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Everything posted by pushpull33

  1. Hi all. A little update. Will post some pics over the weekend. The rail sides have been painted, i used Humbrol matt brown 113. I am thinking this is a good colour. its a nice toned down brown i didn't want it to look to red/ orange. I have ballasted the running rails through the station and the goods yard have been ballasted. I used finer chippings for the goods yard yet to be weathered. Nightmare ballasting a three way point trying not to stick the switch rails up. I am having a problem with seep point motors only on the three way point, there doesn't seem to be enough throw on the point to throw the point motor over far enough to change the frog polarity. I have adjusted the point motor but cant get enough throw. Think the only answer is to narrow the switch blades so there can be more movement in the motor. The station building has been planted and the platforms textured and painted, some fencing has been put in place. I am pleased with the effect. It's starting to look like Pine Road again.
  2. Hi all. It's been a while since i posted anything on here, so here goes. Just a few pics to show the progress of Pine Road. They were taken with my phone so perhaps not great quality. The track has been laid, all wired up and working, tested thourghly. I was trying to get a spacious look to the goods yard, hopefully this has worked. Any comments more than welcome
  3. Hi guys. Some progress has been made on Pine Road number 2. The baseboards have been put up, some track laid, the control panel has been built and i have built a double slip and a curved point.
  4. Hi all. I have been busy over the weekend, i put all the baseboards up and bolted them together. It all went together a treat,,,Pheww. I have started to build the first point. Hoping to get quite a bit done over Christmas, wifey might have other ideas..lol
  5. Hi Ceptic This is truly amazing. Having lived in the area all my life i recognise so many things.It makes it extra special when some one models an area that you know so well. That has to mean great modelling. I never new that this existed and would love to see it in the flesh. Good work guys, i shall be following this very closely. Colin
  6. Very tidy. I hope mine is going to look like this when i get to build it.....
  7. Hi guys. Back again. Cheers for the advice guy's. I had never thought about soaking it in the bath. PVA it shall be. One more thing, Catch points ? 1 between the right hand point and the three way point, 1 coming out of the bay siding, 1 coming off the turntable. Now would there be any off the two loop roads just before the curved point ( bottom right of the picture). I am thinking possibly one on the inside line as the outside line would be the main running line. What would the L&SWR done in a situation like this ? Colin.
  8. Hi Black sheep. Thanks for that. I will probably use PVA then as i have a big tub of it lol. I'm not to worried about the sound deadening quality's just more the look of the slightly raised track bed. Colin
  9. Well, whats new ? I started to build the new baseboards over the weekend. Luckily i am able to use my works workshop witch makes life a lot easier. Just a case of putting the top surface on, the back scene and bolting together. I am going to use cork under the track this time just to give a nice raised trackbed look on the approach to the station. I was going to stick it down with good old PVA but have noticed on here that some people prefer to use Copydex, So a dilemma, what is best to use ? I also bought 4 Conflats A's this morning with containers. Ideal for the southern region me thinks.
  10. I am looking forward to this. I also have one on order from Hattons
  11. Hi all. I drew out the new track plan today, full size and it looks like its all going to fit nicely. Possibly need some catch points on the bay platform and at the entrance to the sidings. I'm wondering about one at the start of the inner loop just off the curved point.
  12. Just an idea that i had. I haven't been able to see if actaly fits yet as i am waiting for track plans to arrive and i cant download Templot at the moment. I dont think it is far out, may need some tweeks here and there. Just wondered what your thoughts were.
