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Posts posted by aberdare

  1. I have a few days off Chris and you have a mini posting frenzy.


    Glad to see you have your computer issue is sorted now. The coaches you have done so far are looking good and despite the age of the 009 one it is a lovely little model, I like the fact that you went to the trouble of getting the seat colours right too even if a lot of people would not notice. All those little details give a wonderful sense of satisfaction.



    In your last post I think you meant Coach rather than Bus service for 1868 didn't you :) , interesting little fact though. I like things like that.

  2. Hi all,


    Another update to say............well more of the same really. Have spent a fair bit of time on the wiring and I'm nearly there - I think.


    I only have a few connectors to finish off and all being well something should move pretty soon.


    Once I have tidied up the den I'll take a few photo's but I don't think they will show much more than those already posted, other than wires - lot's more wires!


    At least you have done it Mike!!


    I tested mine, found each section worked and then left the wires dangling loose under the board and that's how they will stay until my Grandson pressures me into wiring them in properly.


    I'd rather be building something than wiring. I sometimes wonder if my layout would run at all if it didn't need to.

    • Like 1
  3. Thanks for all the positive comments and the second tree is almost complete now so here is a few notes and photos to bring it up to date.



    I completed all the wire twisting and teasing out of the branches but then decided that the tree wasn't quite right, I needed more small branches/twigs around the trunk as there were a lot of them back in those days, it will also give the Ivy I want to make something to hang onto. I twisted a few odd strands of wire and then soldered them onto the trunk where needed.





    After a bit more tweaking and bending to reposition a few branches that became bent it was time to add the bark effect. The plaster mix was added to the trunk to cover the twists in the wire and to form the odd hole, it was then given a water/PVA spray again and the plaster dust blown on for the smaller branches which are too small and congested to do individually.





    The tree after its first full application, more tomorrow after drying overnight.





    That's it on the trees for now until I have added the final coats and added the ivy I have yet to make, there will also be the odd crows nest or two once I have made them before the foliage is added - I have made that though. I will be looking to do a Weeping Willow later and Silver Birch later but have to experiment with a few ideas first so that will be later in the year.



    To get this part of the layout complete I really need to get the buildings completed, I had left these until I had got my Portrait cutter and have drawn some of them up, cut them and am now assembling them.


    Here is the first one.





    This has now been assembled and covered with scalescenes paper, there is just a small attached extension to add and then I will produce the windows which will be secured between this outer frame and an inner one which has also been cut.





    That's it for now as I'm waiting for everything to dry.




    • Like 8
  4. Hi Al


    I don't know, I have a few days away from here and you've gone mad making all sorts of stuff, but they all look great.


    Posters are something Iv'e got to make in the near future so it was good to see yours being made, as for the lamps very clever indeed and if I was to have working lamps I'd certainly copy your method. 


    Can you slow down a bit please :no:  as I can't model fast enough to keep up with you :mosking: .


    Already looking forward to seeing what you do next.

  5. Thanks Al


    I'm hoping to get most of the groundcover done this summer so I can locate the buildings and trees properly then I can look at the detailing and extending the baseboards to the mainline.




    Stefan - I spend ages staring at trees now, I'll probably end up bumping into one if I'm not careful. I do get strange looks though when I am out photographing them and getting the odd measurement, the Villagers here are getting used to it now though. :mosking:

    • Like 3
  6. Hi Chris


    Ah the old learning curve hey, Iv'e experienced that a few times and now seem to steer pretty clear of it, it does ensure you get it right next time though.


    At least you have made a start and the only way is up, the problem then is looking back and thinking that you can do better and then remaking something all over again which I sometimes do.


    A good sensible approach so far in getting on with a few smaller bits. 


    I'm looking forward to seeing more figure painting too.

  7. Andy 


    Those two last posts of yours show some fantastic images of Bacup that I never spotted before, it shows that all those years of layout photography have paid off.


    I'd better mention the bloke who built it too, cracking modelling Jason which is shown in some of those close-up shots like the first three in post 2282.

  8. Very believable well modelled, and I think it was Knobhead who quoted IIffle Stokes in his praise for your modelling of said tree.

    Personally I think you have captured the same atmosphere as I.S. with this, and your methods to achieve it are a credit to you.


    Thank you


    Comparisons to someone like Iliffe Stokes is very humbling indeed, his work is something I have often marvelled at and to get anywhere near feels good.



    I have been tied up with a few other things lately but have managed a little time here and there. I have been working on the open ground on the near side of the river and hope to complete the bank and meadow over the next couple of weeks, also the second tree and the cottages have been started as I like to have a few jobs on the go while waiting for things to dry.


    I hope to make quite a lot of progress as long as nothing unexpected interferes with my time.


    Just a few pictures to show the little done so far.


    The second tree.




    Different angle with cottage mock up in the background.




    Both trees together, sorry about the lean but it wasn't pushed fully home.




    I have now cut out a full card version of the cottage and this will be worked on as and when I want to. I cut out some more fencing on my cutter and these will be assembled too, as you can see I have plenty of options to work on, I also meant to post up some pictures of carriage wheels from the cutter but forgot so these will have to wait until I do more with them and hopefully built some carriages unique to the Tiverton area. These are from some of the pictures I was allowed to photograph in the Museum there.



