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Tony Teague

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Everything posted by Tony Teague

  1. Apologies! Must be recent as the front page was updated on 3rd October. I last placed a successful order almost exactly 12 months ago. Let us hope that the problem is temporary. Tony
  2. Still going strong? - http://www.pdkmodels.co.uk/ Tony
  3. I recently discovered this amazing thread, having exchanged mutually supportive posts with Alan on another thread (belonging to a certain Mr Wright). Since then I have diligently worked through every page - until, imagine my horror! - I found that Kingsbridge was to be destroyed. What a shame! I must say that I was impressed throughout with the standard of modelling and what I especially liked was the way in which Alan worked through the timetable, showing in one post after another, the arrivals and subsequent departures of each train as the day progressed. Whilst this may seem an obvious way to report things - mingled with a smattering of progress reporting - I had not seen it done so well elsewhere and will now certainly steal it as an approach for my own thread. Despite my recent arrival at Kingsbridge, I shall miss the layout and it is certainly good that it will be preserved through RMWeb and this thread. I wish the new layout every success and will be following with interest. Tony
  4. Speaking as one of those errant modellers who has chosen not to model a real prototype location, I must say that I agree entirely with what Tony has said. I have been researching the signalling requirements for my Southern Railway 1938 - 1948 layout, and not only do I need to establish where the signals should go, I have to specify what function each should perform, what type of post, bracket or gantry should support each one, how tall each signal post should be and so on. Of course no-one can tell me that I have got the railway fence in the wrong position, but I can't help thinking that an actual prototype location might have been easier...! (By the way, good to see you today at Warley Tony, and all good wishes to Mo for a speedy recovery). Tony
  5. Thanks Alan After responding to your post on Tony Wright's thread I am just working through your own - right from the beginning, and it is certainly most impressive. I'll make further comment over there! Tony
  6. Apologies for my very late response on this but I have been playing catch-up. I just wanted to say that you are not alone! I am a great fan of this thread and get a lot of inspiration from it, and LB in particular, but I certainly used to feel a bit inadequate in the loco-building department - despite building my own baseboards, doing 90% of my own wiring, building & painting wagon kits, coach kits and until recently all of my scenery, I either bought RTR or commissioned the loco kit-builds from others. Tony then very kindly gave me a lesson in loco-building and I have now almost finished two - but to be honest it is never going to be the favourite aspect of railway modelling for me - plus I really have to admit to having far too many locos! So, do I now feel inadequate in any way, or that I am not a 'proper' modeller? Not at all, because I am doing what gives me the most pleasure and using what skills & competencies I have, plus when I buy RTR or commission work from others I am helping to keep the hobby alive. Tony
  7. What about switching to DC and leaving the decoder out? (Only a suggestion from an old Luddite!) Tony
  8. North Norfolk Railway, yesterday. WD 90775 approaching bridge 303. Tony
  9. Congratulations on the article Graham; the pictures are excellent, however, I find the MR house style irritating - especially the "3 things we like", "what makes this layout great" & "Things you may have missed"; I have recently cancelled my MR subs! None of my prejudice takes away from what you have achieved - the level of detailing is excellent and I look forward to seeing the layout at an exhibition soon. Tony
  10. Andy Great video! Makes me wish that we had found time to run your stock here when you paid a visit - next time perhaps? For the future - I have found personally, that it is easier to upload videos to You Tube and then paste a link in here. Tony
  11. Adrian Thanks - its an idea - I see this pond as being rather contaminated by oil and coal etc, although it is not quite as black as the picture represents. Tony
  12. Between Stowe Magna station and Stowe Magna shed, a small drainage ditch or stream emerges from underneath the railway and then flows alongside the entry road to the goods yard into a small dirty pond, before disappearing off the baseboard edge. I have been working to finish this area and with some scenic help from friend Mike, plus some Aqua magic, the stream and pond are now looking pretty good, however, I have hit a small problem at the baseboard edge where I have failed to get a neat finish. I have explained the problem in a separate post and asked whether others have experience and / or a solution to this problem, as I have two other places on the layout where I want to use this approach. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/127994-using-deluxe-materials-aqua-magic-at-baseboard-edge/ All thoughts appreciated! Tony
  13. Does anyone have a patent method for blocking off the edge, where a stretch of water comes to the end of the baseboard? I have a small stream that starts next to my loco shed and opens into a pond that lies along the front edge of the baseboard. I have used Aqua Magic to fill it and it looks pretty good, but I have struggled to get a clean line at the board edge. I decided to wrap a length of mount board in cling film and then I staple gunned the board to the front of the baseboard; I then sealed the bottom edge of the join with Maskol and this arrangement certainly ensured I had no leaks! Over a period of about 2 weeks I added 3 or 4 layers of Aqua Magic and once it was all completely solid I removed the staples and mount board, however the Aqua Magic had stuck to the cling film and pulled it inwards, away from the mount board in places. Although I have cut it free with a scalpel, the edge of the water is not as neat against the board edge as I would like - see pictures: I have another similar area of water elsewhere on the layout to deal with, and so any suggestions as to how I might better seal the edge would be appreciated. Tony
