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Phil Copleston

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  • Location
    Launceston, Cornwall
  • Interests
    S scale 1:64 - its the perfect size and delightfully idiosyncratic! Cambrian, light railways, industrial, narrow gauge and American shortlines. Also 1:152 2mm Finescale and 2mmNG, and some overseas modelling in 1:160 N scale.

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  1. Just discovered this thread and am now following. Most interesting as I am considering buying this Slater's kit and making similar mods. Any updates on construction?
  2. And yet more pics for your delectation! This time from the camera of one of our stalwart Railwells operators and arch-2-mil modeller, Laurie Adams. Thank you, Laurie! Happy and smiling Edna Greenwood and Kim Clifford (Mrs. Queensquare) arriving with chocolate cake (in the box held by Kim) near the end of the show! Laurie grabbed this selection of photos and videos (on the link below) late on Sunday afternoon - just as the rest of us remembered we hadn't taken enough ourselves. Of note are his short videos of the final DMU 'Bubble Car' service leaving Padstow for Halwill Junction via the North Cornwall line - which on the prototype constituted the last through train from Wadebridge via the SR link in 1966. For us, running this ceremonial 'last' model 'Bubble Car' train out of Wadebridge has become something of an end-of-show tradition! Too many megabytes to upload here, so Laurie has kindly put his videos and photos in a Dropbox folder called 'Wadebridge et al at RailWells August 2018' and asked me to share it with you at: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7xxm7vmu24coary/AADvGykNoB0luDOtT88I8MXJa?dl=0 You should be able to see this without a Dropbox account. But if you haven't already got one, you can sign-up for free at: https://www.dropbox.com Dropbox is an online 'cloud' area where you can store files, back-up your hard-drive, or share folders and files across platforms (such as PC, laptop, tablet or phone) or with others. Very useful!
  3. I thought followers of this thread might appreciate a closer look at the 25 beautiful locos we ran on John Greenwood's layout last weekend. The work of a Master Model-Maker: John's exquisite rendition of a SR 'King Arthur' in 2mm finescale. This loco usually heads the 'Betjeman Belle' Pullman set. As 'Arthurs' were never permitted beyond Exeter, it is rumoured that John may name this engine fictitiously as 'Sir John Betjeman' and name the Pullmans after girls in Betjeman's poems and the women in his life. Sir John Betjeman (1906-1984), Poet Laureate, lived his last years near Padstow and is buried in St Enodoc's churchyard, Trebetherick, just across the River Camel. Rather fitting and romantic, methinks. Prior to the show I photographed all of John's locos and put together a series of 'crib sheets' illustating each loco together with it's DCC code number for the benefit of operators, both regular and guest. John generally uses the last two digits of the loco's running number which are fairly obvious by simply looking at the model on the layout. This is true for most of his Southern locos. But some of these have perforce been changed to avoid duplication or avoid obvious no-goers such as "00" resulting from the last two digits of SR 02 No.200, or by the two unpainted locos, or the difficulty of squinting at the tiddly GWR number plates from 2-3 feet away! After checking for correctness with John, I emailed these to David Long who kindly duplicated and delivered several sets of neatly printed lists on the Saturday morning, just after opening. Jerry also did a laminated set and posted them on the front of the Padstow part of the layout. Anyway, you are probably not interested in the DCC codes as such. So I have re-edited these illustrated lists without the codes and added a few extra notes about each model and posted them below as easy-to-read pdfs. John does have some other locos which don't normally run on the layout or which are unchipped, so I didn't include them in these lists. He also has three exquisite scratchbuilt 2mm scale/4.5mm gauge narrow gauge locos, but that is another story... 1. John's GWR tank & tender locos (no codes).pdf 2. John's SR tank locos (no codes).pdf 3. John's SR tender locos (no codes).pdf Enjoy!
  4. Tony, Your company and assistance was very welcome and much appreciated! You put in some sterling work all weekend keeping the Wenford half of the layout going and entertaining the public. And I much enjoyed our intelligent conversations too. I look forward to more of the same another time. Glad you thoroughly enjoyed the weekend as much as the rest of us!
  5. Maurice Hopper – one of our intrepid fellow operators at Railwells – has kindly sent me these five photos he took early on on Saturday morning before opening, indeed before any of the rest of us got there! Maurice added these comments: “Having arrived early on the Saturday morning, I carefully removed the layout of its black plastic dust covers ready for the owner and the operating team to show up... and get the rolling stock out. Once exposed, it seemed like a good opportunity to photograph the layout in its prime position in the foyer of Wells Town Hall before the arrival of the viewing public and operators, who would soon be in the way of uncluttered photography! “It always seems rather amazing to me that all of the 2mm scale rolling stock for this extensive layout is carried in something not much bigger than a medium sized tool box!” Thank you, Maurice.