    More later.

    • Like 14
  9. Hi Al


    Great to see you are considering Autumn as your time of year, like you I think it is more colourful than just the green of grass and trees.


    I too tone down any of the commercial colours I buy as they are awfully bright, that's the beauty of making you own and as each batch is slightly different they are perfect for mixing.


    It's good to see so many people having a go at trees too, I'm now on number 2 and the difference and individuality of each tree is really good to see.


    Looking forward to seeing more so we can compare our efforts.


    All the best



    • Like 1
  10. Even though I have had the odd look on this thread I never took the time out to read it properly, I will now though.


    It contains some superb modelling and has also given me a few ideas on how to progress my own layout, if I can achieve a similar overall look I will be a very happy man.


    Thank you, I will definitely be back for more.

  11. That's a good sized house you have there Jeff and it looks to be progressing quite quickly, luckily all this spring like weather helps things along. The garages are usually one of the last things to go up, I remember when I helped a neighbour - a builder - when on holiday from College and we had five bungalows up before we started on the garages. But it looks as if everything is on schedule though.


    Since getting this computer I have found an old photo of the old barn I renovated to turn into my layout room, all 28x12ft of it. Sad to have left it but that's life sometimes but it's just a shame I never really got to use it once finished.


    I had a workshop downstairs and the layout room upstairs.


    • Like 8
  12. I have to agree with you there Andy, RMweb made me look at modelling differently. One of the first things I looked at was Mikkels 'The Farthing Layouts' as that was my area of interest and set a standard for me that I had to try and match, then it was a case of looking at others and making that step of posting to get feedback on my own work. 


    I now feel quite well settled and no longer feel apprehensive about posting mainly due to being part of the Lunester family who are always willing to comment and give advice.


    Long may we continue.

    • Like 3
  13. Hi Chris


    When I got my replacement power pack it arrived in two days, it appeared that the shipment had arrived the same day I ordered and I got one of the extra ones. They don't call me 'Lucky Jim' for nothing. :mosking: A new laptop has certainly made my life easier.


    Still looking forward to your workbench thread appearing, I'm sure we will be pleasantly surprised by your modelling as I think you are under selling yourself.


    All the best and hope your problems are soon sorted.



  14. Hi Jaz



    As Shaun says another strip will hide the gap, this is something I did on my engine shed windows last year. I won't mention all the other bodges I do to cover my mistakes.


    To avoid it happening try cutting the windows a touch smaller and filing out to the correct size, those Wills sheets can take a good bit of filing. All looking good though.


    I love how the view from behind the tree is developing by the way, just about all photos you see of Hemyock model or real, are from across the river, makes a nice change to see a different perspective.  


    Hi Nick


    Yes I quite like the view down the hill from either end of the station as I find the flow of the line is better, even though it then shows the back of the buildings it opens up other views. I have a bit more work to do yet but I will post something up about this in a few weeks time prior to fixing Hemyock in its final position.

  16. Hi Jim,


    Just lurking is fine, I do it regularly cos' I don't have the time to interact with all the fantastic layouts on here, more's the pity!


    I don't quite get the 'Green is like Red' comment - please enlighten!



    Simple, I'm colour blind. :blind:


    I've had to label all my Humbrol paint tins as I have loads of problems, I once picked up what I thought was the perfect brown for a job only to discover later it was Forest Green :scratchhead:



    Though I wanted to study electronics when I was young I was persuaded to go down the mechanical route after wiring in the wrong resistors and burning out equipment, so I always use the Primary colours plus black and white.

    • Like 1
  17. Hi Jim,


    Thought I would pop in for a look to see what you are up to and WOW the BAR is certainly raised, You have your work cut out with that tree over the next few weeks as Spring is on its way and the buds are beginning to burst! :no:  :no: :no:  


    Treeific .... erm' ....Terrific!


    Thanks Mike.


    Spring I can handle you should try gluing leaves on in Autumn when all they want to do is keep falling off :no:  :jester:


    I felt I had to concentrate on the trees as there will be more of them than buildings on this part of the layout so they need to have something appealing about them, modelling Autumn helps to keep that bit of bareness to the frame as you will need to look through them from some angles. Had I used summer foliage they would have been more of a view blocker.


    I hope to progress quite quickly after this month.

    • Like 3
  18. Yes Al, that's much better than the last one and it seems as though you have reached this stage more quickly too.


    The idea of leaving the other wires on the long side is also good as you never know where you are going to bend them, I usually do something similar and solder the odd bits back on later.


    That feature tree above Bakewell will be a doddle for you soon, you can't beat looking at the real thing for ideas.



    Keep up the good work.

  19. Hi Mike


    I've just noticed that even though I have read and followed this thread from the start I have never posted on it, really poor of me that so I'll have to make up for that from now on.


    I think I need to run back through and add a few likes too.


    With regard to the wiring I don't use green for the frog, it's too much like red under the board so I use blue. :)

  20. I like your tree pictures Al, there are one or two on there I wouldn't mind having a go at.


    I have taken a few near here but as we are just below the hill tops most of the trees are a bit small which is partly due to the lack of top soil on the chalk.


    I may have to take a walk down the valley to the next village with my camera, a lot more clay over that way.

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