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Everything posted by southern42

  1. Good mornin' all. Aren't we the lucky ones - tea in bed for a change and, like you, we also have sun and blue skies here (supposedly 8o today). Well, you've got to have some excuse for being later on ER than usual though I did start the morning reading through all your postings.... Hubby is delighted he got my 14xx chassis working last night, getting a video of it onto his thread and getting some delightful comments afterwards. That should keep him in a good mood, then....well, at least until he sweeps the chimney... Have a good day all, or a better one than yesterday if you're poorly (and hope you get well soon).
  2. Sympathise. After two weeks, and various sympton easers, I'm ok again, so hang on in there. Wishing a good night's sleep Will be online tomorrow....catch up with you all, then.
  3. Living doll - Cliff and the Shadows Edit : looks like we've got out of sequence
  4. Movin' and a groovin' - Sam Cooke
  5. It's a hard days night - The Beatles
  6. Well, good mornin', 'Grandma' and to all you ERs Great news and lovely name. Will catch up on the photos later. Not feeling particularly grand clever this morning, just boiled over hubby's porridge in the microwave - the first of the season. I forgot my foolproof plan of last year - cook it on 'simmer' not full blast. Better luck tomorrow: I've got all winter ahead to get it right. Time to do sarnis for work - see if I can get that right,.. Have a great day all.
  7. Nothing but the girl - Alexandra Burke
  8. Worthing Been there. A day out on the coach one summer when I was a kid. :sungum:
  9. Good mornin' all First thoughts are with baby. Hope all goes well. And hope that all you out on the West side of the Atlantic are safe. Fireworks started going off in our village last week (if not sooner) and no doubt will continue 'til Easter, at least. You only know, of course, because you hear the bangs and whizzes - we don't SEE anything. I pity the sheep, not to mention pets and other animals, and the birds - hope they don't fall out of their trees in fright. And one of our favourite cafes is so full of ridiculous Halloween junk hanging up that I won't go there till it's all over - it just puts me off my coffee. Forget lunch: you might mistake the ketchup for the blood dripping from the severed head's neck! By the time it's all taken down (well, nearly all), it'll probably be closed for winter not opening up til Easter. Then the staff in another of our favourite cafe's decided to call everyone 'my darling' every time they speak to you. Urrrrghhhh.... Oh, dear, and I hoped to cheer you up. Another day, perhaps...Oh, yes. Today is wet and windy. That maybe good, though - it might keep the trick or treaters indoors tonight. Enjoy your day.
  10. Dream, dream, dream, dream, dream, dream, dream, dream
  11. Would our garden do? And in true Welsh style, there's a good slope on it. We can supply the lawn mower!
  12. I echo the first sentiment. Hope all goes well with baby and mum.
  13. Or maybe our stuffed pork...depending which way the wind is blowing, of course. But horror of horrors - it's dark now when I leave work. Like ? Yes /No
  14. but some day one day we'll come home
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