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Posts posted by Physicsman

  1. That's excellent, many thanks. I'm buiding up a knowledge-base from yourself and one or two others, which is really helpful. Better than any book you could buy! I'm quite happy with the joinery, boards and electrics, but I've usually used RTP buidings. I've already got an inkling of an idea for a small layout to be built at a parallel time with Kirkby Luneside that'll let me have a play with constructing buildings. So your input is great.





  2. Jason, this may seem a really simple question, but to a "building non-scratchbuider" (soon to be initiated!!), how do you make the windows... is it thin strips of Plasticard onto clear acetate?


    Your last set of buildings is very effective and the brick colour is spot-on.



  3. Thanks Alan, your words and encouragement are much appreciated. I'll try to answer all the points you've raised...


    I've definitely decided to give the curved viaduct the thumbs up. My only concern was with the facings. I think I'll try DAS and have a go at scribing it. Great things is, if I muck up the brickwork, I can repeat the process and try again. I think it might become 6 arches with an overall length of about 90cm. Haven't planned in detail yet. And yes, plenty of S&C prototypes to look at!


    Baseboards are cut to shape, but I need to acquire the track, sit it in place, mark it out, work out where the baseboard risers need to go and ... Limiting factor here is when I order the track - probably in about 5 weeks time. Then the real fun will start!


    I've a trip planned right at the start of August - drive and park at Kirkby Stephen West, up to Carlisle, down to Leeds, and maybe beyond. Should be good.


    I have posted a comment on your own thread. Your layout is looking very nice indeed!


    Best wishes,



  4. Hi Al - plug all you like! The Stockton viaduct is an impressive bit of work and, since you've clearly got insider knowledge, I will "pick your brains" and discuss what's needed.


    I think I've now convinced myself that curved is the way to go - so the trackplan can be modified. Can't be too big a viaduct though, as it bridges the same "stream" as the 3-arch branchline.


    Hi Chard - I will PM you about your efforts...





  5. If it's any consolation I've got a curved viaduct/bridge to build as well.

    I agree it would improve the flow of the trackwork and would look pretty impressive too.

    I'm hoping to start work on two of the bridges in the near future - both of which will use modelling clay (but in different ways).

    I once tried buiding a structure (no, not the cork one you've seen!) using polyfilla on an MDF frame. It didn't look very good when I scribed it. However, as for Dave Shakespeare (he of Tetley's Mills fame), I would consider using DAS - if I can get a decent supply. I'm not worried about building the curved structure - will be tricky - but it's the covering - plasticard, clay etc etc that worries me.


  6. Thanks for your response on the straight viaduct etc. - this makes perfect sense and I should have worked it out for myself! Wouldn't a curved viaduct be nice, though? He he he...


    Lovely scenery on your old layout too; I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do with the new layout.





    I'd considered a curved viaduct a few times - and rejected the idea every time. Must admit it would look impressive - and I fancy yet another challenge. So - watch this space!!!!


  7. Looking really good Jeff!

    As said already - the woodwork is impressive, and done at quite a fast pace too. I bet you are itching to get some track down and run a few trains!

    I bet even the longest train you plan to run would look pretty lost on a layout of this size. I can't wait till you start the major landforms. Sorry if I missed this, but what do you plan to use for the landforms themselves? I've always stuck with builders insulation (since I can often get some from my dad's job!), but I know it is a very expensive option - a full sheet costs about £70 for the really thick stuff!


    Evening Jam,


    I build my hillsides using MDF/ply and wood formers that I construct (since I like playing with wood) to carry the hillside and leave space behind (in this case, for the fiddle yard).


    The frame is then covered with plaster bandage/modroc and the usual scenics added...


    Here are a couple of pics from my existing layout (its days are numbered...the skip awaits!).





    • Like 4
  8. Hi Jeff, your woodworking, and rate of progress puts mine to shame. On the subject of point motors, you may want to look at micro servos. (available from Chinese EBay stores for next to nothing) and look at Tam Valley Depot for the contol systems and installing.






    Thanks for the info Mike. My woodworking is adequate for the job, but I'm sure my photographs conceal a lot of not-quite-so-good-joinery!!


    I've been clambering around on top of the frame today, and it felt rigid, so as long as it works......!!!





  9. Jeff,


    The speed at which you're progressing is really impressive - and the baseboards are hardly a half-hearted affair!


    There has been something niggling me about your track plan, and I've just put my finger on what it is. On the left-hand side of the plan, the double track goes through two straight sections separated by a curve - the real railway wouldn't be built this way, so would it be possible to make this one sweeping curve?


    Apologies if this has already been discussed. Although a curved viaduct may look more attractive, I could fully understand if the track geometry is this way to allow you to build a straight viaduct! I hope this doesn't sound critical; it was just one of those 'speak now or forever hold your peace' moments before it's too late to change the plan.






    Thanks very much Will. No problems - I would rather people discuss ideas on this thread because I'm no expert and I'm certainly likely to miss things.


    The straight bit on the extreme left is hardly visible in reality as it leads into the hillside. And there is a staight viaduct planned - at the moment...don't tempt me, I'm fighting the urge to build a curved one (the urge has been winning for a month or so!!).


    I've attached a pic showing the approximate position of the hill...


    Please keep commenting. MUCH APPRECIATED!!




  10. HI Jeff,


    Progress indeed since I last looked, would have looked and posted earlier, but there's no wifi in North Tees !


    I've located a couple of lengths of SMP track to 'get the ball rolling' which i can drop round if you like.



    Hi Al,

    Would love to see you to discuss progress - and you can have a tour of the "bunker". I'm busy 'til the end of next week with school-related stuff, but after 6th July I will be clear!

    So choose a date and text it through - and we can progress. Btw, if you want to demo your Templot skills...


  11. I've been asked what was the rationale behind the seemingly odd collection of baseboard shapes on the previous diagram... I could say it was because I enjoy using my new jigsaw to cut the plywood - but that's not true.

    In fact, I've tried to ensure that all the major turnout "connurbations" are in the middle of a board section. The fiddle yard in particular! Of course, positions of the main section may be displaced a little when I fit the SMP rather than the Peco, though the fiddle yard (still Peco) should be ok.

    Hope that clarifies things.


    • Like 2
  12. For my money these working 4mm signals look great and are on that ever growing shopping list for the railway!


    This post sums up my attitude, too, Neal. I may do a bit of detailing on them but for the moment I have plenty of other priorities to worry about and these signals are more than adequate. Well done Dapol.



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