a TT version given their additional European sales potential. I’d love to see their VEA vans converted over too. Revolution would be a real boon to the scale.
  5. Tillig do a ferry van style wagon that is usually available cheaply on eBay. Not 100% certain it’s a UK loading gauge but it’s a nice enough model considering it’s usually around £10. There are two of them in this eBay job lot right now: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/196070757860?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=7NGT9XstTyC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=zsrDRh0US3e&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY This thread on suitable continental wagons here might also be of interest
  6. Class 66 part look good. Will be interesting to see if there are price differences between the continent and British versions. Would be hard to justify, but certainly UK outline seems a bit cheaper than the usual European TT prices? Not sure if there has been a confirmed release date for either of those locos but certainly looks like they are both on track for the summer?
  7. MTB recently reissued their SW1200 switcher and they are apparently considering a second US loco and another freight car.
  8. It occurs to me that this LNER set might be the first example of coaches that are set specific? So if you wanted a full length train of LNER MK3’s it wouldn’t be possible to create it? (Assuming the set has only two or three coaches) you’d need to purchase multiple sets to get a longer train, which not many people would be willing to do, unless LNER livery is also due to be released as standalone items.
  9. No you are right, it’s LNER I misremembered :) At least I was right about it not being BR Blue and Grey . Interesting that LNER is not a livery listed for the HST individual packs? Which suggests the sets might have unique liveries. I wonder if the Mainline Express set might feature something unique also? If it’s a full blue Class 50 I will be sorely tempted.
  10. Unfortunately no BR Blue Set, it’s only a GWR version. However Hornby have made a few bundles over the past year with the various steam locos, coaches and track etc. so maybe they will do a BR blue bundle at some point.
  11. Yes it’s definitely a strange choice of brake. The standard brake van would have seemed like a more obvious choice. Apparently there is suggestion that the TT and 00 range are sharing research/design elements, so the Toad E was chosen because the 00 version is getting upgraded at the same time.
  12. Apparently after the success of their recent SW1200 re-run MTB are planning a new TT wagon and a new TT locomotive for US outline TT:120.
  13. You are in luck. There is a GWR HST set due to be released in the new year, also a Mainline Express diesel set which hasn’t been content confirmed yet, but is expected to feature either the Class 50 or the Class 47.
  14. Can’t take it with them. So those models will hit the second hand market at knock down prices.
  15. So many duplicates in the 00 market these days, it’s hard to see how it is sustainable. I also wonder about so many thousands of second hand 00 locos coming onto the market due to demographic changes, and if you can pick up a decent early 90’s loco for £30 why pay £130 for a brand new one that’s essentially the same model from any manufacturer? Even these new £300 premium locos aren’t exactly offering good value. There can’t be many people buying multiple Accurascale locos, it’s got to be a special purchase at that price surely? Hornby have the right idea with TT, a scale they can ‘own’ at least in part, and an untapped market where they will have the only Class 37 etc. for the foreseeable and provided the prices remain reasonable they will no doubt continue to grow that market.
  16. Im sure I read that the new head of marketing is ex-Lego, so that would seem to bode well for future marketing efforts. We shall see what happens I guess.
  17. Hornby seem to be aiming for the level of decent quality at a reasonable price, and aiming to maximise return. Their range includes a good spread of different price options, including some higher end models and a fair number of legacy products at decent prices. These new products like TT and HM7000 decoders are particularly keenly priced, I’m paying less than half what I’m used to for sound decoders and the performance is great. I suspect that even if Hornby did bring a super detailed Accurascale style loco to market those same internet naysayers would find something to gripe about. Ultimately at the end of the day it’s just a hobby and these are all toys (even the £300 ones). It might be better to buy a £125 sound fitted ex-Lima Hornby Railroad class 47 than a £300 Accurascale one. Especially given the depreciation on expensive models once played with or weathered. Heck even a £30 second hand Lima might be a better purchase. The gimmicks like sprung buffers and rotating exhaust fans etc. just seem to have given rise to a breed of collectors rather than modellers imo.
  18. Yes but what difference does that make? It seems to be a dislike of the scale rather than the manufacturer? I reckon @Ravenser may have the right idea with the reply earlier in the thread.
  19. No doesn’t seem to be any truth to it. If anything the TT range is missing out on sales due to a lack of manufacturing capacity. Many of the TT locos and sets have sold out several times over, and the later phase models are running approx six months late. I’m not aware of any evidence the OO range has suffered because of TT. Seems to just be a case of some OO centric folks resenting the new scale. Not clear why they don’t appear to hate on O gauge or N gauge in the same way. It’s weird.
  20. Well hopefully you will fill the gap for a TT scale Hudswell? O Gauge is too big for my layout room :)
  21. If you are active on this forum I’m sure the Class 66 will be mentioned when it is released. You’re safe to block Hornby emails now :)
  22. I expect the new changes at the top of marketing and the new manager will be at least part of the reason why the information has been scarce. The Hornby website, and particularly the TT section hasn’t been updated for quite some time (it’s still promoting the diorama competition that ended a month ago). I suspect there are changes going behind the scenes and we are about to see the results. It’s already been hinted at by the new head of marketing. My money is on a Lego style release schedule, shorter ‘seasons’ and less lead time. So we get a lot more hype around whichever model is ‘current’ and then move on to the next one. We may already be seeing this with the marketing focus on the Class 50, but because it had been teased so much since launch it feel like repetition rather than hype?
  23. It was mentioned as just finishing the design phase in an interview from two or three months ago. Still seems to be in Phase 4 but no dates given yet. If the phases are indeed each lasting twelve months then that would put the 9F as late 2026. Hopefully it’s not too far away as I’m also very keen to get one :)
  24. My carton was the same. It looks like 700+ of each set per run. Anecdotally we know of at least six deliveries so approximately 4000-5000 sets sold in twelve months? Possibly a lot more. Then there are the various bundles and individual locos, several of which are also out of stock. So sales seem healthy so far, and judging from forum posts there seems to be a lot of pent up demand for new models too.
  25. We are just entering phase 2 now. So running late. There is a GWR HST set due April but the Blue & Grey is only available as separate items. Currently it looks like the phases are shaking out as one per year, so phase 3 due thru 2025 and phase 4 in 2026? A lot will become clearer when we see the new catalogue updates (possibly at Warley?)
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