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David Todd

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Everything posted by David Todd

  1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The DP.layout in the pics. above, has all changed, since they were taken........I learnt......alot from, the mock ups............
  2. First mock up of "Shakey" Tunnel, Western end of Dover Town Yard................ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 13. 14. 15.
  3. The first of 5.mock up's of Dover Priory............... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
  4. Sandwiches, anyone............ How my platforms on DP. were made. 3,x 3/32. slivers of balsa wood and extruded foam,Peco edges......... 1. 2.
  5. P1060263(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr
  6. Transfer of the build of Folkestone Road over Bridge to this thread.................... A last fit in place,before the over length ends are cut to fit tonight. All the upper sidewalls have been cut a placed.real stone placed as capping. The concrete has to be detailed and weathered above the track,on Dp. Side. Then,the under arches fitted. 1. P1060559(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 2. P1060555(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 3. P1060552(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 4. P1060557(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 5. P1060558(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr
  7. Moorings........... . 1. 2. This maybe a large Billboard...........on DP. platforms ?.........My previous house. 3. Needed a backscene,nothing on the market. So,using a compact camera, I photographed,the real background. 4. 5. My photographs were scaled and PhotoSweatshopped by LF&Tiresome a good friend on another forum. They were the sent to Printer John @ IDBackscenes.........http://www.art-printers.com/index.html After 3 proofs, we got It right............time and monies, well spent.
  8. Dover Town Yard, click picture for larger image. Andy Howard
  9. The End 9649260112_53607ac00c by David Todd 2012, on Flickr Andy Howard.
  10. The Track work has been Lifted. 9648682722_a20d0567da_z by David Todd 2012, on Flickr My base was laid, a year ago.
  11. 1. P1030192(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 2. P1030187(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 3. P1030185(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 4. P1030183(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 5. P1030173(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 6. P1030171(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 7. P1030150(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 8. P1030144(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 9. P1030137(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 10. P1030213(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 11. P1030558(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr
  12. sandwich station Posted Yesterday, 13:10 Thanks,for your time and trouble to post those pics, I will make full use of them. ​I do like the 4-set approaching Hawkesbury Street Junction,,..........taken from the Western Heights ? More pics. required of this area,if anyone has some please........
  13. 1. A track plan(in n-gauge)of Dover Priory,pre-1932,drawn up for a Club member. 2. A picture,from the northern side,of the Western Heights,I took a year or so ago. Click it for a larger pic. A resume' of the build of Dover Priory in the space I had/have in pictures................ Starting as a newbie, to model building,I when to through various stages,of thought and practice. 3. Click on all pics,for a larger image........... 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. After,months of trying to get a fair representation,of the station and the area, I became disillusioned, with proprietary items, available,for sale from a variety of manufactures. So the only way forward ,was to kit bash, scratchbuild. Please be aware,of my limited skill,in the subsequent pics...........the more you do,the better you should get at it..........allegedly.......... Auto SlideShow of DP.platform 1. My first ever scratch-build.......probably,not as you would do it........... The cutting,just south,of DP, section shut down,for tree felling,one week-end,couple of year's back,now. Very difficult to get a shot of this area. 13.
  14. This is my model of Dover Town Yard, I've taken licence with it. Due to space restrictions,the "yard" has been moved further west, The head shunt has been extended beyond,Shakespeare Tunnel. Archcliffe S/Box,has be omitted,along with Town/Military platform. 2.x 3-way points have been laid as space saver's,in loo of conventional ladder system. I hope it is "passable", for those of you who have worked the area.. Date unknown,the Dover Town Yard,lower portion of the map. 1. 2. The Dover Yard, model,left in the picture. Looking West. P1050721(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 3. P1050651(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 4. P1050650(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr The extended head shut,on the left, adjacent to Shakespeare Tunnel. 5. P1050553(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr
  15. Welcome to my first attempt,at a model railway build. This is the second section of the layout. For those who are interested, please feel free to ask Q's and answer, also to post pics. This is how the Town Yard looks today, (eastern end). Picture 1. was taken from the land,above the Archcliffe signal box roof, in picture 2. 1. P1050958(1) by David Todd 2012, on Flickr 2. Looking from,East to West..The "Yard"in the..........70's,80's to 1996, when closure,to place.................. 3.....West to East....Thepic is foreshortened by usinga zoom lense ..........
  16. Question's answer's, real pictures of Dover Priory,most welcome. Welcome to my first ever,attempt at building a model railway,in my internal garage. I had no knowledge or skill and started 18 months ago,track laying, a couple of years after 2/3's of the b/boards,were made. I start the thread off by giving you a link to, Kent Rail, a Website,by David Glasspool, giving you a background to Dover Priory.
  17. Hmmm....!!. Copying,......again ...R******.........wear this pointy hat, go stand in the corner.............while I eat this apple you brought me for lunch...........
  18. Hello Ray, I have tracked your layout since you started displaying pics on RMweb,thoroughly enjoyed your build. Well done on the exhibition dates.
  19. I have a feeling,you may know what is coming next............. . Your electrics.............Seen larger scale jobs,when overseeing vessels in dry-dock, you have my number if you get stuck............
  20. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=goathland+signal+box&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1CHFX_enGB530GB530&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=YCEcUoGjBoOm0AWS2YCoBg&ved=0CDEQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=643 https://www.google.co.uk/search?newwindow=1&rlz=1C1CHFX_enGB530GB530&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=goathland+model+railway&oq=goathland+model+&gs_l=img.1.1.0i24l2.26596.28131.0.31763. https://www.google.co.uk/search?newwindow=1&rlz=1C1CHFX_enGB530GB530&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=goathland+signals&oq=goathland+signals&gs_l=img.3...610573.614206.0.615028. ..............you were way too slow busy too notice.............. ,3 lives left, or is that ...........3 blind mice ?
  21. Yeah.......!! Drone,....on Baby.......... ................... ..
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