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Everything posted by DonB

  1. DonB

    3-word game

    of complete satisfaction
  2. DonB

    3-word game

    had indigestion today
  3. DonB

    3-word game

    His bankmanager refused
  4. DonB

    3-word game

    thus greatly increasing
  5. DonB

    3-word game

    of unknown provenance
  6. DonB

    3-word game

    of woven Horse-hair
  7. A word of warning B) ! Research takes time and dedication, it cannot be rushed. As an example, the research that I did to prepare an article for The Industrial Railway Record of the railway sidings where I worked took nearly 5 years,(1980/85) and I was on site with access to the works internal archives! Even so, my final draft was edited and added to by the IR people with information that I had not found. (IR Record 1990 #122). All my photos, plans etc were passed on to a colleague who later wrote a history of the works itself (Blackheart , Bob Read, Breedon Books 2005 ) and I am told that the reference material we used is now in Derby Local Studies Library. And while you are researching you cannot be modelling !!
  8. DonB

    3-word game

    and equally obnoxious
  9. DonB

    3-word game

    Embroidered with luxurious
  10. DonB

    3-word game

    announcement came that
  11. DonB

    3-word game

    damaging their eyesight
  12. At first glance I thought St.Simon might be right, then I laid a straight edge along the bottom of the L and M, the S sat neatly on it! A check of the top edges of the letters seemed in line with the tender top edge too. Difficult to be absolutly sure with photo subject not square with the camera, but all seems OK to me. Can't be at the exhibition to check personally! I like the idea of the "Exchange" locos being on shed! And a "dirty" Royal engine.... how will you get it clean for it's next tour of duty? I have vague recollections of the prototype exchanges through blinkered GWR eyes!
  13. DonB

    3-word game

    porter's stripey apron
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