  6. Nice find, Jerry. Will you therefore remove the errant vac. pipes?
  7. Pictures from an extraordinary exhibition! John Greenwood's 2mm finescale North Cornwall Railway - including the Bodmin & Wadebridge Railway at Railwells last weekend Despite my good intentions, I didn't take too many photos during the actual two-day public exhibition - mainly because we were all dashing about like mad hares keeping the layout(s) running! And when I say 'layout(s)', it was really so - essentially the large and busy Wadebridge-Padstow section, and the whole of the Wenford Branch, plus some shuttle trains to the unscenicked Bodmin North. This was the first time the whole thing had been erected or operated outside of John's loft. Indeed, it was a steep learning curve for us all, but we found that these various parts of the layout tended to operate as two (and maybe a half) separate sections back-to-back, sharing the common fiddleyards in the middle. The branch was largely self-contained. Viewing was primarily on three sides, illuminated via the layout lighting rigs. The rest of the layout - the mostly incomplete Dunmere Junction, Boscarne Junction, North Cornwall Junction, Pencadder Road and St Blazey Roundhouse in the middle - could be glimpsed from the informal 'fourth' side. But visually these areas were largely obscured from public viewing and were only lit by the ambient hall lighting. See trackplan on posts #305 or 290 above to orientate yourself. We were situated in the main entrance foyer. Anyway, on with the pics. You've seen most of the layout before in various parts on previous posts, so you generally know how it looks. But nevertheless, I did manage to capture some moments during set-up on Friday afternoon, and some shots of the 'last train' at the end of the day on Sunday. Plus a few in between. Hope you find these informative and inspirational! Setting up, late on Friday afternoon: View from the rather messy 'fourth side'. This will all eventually get scenicked and be more presentable: Saturday morning, putting the stock on and trying things out: Saturday, later during the day (where did all the crowds go?): Sunday operations: Tony Gee and John share some of Edna Greenwood's delicious home-made cake (a North Cornwall layout tradition): Dave Taylor prepares the last train of the exhibition - a BR DMU 'Bubblecar' - to leave Padstow: In reality, the very last North Cornwall train to depart Wadebridge on 1st October 1966 was a DMU 'Bubblecar', so this last view is most appropriate. Sob! And that was it! The crowds on Saturday were tremendous, so it was hard to get any shots of the layout as such. Sunday was less hectic and more relaxed. But the sheer numbers of well known modellers and 2mm Scale Association members who kindly came to see the layout was most gratifying. All in all, we felt it was a very successful outing for such a massive undertaking. Inevitably things went wrong - turnouts failed, locos died, the crane and road vehicles on Wenford Goods Depot were out of action for part of Saturday, so John Greedwood spent a lot of time with torch and tools under the layout fixing things. Lessons learned: less panic in operating, sloooow down, operate fewer passenger trains and more goods trains, and importantly, keep the number of operators behind the layout to the minimum necessary to keep it running. But generally, we all had a jolly good time - as indeed we hope the viewing public did too! Others will no doubt post more photos of this layout at Wells and unique 2-mil event. I look forward to seeing the layout from their perspective. So please post your pics, guys! Whether this happens again - who knows. But having done it once, at least we now know how to go about it (or not)! Thanks are due to our willing operators over the weekend - Dave Taylor (DLT), Maurice Hopper, Tom Everitt (TomE), Laurie Adams, Tony Gee (plus a few others who wangled 'a go'), and of course to Jerry Clifford (queensquare), fixer-in-chief. And a special thanks to the gaffer himself, John Greenwood, for kindly inviting me (and the rest of us) to help out - it was a privilege and a real thrill. What an inspiring experience this has been!
  8. Last call... Don't leave it hanging! Remember to come along to Wells Town Hall, Somerset for RAILWELLS - this coming Sat 11 and Sun 12 August 2018 and experience John Greenwood's 2mm finescale Magnum Opus The North Cornwall Railway - including the Bodmin & Wadebridge Railway Padstow - Wadebridge - Boscarne Junction - Bodmin North - St Blazey Roundhouse - and the entire Wenford Branch, including Wenford Goods Depot with working gantry crane and road vehicles. Seven layouts in one - a true model railway system. Yes - ALL of it will be exhibited at the Wells Show - clearly an opportunity NOT to be missed! As a reminder, this is what you will get to see - a whole model railway empire in one layout: Plus three other 2mm finescale layouts will also be there: 2mm 'Bordesley North' – Jim Alwood (minimum space layout with high level station and lower level cement terminal); 2mm 'Callaton' – Mick Simpson (situated north of Newcastle in the 1970s); 2mm 'Mini-MSW (The Woodhead Line)' – Alan Whitehouse (the first showing of Alan’s revamped DC overhead electric Woodhead inspired layout); and also ‘Ashburton’ – John Birkett-Smith (a superb 1930s era GWR terminus, actually built to 2mm scale, but with N gauge wheels and track). Plus a host of other splendid layouts in P4 and other scales. A real Modeller's Show. More about Railwells 2018 here: http://railwells.com/railway-show/railwells-show-2018/ This is clearly a very special 2-mil orientated show - so be there if you can. See you this coming weekend!
