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Everything posted by Physicsman

  1. Cheers! I have to say, when I saw you'd posted, that I thought you were going to ask me if I ever go to bed!! Lol. O gauge? Wos sat then? Jeff
  2. Les, you've probably answered this before, earlier in the thread, but I'll ask it again. Where did you get the photographic backscene? It's very effective and parts of it would be very suitable for the layout I'm building. Cheers, Jeff
  3. Update - this morning's hour of effort at 6am...area between stringer course and arch blocks. We're getting there. Off to re-stock with evo-stik and model filler. A bit more imminent modelling due to change of plans. The second picture - no flash - gives a better indication of the stonework colour, pre-"painting". Jeff
  4. Ta very much Guv!!! You really are the Prince of Mischief!! Fishing...even if you catch nothing it's relaxing... sat amongst glorious scenery, the birds singing, the water rippling, the wind rustling through your hair... and the way the b****y weather has been lately, probably hunched under a brolley to avoid the latest typhoon! Seriously, my dad's a bit of an ace when it comes to fishing, so I enjoy going with him, even if he does show up my lack of skill. I've just put a bit more plastikard on, but the fume levels were rising so I got out before I got too high! It'll soon be time for a bit of modelling "filler" and the sander. Then off for a wee tad of fishing... Cheers Andy.
  5. Hi Larry. Yes, there is also Slaters "Cotswold Stone". Though the stuff I'm using is nominally 7mm, it seems right for the size of the viaduct. I've received 30yds of SMP and some of the turnouts I ordered, earlier in the week. I still have to sort out a mechanism to hold the backscene boards, then raise the baseboards to viaduct-road deck level. But I'll be able to mark out track positions fairly accurately soon (I'm supposed to be fishing at the mo), so the trackmen have been hired and put "on hold"!! Best wishes, Jeff
  6. Hi Jonathan, Stonework will be treated as in post 401. Mainly black, with some lighter "highlights" when the black dries... I've actually got 25 sheets of the Dressed stone plastikard. I went through all my stock boxes and uncovered a treasure-trove! Amazing what you accumulate over the years. Interesting to compare prices, too. The earliest sheets I have were £1.60. Ten yesrs later, £2.54. Inflation! Many thanks for your offer! I can only do so much at a time as the bunker stinks of solvent. Airing it now - may do a bit more later. Best wishes, Jeff
  7. A bit more done on the Branch viaduct - nothing exciting - may do some more later. Pics enclosed, as usual. Jeff
  8. Andy - don't tempt me, not at the moment. In 2-3 years when I've got KL sorted I'll be looking for a different challenge, and I'm more likely to go to O gauge than N. In the meantime, keep inspiring me!! Cheers, Jeff
  9. Just as a matter of interest - I always feel I'm "teaching people to suck eggs" with some of this stuff - here's a piece of the dressed stone I "smeared" last night after an experiment on creasing. This was done with Tamiya black acrylic - a few splodges dropped onto the sheet and rubbed in with an old rag. After drying, I don't think the effect is too bad... Jeff
  10. I've now run out of plastruct - I have a load on order. However, I've managed to make a start and a couple more pics are given below. Provided a steel rule is used, the plastikard can be bent through 90 degrees - gently. I'm just hoping the EvoStik doesn't eat too much of the styrene along the crease! Jeff
  11. Here is the first photo of the branch viaduct and initial piece of cladding. The plastruct is simply a "contour" feature on the pier and will be clad with the same dressed stone as the rest. Jeff
  12. 'Chard, I know you ARE a FEW years younger than me, but really...SHOULD'VE GONE TO SPECSAVERS!! Jeff
  13. Yes, a few b&w close-ups of your diesel-hydraulics, especially the 22s and Westerns would be good to see! Jeff
  14. There you go, Andy... in response to the comment you made in my thread... there are plenty who know you do great modelling!! (I know your comment was tongue in cheek!). I love all your OO gauge layouts, but there is definitely something about the size of O gauge. Crikey - hope I don't get tempted, I've enough on my plate already! Jeff
