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Everything posted by Icknieldrobin

  1. I could use a couple of 'Through to the Continent' sets please. No's immaterial Thanks in advance Doug
  2. I've just posted a note on another thread about Ross on Wye and I thought here was also an appropriate place to make reference to Neil Parkhouse’s highly informative book entitled West Gloucestershire & Wye Valley Lines [iSBN 9781899889 76 1] Lightmoor Publications as no reference has been made to date on this string. It is packed with colour photographs and detailed commentary for each image and with 279 pages of colour photos of Gloucestershire in the early ‘60’s it was an absolute must for me. I understand there are 4 more editions planned on various parts of Gloucestershire so that's Christmas sorted for the next 4 years at least!!! I should point out have no connections with Lightmoor other than being a very satisfied customer. I worked in the Forest of Dean for two years in the late 1990's and found the many derelict railway lines a constant distraction when out in the car visiting clients. Doug
  3. The Bricks are, I believe, destined for the Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Railway where they will be used to rebuild Broadway station buildings.
  4. Dave The good news from this update is your reference to we are not producing any more until the next batch around late this year / early next, and these will be different product codes and names/numbers. I have spoken to my local model shop this morning who have told me they have insufficient to meet their orders..expect a call tomorrow!!. Patience is said to be a virtue so I'll save my pennies and await the second batch. Maroon SYFP please. Doug
  5. Sheen please Dave, gloss always looks out of scale in 4mm.
  6. From the same site and a couple of images along http://www.flickr.com/photos/55184015@N00/85281224/in/photostream/ This seems to confirm the roof panels were grey. Doug
  7. Thanks for the clarification......I'll give them a try. Thanks
  8. Great modelling...... I love the simplicity allied to the realistic decline in the wagon paintwork .....sorry to go back to the starfish but can you tell me who manufactures the 3 link couplings and more importantly the hooks you use. The hooks appears to have a larger 'mouth' than some I've seen before and whilst my eyesight is reasonable I'd like to avoid automatic couplings on my layout if possible Thanks in advance
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