  9. The decision is obvious, Jim... your hand-held Wadebridge controller awaits you!
  10. A Special Announcement: RAILWELLS Sat 11 / Sun 12 August 2018 John Greenwood's 2mm finescale Magnum Opus The North Cornwall Railway - including the Bodmin & Wadebridge Railway Padstow - Wadebridge - Boscarne Junction - Bodmin North - St Blazey Roundhouse - and the entire Wenford Branch, including Wenford Goods Depot with working gantry crane and road vehicles. Seven layouts in one - a true model railway system. Yes - ALL of it will be exhibited at the Wells Show, Somerset. ​This may only happen once, so clearly an opportunity NOT to be missed! While the whole thing will be fully operational during the show, portions of it will be a 'work in progress' scenically - in particular, Padstow and parts of the Wenford Branch. Bodmin North is slightly out of public view, stuck behind the branch, and is still just track on baseboards, so will function as an extra fiddleyard and stock storage area. (This will eventually be another stand-alone portion of the overall layout.) Even so, you will be able to witness a WHOLE model railway SYSTEM in operation - quite a rare experience these days. There will be between 6 to 8 operators kept busy at any one time to ensure the trains will be running on the main and the branch. Railwells this year will obviously be a bit of a 2-mil extravaganza - nay, a veritable 2-mil-fest! Three additional 2mm finescale layouts will also be at the show (2mm is the guest scale); these are: 2mm 'Bordesley North' – Jim Alwood Minium space layout with high level station and lower level cement terminal 2mm 'Callaton' – Mick Simpson Situated north of Newcastle in the 1970s 2mm 'Mini-MSW (The Woodhead Line)' – Alan Whitehouse The first showing of Alan’s revamped DC overhead electric Woodhead inspired layout And of course, including a host of other splendid layouts in P4 and other scales, including the exquisite ‘Ashburton’ – John Birkett-Smith. This GWR layout is actually built to 2mm scale, albeit with N gauge wheels and track. Further details in the current issue of MRJ (264) and on the Railwells 2018 website: http://railwells.com/railway-show/railwells-show-2018 Don't miss this rather special model railway event. We can imagine that many 2mm scale aficionados and others will be travelling some distance to see this exceptional layout system. John's layout will occupy most of the ground floor entrance foyer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway, that's the announcement over. As part of our show prep., a couple of weeks ago Jerry Clifford and I met up at John's house to help John test-assemble the layout outside - the first time the whole thing had been put together outside of John's loft, its usual abode. Fortunately, it was gloriously sunny (nay, blisteringly hot!) all day and we could errect it in front of his garage (and the neighbours too, with permission) without interuption. Actually, it wasn't the 'layout' we were testing (we know it all works), but instead putting up the ingenious legging and support system and to see if the extended lighting rigs would fit round three sides of the whole layout. They did - but only after a little 'adjustment' did they go together satisfactorily. All we then had to do was work out which bits will be transported in John's, Jerry's or my cars to shift it all up to Wells before the show. We reckon it will all fit in - but only just! Here are some snaps from that sunny afternoon of us test-assembling mainly the legs and lighting units from John's impressively large 2mm layout (compare with the plan above): And... ...Ta-daa! And finally, here's a shot of me actually doing some modelling (well, painting the scenery undercoat on the Wenford Branch), while John cuts out a slice from the baseboard edge to accommodate part of the Camel River (which he's forgotten to allow for). We'll get there in the end! Anyway, that's it. Fingers crossed everything will work and we'll all have a splendid time. Come and say "hello" - we hope to see you at Railwells!
  11. Geraint, I can hardly believe this! For me, Obbekaer is one of the most impressive and delightful layouts on the British exhibition circuit, irrespective of whether one is interested in Danish prototypes or HO scale. The quality of prototype observation and modelling execution are outstanding - rolling stock, buildings, landscape and operation. I have been particularly impressed by your quality of workmanship, even down to the thoughtful perspex sides to the fiddleyard cassets. Anyway, I do hope to see this lovely layout out at an exhibition again soon. It deserves a wider audience and is certainly worthy of a in-depth write-up in MRJ, in my biased opinion!
  12. CK, count me in too. I'll be there. Anything for a good meal!
  13. Go on Gareth, show and tell all - show us yer "weird chimneys". A salutary lesson in turning to us all, perhaps...
  14. Welcome to the 2mm Scale Association! I suggest you read through messages #1852-1859 on this thread: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/38833-any-question-answered/page-75 But as a newcomer to 2mm finescale modelling, you might find it easier to work with the slightly larger (and less twisty) Code 40 striprail instead. Hope that helps.
  15. Thanks Chris. Interesting. But what is the rationale for producing these etches to 1:148 scale?
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