  15. Yes, I know I'm being a bit of a slow-coach!!! I will whip myself 'til I bleed as punishment. I would love to get to the scenic bit, as it's my favourite part (along with the joinery), but all the other stuff tends to get in the way...shame we have to fit and wire the rails!! I'm up bright and early, looking forward to my fix of EvoStik! And, btw, I think you do plenty of "proper modelling"!! Good to hear from you Andy. Jeff
  16. I've just finished rubbing down the piers of the viaducts. The smooth result has inspired me, so I've put the fishing back for a couple of days and, since I've got plenty of plastikard, I thought I'd make a start - tomorrow. So it's out with the EvoStik, scalpel, fine sandpaper and time for a bit of solvent abuse. By the time I get all the card stuck onto the bases I'll be as high as the Shard! Slightly different techniques for each viaduct. The Branch has square-edged piers, so I can fold a sheet around the column. The Main has tapered piers, so it's section by section cut and stick for that one. I may even use PVA on the Main viaduct. Branch first. Pictures, as it happens..... Jeff
  17. Yes, i'd heard that Qantas was in a lot of difficulty. It's a shame as it always seemed a flag-bearer for Oz. I plan to hire a car and go round N and S islands. Used to have relatives in Auckland - then they moved to Brisbane and have since returned to the UK! I'm an astrophysics nut, but I've never seen the southern sky - too far south from Europe. So that's my main reason for the journey - though I'm sure I'll find others! Cheers, Jeff
  18. Hi Mark, Thanks for the info. re Australian models. I'm always amused when people in the US, Canada or Australia talk about a "short" journey to "neighbours" who live 5 hours drive away! That would be like me driving down to London! My dad is about 2 hours away - 115 miles - and that's enough for me. So I can understand that a regular commute into Melbourne is a bit of a pain for you. I'm covering the bases with Slaters 7mm Dressed Stone. It's supposedly overscale, but looks right on a large viaduct structure. The sheets are a browny colour. So I smear some black acrylic (or ink) onto the surface and rub it in with an old towel. It comes out looking pretty good, and you can change the colour to suit your needs. Slaters is stuck on to the wood/filler using Evo Stik. Best wishes, Jeff
  19. Both yourself and Rick seem to come back to the UK a fair bit. do you have a special deal with Qantas, or is it a discount if you sleep with the luggage? Now I've retired I plan to go out to New Zealand for a couple of months - probably in 2014. Must admit I worry about the cost. It's also impressive the way you guys have your DURM and other organisations, modelling British outline. What do the locals think about it - is Australian Railways of any interest? Jeff
  20. I'm sure he had a starring role in the Olympic opening ceremony? Friend or relative of yours? If the latter, you should take up basketball as he was about 15 feet tall! Jeff
  21. Ah, I understand now. Must admit, I thought the DAS at the foot of your post was of the modelling clay variety!! Oops, seem to be insulting everybody this morning! Yes, the credit card is bulging this month: new laptop, a "small" amount of railway gear and a visit to Specsavers, so I can see what the hell I'm supposed to be doing! Nevermind, as I said to Coach, if it takes time - it takes time! Cheers!! Jeff
  22. 'CHARD, I agree. And I hope the "Doctor" in question wasn't a certain Doctor Fell. Lol. Please don't shout at me!! Jeff
  23. Cheers Larry. I'm not excited at the prospect of all the fiddling around, but it's just a matter of being patient and methodical. I think the end benefit will be worth it. And I'm not in a hurry. I've just been in the bunker to sand down the viaduct piers. I suddenly thought to myself , "why are you rushing all of this - who cares if it takes a month to build a viaduct (not 4 days!!)". So I've a bit of a learning curve here, but I keep telling myself it's FUN!! Must admit, though, the prospect of a steam-propelled freight heading on the down line over the viaduct gets the juices flowing!!!! Best wishes, Jeff
  24. Beast, thanks for that - seems an odd way to address you!! The first batch of point motors will be ordered start of September. all to do with cash flows!! Jeff
  25. Splendid stuff, Alan. As good, if not better, in B&W! I almost hit the "order" button for a Kernow/Dapol class 22 yesterday afternoon (after viewing Rick's "Penhayle Bay" layout). I held my nerve and didn't. D6331 is tempting my resolve!! Cheers, Jeff
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