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Everything posted by southern42

  1. Or have a go at some ridiculous modelling... _____________________________ Post Script for interest only! Choo!choo quote Click on me and have a look at the test piece!
  2. While I was waiting for the gloss to arrive, I did a test piece for the other modules - a fir forest on the distant mountains using some dried out moss. I also have a different moss which I have pressed between model railway books specifically for the job, so I hope I may get a more life like appearance. We will see when it comes to it. For now, I am happy enough that the idea should work. Clump of tangled up moss First couple of strands cut and stuck on mountains made from a 4"x1"x1/4" cereal card frame and some Polyfilla. Some previously used diluted PVA glue on the base. Super glue on the moss. Further layers added. As I have yet to start either of the other two modules, I have used The Cob to see if it is going to work. The mountain forest is simply placed on top of a box behind the Cob's backdrop so actually outside the 8"x8" limit. Naturally(!), it will fit inside the 8"x8" ruling on either of the other two cakebox modules. The scale of the mountains and forest will need to be adapted when I scenic the other modules. I have some photos to guide me. This test was purely freestyle. Test on site with the 'trees' painted with colour washes to reflect a dull wet misty autumn day. Back to the bus to Portmeirion, next. Thanks for popping in and your ratings. Much appreciated. Polly
  3. Then how about homegrown? Sugar beet used by Silver Spoon is from East Anglia.
  4. woman, come and hold my hand Dance the Charleston to that old swing band I know that it's getting late but you don't mind Let's take a
  5. Hold back - The Rolling Stones
  6. Definitely less sugar than it says on the tin.
  7. ' afternoon all from red dragon land. Sun here but with a fair amount of various cloud formations around. Light sou'westerlies cooling it down a bit and blowing away the pollen. Easterlies generally the worst for the latter, here. 18C out, warmer in the sun and out of the wind. Toot on the flute good and bad as usual. Page 2 of F minor piece slowly coming together. No.6 bus to Portmeirion is held up waiting for a pot of gold gloss varnish, so I started on a test piece - using bits of moss - of a fir forest on a faraway mountain. It will be laborious if it works, hence the test! Several of my sprigs of an unknown bush (seems it might be a form of Lonicera - nitida, possibly) still looking ok in their pots, so fingers crossed a few will happily take root. Pot of of varnish just turned up. I know what I will be doing tomorrow, then! Fitt and Elfie enjoying the good wevver. Take care all and play safe. ________ Best wishes Polly
  8. money I never made enough for what I needed I thought that I could find an easy way But I was wrong and now I'm
  9. find a reason to believe Someone like you Makes it hard to live without Somebody else Someone like you Makes it easy to give Never think about
  10. it's cold outside I gotta go away Baby it's
  11. Two out of three ain’t bad - Meatloaf
  12. Take a tin of mandarin oranges and empty into some melted jelly. Leave to set and cover with custard. Now that’s what I call trifling.
  13. miles and miles and miles and miles and miles Oh yeah The Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal are mine to see on clear days You thought that I would need a crystal ball to see right through the haze Well,
  14. Golly gosh no. Tiny tree-looking growth for making far away forest of fir trees.
  15. Sometimes I have wondered how Rap actually fits in with centuries of music. Is it novel? I have heard people say "it isn't music" but is it and does it have its roots in history. Two things that stood out were performances of religious music and opera. If we look at it as speaking in musical terms rather than, say singing, then it could compare with the intonation of, say the priest - in plainsong - followed by a full choral work e.g Priest in plainsong Credo in unum Deum, followed by a fully sung Creed. Or, as in opera: "two modes of singing: recitative, the plot-driving passages sung in a style designed to imitate and emphasize the inflections of speech, and aria (an “air” or formal song) in which the characters express their emotions in a more structured melodic style." https://courses.lumenlearning.com/musicappreciation_with_theory/chapter/overview-of-opera/ Like it or not, it seems Rap may have its roots in a very old tradition. I am open to opinion...
  16. ' afternoon all from red dragon land. Happy Anniversary to Jamie and Beth. Fully comprehend, I grew up with Gas Numbers, moved when the ovens were still in Fahrenheit, and later ovens were in Centigrade. I still use some of my Mums recipes with Gas numbers so I am always converting! You get used to it - sort of! Interesting day. First, I went out to do some checking on the sprigs of some unknown shrub I planted yesterday ( a bit limp but it is raining now so they may survive) and ended up having a good natter with our next-door neighbour. Then indoors to grapple with playing E flat on the fife - the only note to be produced with a half hole in the fingering. Of course, there is more than one position for the little finger to cover half the hole. It is finding that position that is the problem especially when is comes before or after different notes, or rather different fingerings, but I persevere - it comes and goes, more going than coming though! Then some of the M word I had been putting off - but fears were superseded by some satisfactory paintwork on the yellow bus to Portmeirion. I just do not want to spoil it when I come to varnish it. (It'll be fine!) A well-deserved mugadecaf, now, I reckon. Fitt and Elfie doing alright. Take care all and play safe. (My sliced thumb is now fully recovered! ) _________ Best wishes Polly
  17. Rock Island Line she runs down into New Orleans There's a big tollgate down there and you know If you got certain things on board when you go through the tollgate Well you don't have to pay the man no toll Well a train driver he pulled up to the tollgate And a man hollered and asked
  18. Paint job done. Quite a few thin layers of paint brushed on, modifying the colour as I went along to get best match. A few extra layers of paint added after the photo was taken. Am I ever satisfied? Base colour: Windsor & Newton Cadmium yellow medium hue acrylic Toned down with Vallejo Model Colour Dark flesh acrylic Lightened with W&N Titanium white acrylic Pleased with that - for a change. Next job - give the paintwork a coat of gloss varnish.
  19. The sides of the bus are now decluttered. I, now, need to touch up the paintwork before giving it an overall new coat of paint in the same colour, and sort out some No.6 motifs. It turns out we have some transfer paper so that will save a few pennies! Out of interest, the metallic backdrop for the bus photos is the top of my laptop and white mounting board behind. It saves me having to clear a space on the workbench dining table every time I want to take a photo!
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