  13. Hi. Im not sure when the law came in, but , yes, anything under 16"6' has to be marked. Colin
  14. Hi Don. Thanks for the comments, its much appreciated, after all this is how we learn Ref the bridges, this is where the "i can do better" thing comes in. We are planning this one in advance. I have learnt a lot while building Pine Road. Yes, i forgot about Seaton although its in Devon. Lyme, as you say was very restricted loco wise, so will definitely go down the fictional route. Colin
  15. An Update. I have been thinking lately ( Partner says, this is not good) As some of you may know i started to build Pine road a long time ago just to see what i could do. I have learnt a lot of what to do and not as the case may be. Well we have got to the stage where i am tempted to ripe it up, salvage what i can, build some new base boards and start again on a new project but will still be called Pine Road (Sentimental reasons). So here goes. This is what i have been considering. (partner still says, this is not good..lol) Has to be Southern, Pre Nationalisation, Ex L&SWR. We need to set a date at this point. What rtr rolling stock is available. This were it gets tricky. What ran with what, when and wear. Shall i pluck a date out of the sky. I have a Schools Class (no smoke deflectors) 1930????. I dont have a great deal of rolling stock but what i do have is mostly BR Southern, M7, Terrier, 4F. Portable, As may move house ?????? Based some where in Dorset. I would perhaps liked to have based it on some where real but there is a serious shortage of branch lines around here other than Swanage or Lyme Regis (West Bay was GWR), So going to have to be fictional. (thought, what if Broadstone or perhaps Verwood had become a Terminus due to the mass influx of people. Ok, imagination running wild ). I have been looking at pictures of Lyme Regis. Do i seem to remember a layout called Uplyme based on this ?. It has to fit along a 9' wall (thats old money).Around a 90 degree corner and another 6' of length. So we are talking Terminus to fiddle yard arrangement Baseboards to be built out of 6mm ply as discibed in January's Model Rail. Perhaps 12mm for the tops But only where the track lies the rest will be open frame to get a more realistic effect of land above and below rail level, all this in 9' (old money again). Another lesson learned. Are you still with me...... Smp Scaleway track. I am sticking with this because its what i know best. True to what may have been. I am meaning L&SWR water cranes (Mikes Models Any good?), Buffer stops, station signs, notices. Small details that would have been used at the time. So, what has happened so far. Well, i have come up with a track plan. I have ordered track, point kits from Marcway. I have also drawn it out on a roll of wallpaper to work out what fits where (another previous lesson learnt the hard way). I shall scan the track plan in for you guys to have a look at over the weekend, comments greatly received. Still thinking about Lyme Regis though, It would have to be reduced in length. I just don't feel that it would fit and look right. I am off work for a week over Christmas So was hoping to get the base board built and some of the track down over this time. one other thought....... DCC or not ??????? is it really worth it on a layout of this size. The expense comes into the equation as well..... I am hoping that planing it out like i have it will look right. Like i have said, i have learnt a lot and feel that i can do better. I think the teachers use to say something like that at school all those years ago. Well, that's where i am at so far. Any coments greatley received.......
  16. Amazing pictures there. Thats one hell of a cutting into the tunnel its a wonder they didn't make the tunnel longer. When you look through the tunnel in that second picture it looks like theres a bridge just the other end of it ?.
  17. Hi Tom. The station building is actually from the Wills Craftsman range, you still have to cut out all the windows and doors and cut the walls to size. The upper floors should be a different style of brickwork but didn't like the look of it and the roof i changed from red tiles to a slate roof. The pub needs detailing ie: flower troughs, seats, a fence around the back various beer barrels and the like. There is still lots to do. A turntable to be built, i'm not quite sure how to approach this one yet Thank You for the nice comments tho
  18. Hi Jack00. Thanks for the comment. i was looking at yous earlier, coming along nicely there.
  19. Hi Tim. Tell me about it, it only gets worse. Here's some more pics of the other end of the layout. I noticed that i hadn't taken any, mind you its been a bit of a mess lately. I have to do the stone walling inside the road bridge and build up the side walls above the road. I was trying to get the effect that the stone bridge had been there for donkeys years and Mr railway man came along and built a cheaper brick built bridge next to it. I'm really not sure that it works. The Pub was based on The Cross Keys at Mannington (a good pub and good food). Should i put a pic up of the real thing. (obviously, the model is work in progress.
  20. Yes DesA. Dont live their anymore but was born their. Corfe Mullen Halt was at the end of our garden,
  21. Ther are a few more pics of the area on his site. I wonder what else he has hid away, may be worth emailing him
  22. Hi all. I found this relating to Downton Tunnel. If its of any help. It was taken by Dave Bevis. http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1276209
  23. I took a few more pic's today as i have done a few thing over the past week or so. Need more practice in making trees. The Pub was named after the drinks that me and my Partner tend to drink, A pint of Piddle ( an ale that is brewed locally) and a glass of Pinot Grigio for the lady...lol
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