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Godfrey Glyn

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Posts posted by Godfrey Glyn

  1. Looking at this example which is preserved on the Isle of Wight, there seems to be at least two different types of buffers fitted to these brake wagons - in preservation at least. Mike, I'm sure one would have been taken by the well tanks to every part of these islands!!



    PS Sorry can't seem to get the link to the Isle of Wight Steam Railway to work properly, but there is a picture of one in SR livery in the wagons and departmental section.

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  2. Here is the other destination blind combination on 612 - black letters on a white background. Photos taken at Exeter St Davids last Wednesday whilst making a very cheap day return  journey from Axminster to Plymouth.  I presume Charlie that opening window hoppers are extra?

    Godfrey ( purveyor of fine marmalade)


  3. Really looking forward to these, especially after the fantastic 144s! I seem to remember that 619 is one of Charlie's releases - funny how the colours of the destination sheets vary from one unit to another. Weathering will be a real challenge.





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  4. It is quite subtle but it is certainly there on the photo I took of 73201 this week. I suspect it depends upon the particular viewing angle. They will have to take care to get the curve on the roof etching fixed correctly on the body.post-138-0-12518600-1405590651_thumb.jpg.


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  5. I've just had a look Larry and you're right, the handles are all still there,    but of-course it's because they're all moulded on.... Admittedly one doesn't notice this from the normal viewing distance though. The stepboards I'll reserve judgement on for now or until I get the coaches running on my EM layout, LOL.


    All the best,



    I think that's called 'design clever' - Bachmann have been doing it for ages but were clever enough not to point it out!


  6. Colin,


    As ever a wonderful piece of work, I just sit and drool over everything you do. You could of course just leave the emblem as it is, then when Hornby or Bachmann, or anyone else brings one out with the same mistake you will be able claim royalties! I gather the Ordnance Survey always put a mistake into each map to catch out anyone who just copies their work. You mentioned that you are exhibiting in Mid-Wales this summer; can you let us know where and when? I need to plan in a visit to see your masterpieces in the plastic as it were!

    Lovely work and thanks for sharing everything you do.


    very best wishes


  7. I seem to remember being told by someone who worked at PECO that Mr Pritchard Senior was quite keen to produce something more acceptable for UK modellers but was frustrated because he couldn't get any agreement as to what people wanted. Not a lot of change there then! Some folk complain that PECO do not respond fast enough to the demands of modellers, and sometimes I can understand that, but which other British Model railway manufacturer that started in the 1940s is still manufacturing - in the UK - and doing well financially? I gather the demand for their L&B stock has been fantastic. I would love them to do something along the lines of Tillig but based on British practice, I would buy it, but would there be sufficient modellers in the UK to make it financially worthwhile?


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  8. Hi Colin,

    Very difficult to say given the light conditions in your workshop and the variations that result from different monitors. I was amused to see how much variation there was in my photos of the 2BIL in Shildon and looking at the rakes of green Mk1s on the Mid-Hants there is a huge variation from one coach to the next. Is that because they used different makes of green paint or is it due to the effects of sunlight? Perhaps both. I did hear a rumour that Bachmann got their version of Southern green from the Mid-Hants. I still think Hornby have got the colour as near as I remember it to be so I would match it to that. As ever, wonderful work and many thanks for sharing it with us. Have a great Christmas and I'm really looking forward to your next project! Not saying anything about a book!!!

    all the very best


  9. I was delighted to see it and when I asked at the stand I was told that there would be two exclusive Model Rail versions with different destinations/numbers coming out. It had been agreed with Bachmann. Good news

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  10. I have absolutely no justification for one (apart from Rule 1), but mine arrived yesterday and I am just amazed how good it it. Congratulations to Charlie and Arran, all the heart ache and tribulations have certainly been worth it and your attention to detail sets a new standard in the RTR trade. I have absolutely no doubt that you have produced one of the best 4mm models ever made for the UK market. I know those 150 units will be gone in minutes and I just hope you make sufficient return on it to get the next project underway. Many thanks!


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  11. Colin,

    Thank you, but I didn't! I just held the monopod underneath and using the ten second delay to set the camera off arranged it using the adjustable viewer until it took the photo, sort of 'up periscope' then quickly down again. I got the idea from a commercial photographer who came to college and took some photos of our new building. He had a setup with a SLR camera on a long extendable pole mounted on his van, linked to a laptop in the van. He was starting a business to offer the opportunity to take semi-overhead photos of expensive houses that were going on the market. I think he must be doing quite well as there are plenty of such shots in our local county paper these days. So my technique is a sort of poor man's version! It would be easy, using this technique, to get good photos of any loco or coach roof as long as you are on a platform. I had to be naughty and stand on a chair to get some of the roof shots. As I said the staff were wonderful though they told me not to use a chair.

    best wishes


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  12. OK here are the photos I took under the sole bars of the two carriages. Again I used the monopod to get some shots along the centre line. I probably should have taken more....! I certainly caused a degree of bemusement amongst the other visitors. The staff were uniformly wonderful and helpful and even offered to arrange for a set of steps; alas I did not have the time. Hope these are of some use.

    best wishes






























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  13. I have gone back through my collection of photos of the preserved 2BIL at Shildon and put together some of the bodywork. I certainly couldn't see any rivets on the bodywork. I agree with Colin that the screws used have domed heads. It would appear that sometimes an enthusiastic worker has forced the screw head into the steel sheeting and at other times s/he has not. The screws used on the bolections? certainly appear to be flat headed. Colin I do have some more photos that I took under the unit. I will set about editing and uploading them in the hope that they may be of some use in your next project.

    best wishes













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  14. Thank you Howard, I will take your advice and put a few more up. These first three are of the bogie under the driving end of the DTC - lots more underframe detail shots in the Gallery section. Whilst the next three are from the DMBS as modelled by Hornby.

    I have to say the differences so eloquently described and corrected by Colin have not stopped me buying all three versions but I do aim to try and improve the roof detail by following Colin's 'Book'!

    best wishes








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  15. Colin very kindly mentioned that I had taken some photos of the preserved 2BIL whilst I was on a flying visit to Shildon. I have - first attempt so I hope it has worked - uploaded a set of photos into the Gallery in three albums. You can only get at one side of the 2BIL which was rather frustrating but I hope they may be of use to others even if they are too late to help Colin with his masterpiece. I managed to get some high shots using my Canon G1X on the end of a monopod and the 10 sec delay. Unfortunately the monopod wasn't quite long enough to get above the roof but it did produce some decent shots. I think it is fairly easy to identify where the preserved version differs from the Hornby model. I took about 110 photos so if anyone wants one of some other part of the set please do contact me.

    best wishes






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