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Status Updates posted by Castle

  1. Castle Tours to Didcot and Fawley are go:http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/139995-rmweb-tour-of-didcot-fawley-25th-26th-may-2019/

  2. Castle Tours to Didcot and Fawley are go:http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/139995-rmweb-tour-of-didcot-fawley-25th-26th-may-2019/

  3. Castle Tours to Didcot and Fawley are go:

  4. Castle Tours to Didcot and Fawley are go:

  5. The Castle Tours RMWEB trip this year to Didcot will be a two day event to both Didcot and Fawley Hill! Thread appearing soon - places will be limited!

  6. On my way to Didcot for the tour - see you there!

    1. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Enjoy! Was there for it 2 years ago, was a good day.

    2. 3rd Rail Exile

      3rd Rail Exile

      Was great fun, and very interesting - Many thanks to Castle and his band of helpers!

  7. Didcot Railway Centre Tour is tomorrow and you can still join us if you like! http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/118580-the-2017-rmweb-members-didcot-tour/

    1. Miss Prism

      Miss Prism

      Wish I could be there. Have a nice day, and hope you have good weather.

  8. Didcot Railway Centre Tour is tomorrow and you can still join us if you like! http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/118580-the-2017-rmweb-members-didcot-tour/

  9. The RMWEB Tour of Didcot Railway Centre is next Sunday - there are still spaces available if anyone else wants to come along!

  10. The RMWEB Toir of Didcot a Railway Centre is next weekend and there are still a few spaces available if anyone would like to come along!

  11. The RMWEB Tour of Didcot Railway Centre isn't far off now - there is still room for more people to join us! http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/118580-the-2017-rmweb-members-didcot-tour/

  12. The RMWEB Tour of Didcot Railway Centre isn't far off now - there is still room for more people to join us!

  13. The RMWEB Tour of Didcot Railway Centre isn't far off now - there is still room for more!

  14. The RMWEB Tour of Didcot Railway Centre isn't far off now - there is still room for more!

  15. There are still places available for the RMWEB Tour of Didcot Railway Centre! http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/118580-the-2017-rmweb-members-didcot-tour/

    1. Liam


      Castle, just to clarify you've got my name down?

    2. Castle


      Yes indeed good sir!

  16. I have just added the RMWEB Tour of Didcot Railway Centre to the forum calendar. There are still places available! http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/118580-the-2017-rmweb-members-didcot-tour/

  17. On my way to the 2015 RMWEB Tour of Didcot Railway Centre. See you there!

    1. Re6/6


      Hope that the weather doesn't spoil it.

      Have a nice time!

    2. The Fatadder

      The Fatadder

      Looking forward to it, just hope the rain holds off....

  18. On my way to the 2015 RMWEB Tour of Didcot Railway Centre. See you there!

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