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Everything posted by railwayrod

  1. Hi David. What more can I say that has not been said before. Fantastic job. Rod
  2. Thanks gentlemen for your kind comments on my layout which continues to develop albeit very slowly just lately. Dont forget you have an invitation to visit the layout if you ever come down to Torquay - another excuse for a "play" I will post the photos of Peters othe loco over the weekend. Rod
  3. Nice work Giles. It is coming along fine. Rod
  4. A visitor to Ramchester. This afternoon our cameraman captured another rare sight at Ramchester. This time in the form of a Great Western Prairie locomotive which had somehow wandered off its usual metals and travelled to the far North West and found itself at Ramchester station. Here are a few photos which our intrepid cameraman managed to shoot of this strange event. Leaving the tunnel loco No 5538 passes the signal and leans into the curve. It enters the loop where it will wait until the line is clear for it to return to its home base. Whilst standing in the loop the crew nip across to the station for a quick cuppa. Finally it gets the "All clear" and is ready to depart. The loco is a Tower Brass model belonging to my friend Peter Martin. He called in this afternoon to give it a run. Peter tells me he purchased it second hand and that he will do a little work on it before it goes into service on his small layout. He also brought down another loco of which more next time. Rod
  5. Things seem to be progressing really well Steve. I like the bridge and can just picture myself standing on it gazing down at the loco fleet. Rod
  6. Hi CME. Thanks for your reply and like you I have no idea why nuts should come loose on a static structure but I still think that a lock nut would reduce the risk if you can fit them. My own garden railway has been abandoned and all my LGB stock and track has been sold. This will allow me to develop Ramchester which has/is taking a great deal of my time. All the best for your search towards a solution. Rod
  7. Hi CME Are your outdoor baseboards in sections which are bolted together to form a unit? If so I take it that the intention is to have the possibility of removing them in the future as and when required. My old garden railway was constructed in situ with longitudals, cross pieces and the ply top all screwed together (wood screws) having all been treated with several coats of wood preservative. The felt top was fixed down with adhesive and bent down over the supporting timbers, thus making it virtually impossible for rain to get under the felt to affect the timber. With a coat of preservative on the legs each year I experienced little difficulty over the 25 - 30 years that the layout was in existence. It did rot eventually and having lifted all the track (since sold) the structure was broken up and sent to the scrap yard. One other question if you are using nuts and bolts are you fitting washers and using a lock nuts to stop the bolts coming loose? Rod
  8. In the words of a certain judge on "Strictly". FAB-U-LOUS Rod
  9. Hello Giles. Just picked up your thread and in such a short time you seem to have created a evocative picture of a small halt. I will follow your progress with interest. Keep up the good work. Rod
  10. Here I am again with a few more pictures. Shunting is paused while the 4F pulls into the platform. Earlier our photographer captured the 4F leaving the tunnel and slowing down for the signal to enter Ramchester. With the line clear the two Jinties leave Ramchester. Rod
  11. As promised in my last post here are a few more pictures of my sessions in Platform 2 this week. The 4F waits for the signal to pull into the platform. It enters the platform ready to discharge its passengers. I do not understand why this post exceeds the posting limit. The above two photos combined only make up 4mb so why can't I add a couple more? I will have to do a second post to accommodate the others. Rod
  12. Thanks Paul for your kind comments which are much appreciated. I will post a few more photos tomorrow as the 10mb limit prevented me from posting them yesterday. Rod
  13. Hi Steve. I have enjoyed watching this layout grow especially so as it is just along the coast from where I live (Torquay). When I moved down here more than 50 years ago steam was very, very rare with all the trains diesel hauled but I do remember a long freight hauled by a 2-8-0 loco making its way along the sea wall but I was too far away to positively identify it. This whole line from my side of Exeter to Newton Abbot is just fantastic and it always brought a sigh of relief to me when emerging along the River Exe after every one of my weekly trips to my London office knowing that I was nearly home. Great modelling Steve - you could not have chosen a more beautiful stretch of railway to model. This comes from a modeller who is a BR (M) region so praise indeed!!! Rod
  14. It is several weeks since I posted anything on this thread so I thought it was about time that I did something about it. Not a lot has been done on the layout just lately owing to a number of reasons. In mid May Maggie and I spent a glorious week down in the far south west of Cornwall, staying in an apartment in Porthcurno. We had really nice weather although a chilly wind did just about took the edge off it. We went to show a live performance at the fantastic Minack Theatre which if you do not know haas been carved out of a cliff overlooking the sea. The theatre was constructed many years ago by Rowena Cade and her gardener. We did several walks in the area which is a beautiful part of the country. Upon our return I had to have an operation to remove a suspect mole on my back which incapacitated somewhat but is now on the mend. However I have to be very careful not to put any strain on the stitches so am unable to bend or lift. So you may say what has this to do with Ramchester. Well basically not a great deal but I have spent a three afternoon this week operating the layout - once to entertain some visitors and the others to entertain me. I took a few photos during the session which are attached (it may take two posts to include them all). Jinty 47361 removes the brake van from an incoming freight train which has been hauled by sister engine 47357. 47361 then takes over some shunting. Meanwhile 47357 runs round its train ready to assist when necessary. Rod
  15. I am not sure what you are talking about re page 4 (page 3 would be better from the nostalgic point of view me thinks!!) as mine opens as normal. Have looked briefly at several threads this afternoon with no trouble. Rod
  16. I have been having some thoughts about the layout and now that the stock has been fitted with DCC sound the scenery needs sound added to give it a "living" feeling. I am not too sure how to proceed with this project. Perhaps a cheap MP3 player with sounds of a stream near the coal yard and some birds in the trees nearby might do the trick but also something at the goods yard end will also be required. Does anyone know if a not too expensive system exists to purchase? Would it be better for me to install a tape recorder with a continuous loop of the various sounds on it, in which case I would need one at each end of the layout. Any ideas would be appreciated. Rod
  17. Thanks Howard for posting this on the thread. However the original on Facebook had the sound on it. Any chance of adding sound? Rod
  18. Another week gone by with not a lot of progress. Today I have been down in Platform 2 to have a tidy up and a vacing so that all is nice and tidy for another "invassion" of visitors tomorrow. These are not railway enthusiasts as such but people from our Torbay Nordic Walking Group of which Maggie and I are members who have expressed and interest in seeing the railway. Who am I to refuse such a request especially as it means I can spend more time operating the layout. Mind you I am not 100% sure it is the railway which is the attraction as Maggie has told everyone that she is making cakes for the occasion! More soon. Rod
  19. Your layout looks superb. Can we have some more pictures please. Rod
  20. Great work Steve. The scene is coming together nicely. Might want a row of terraced houses behind the layout with sky above. Quite a lot of loco sheds were in built up areas especially those that were squeezed into tight spaces. Just a thought. Rod
  21. A really nice and informative thread, Tricky. Superb modelling too. Rod
  22. Hi Chaz. Your layout has given me much pleasure as I followed its progress etc. I will be sad to see it go but when its time for a change it is time for a change. What I would like to know is what will follow - a new layout?, a new scale? or are you going to give up modelling altogether? I await with bated breath to hear what's next! Rod
  23. Hi Kevin. Can we have some pics of the painted loco and the coaches please. Rod
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