  14. May I pose a question related to your picture of WD No.3165 please? (please excuse my ignorance in advance!). Most of the pictures that I have seen that date from before these locos were re-liveried & re-numbered seem to show the tenders as being plain black - no lettering, logo or numbers, but a few show "WD" and fewer still then have a sort of upward pointing arrowhead between the W and the D. I have Richard Derry's "book of the WD..." but I can't seem to find a definitive answer about what is correct, what & when were the sequence of changes and so on. Any help appreciated! Tony
  15. What great little book! - not seen before. Tony
  16. That's about right; on photo charters such as the one where this was taken, and especially where the sky is very flat and grey, the fireman will be specifically asked to throw some dust or whatever into the firebox to provide contrast in the smoke, that is missing in the sky. Makes for a good picture but unlikely to look how it was 'back in the day'! Tony
  17. Tony Hope you will forgive my self indulgence, but your post brought back a more recent memory for me, of photographing the same loco, which still exists on the GCR - in 2015. Tony
  18. Applying this approach to my home layout, I am constantly working at eliminating poor running and improving consistency, whether the problems relate to track, rolling stock, couplings or locomotives, but there is one further phenomena that I have experienced more than once, and which I find plays havoc with reliable running, and that is to have Tony Wright visit one's layout! Even if one had been running without error all night, his approach to the railway room door seems to bring out long dormant faults!! (But I am sure that I don't need to say that you are always most welcome Tony!). Tony
  19. I would say that they want to see trains moving - not necessarily fast, but certainly moving. The problem layouts for an exhibition visitor are those where nothing moves, and then when it does, it derails and the 'hand of God' descends, or those where the operators are more interested in chatting to each other, exchanging bell codes etc, than running the "show". Tony
  20. I spent last weekend at Missenden Abbey on a most enjoyable weathering course under the excellent tutelage of Mick Bonwick; I had decided to enrol because of the sheer scale of what I need to do in this area, and also because of my previous total failure to master an air-brush! I have returned much the wiser and in due course I shall start to post some of the results; I can recommend both the Missenden Abbey Weekend and Mick Bonwick's weathering course without hesitation (no connection etc). Following that, Giles Walburn of Elite baseboards paid a visit and helped by installing 10 more Heathcote automatic uncouplers - so I can now shunt Stowe Magna yard fairly effectively; I shall post some pictures and perhaps a video in due course. I have also managed to make significant progress on signalling, which I mentioned two posts back - so here is an update: I took delivery of my order for colour light signals from Absolute Aspects about a year ago, and although some of them had been mounted in position, none was wired up. I intend for the colour lights to cover the 'electrified / third rail' Up and Down Main lines through Stowe Magna plus the approaches to and from the main fiddle yards in either direction; semaphore signals will then be used to control the two double track lines that diverge at Stowe Magna, and through Churminster respectively. All 9 colour light signals are now lit, and all six of those that control the main through routes are now fully operational, including feathers and a theatre indicator which are inter-connected with the signal levers that control the related points - I have to say that I am really pleased with the results: SR Q1 class no. C8 heads north out of Stowe Magna with the Up Kent coal train Once it has cleared, the route is set for an Up EMU to pass it further up the line It is quite difficult to portray signals working in still shots and so I will work on some video sequences, but turning the camera through 180 degrees at the same viewpoint, just outside the Stowe Magna gasworks, one can see the Down line signal is set for a pull-push train to terminate in platform 1 The following express will then passes on the through Down Main This will then be followed by a terminating EMU to platform 2 Because the signals are operated in conjunction with the point mechanisms, and these in turn isolate certain areas of track ahead or behind them, there is a degree of electronic interlocking, but there is more to be done in this area. There are also three starter signals - two from the terminating platforms and one from the converging double track line that joins at Stowe Magna junction, that are lit on red but not yet operational, plus two position lights and some ground signals that are yet to be wired, so still plenty to be done! Tony [Edited to correct 2 spelling errors]
  21. Adrian This is just wonderful - and all made from such basic materials! Your skills seem endless. Tony
  22. Just to give an update on the original topic of this thread, I can confirm that I now have 11 of the Heathcote Uncouplers installed and operational. All went in easily and working fine which is reassuring given the effort that I have put in to standardising my couplings. Happy to recommend - no connection etc. Tony
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