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Posts posted by Cleefy

  1. Think they already have....

    Currently on a flash sale for £21.91 with at the time of posting a little under 4.5 hours to go.


    Don't know how that compares to the price before, but I thought it was worth a punt as it looks like it'll be better than what I have and I don't do enough airbrushing to justify the cost of an Iwata etc.


    And it seems to have gone off sale again in the space of five minutes :scratchhead:

  2. For all you sound addicts:   Maplins have a selection of various good quality ABC 4 and 8 ohm speakers, at discounted prices, typically £1.89 each - just cleared out my local store  :jester:


    What are you doing? This isn't a thread about bargains, this is a thread about the vagaries of Hereford Model Centre's stock control system. Did you know that if you order something from them, the stock level goes down by one? There's a wonderful cosmic balance that on the day Stephen Hawking dies, this whole new era of discovery dawns.

  3. Phil,


    I think you may not have read what I wrote fully. I suggested that if there are enough people who want the kits- go to Charles and ask him if he will sell all the tools, moulds and the design rights to the kits.


    This is not a recommendation to anyone or an offer to start any balls rolling, just an observation that if enough people do feel strongly about it they can always ask him. He might say yes, he might say no, he might promise to get back to you in a few weeks (in which case pencil in your diary to remind him) or him might just stand and scowl at you for wasting his time. Who knows.


    Best hope they get in there before a mythical bird and its exacting enamels... ;)

  4. Surely if you want a nest egg from model railways, you buy RTR and put the unopened box away in an airtight, lightproof container in a controlled environment for about 30 years?  Personally, I can't see the point but it seems to float some people's boats ........  


    The main reason I returned to this hobby is I dug out all my old Hornby/Lima/Mainline stuff from 30 years ago with the intention of sticking it on Ebay. After five or ten minutes' browsing it soon became apparent that even the boxed special edition stuff was worth both halves of sweet FA, so I figured I may as well do something with it and spent an evening coaxing those poor, misbegotten models of my youth back into life.


    Nostalgia - it's a dangerous thing :O

  5. In all honesty, I'm considering ceasing posting on this thread. It's definitely not my property, so others can keep it going if they wish. I have so many projects on the go - making models, writing books and so on, I wonder sometimes is it worth it? Please don't think I'm hoping for a mass of 'Oh please keep it going' posts, but if by advocating the actual making of things (not just locos), I'm considered part of some mythical elite, then I'd better disappear. Unless readers want me to explain how to commission things, how to write cheques, how to open boxes, how to put stuff on the track/put in place RTP buildings and turn a knob. Cynical, me?


    Maybe it's something as simple as the placing of the thread in this part of the forum? RMWeb has separate sections for kit building, layout building and - if I dare mention the P word - photography et al that people can read/ignore as they wish. I'm wondering if having this thread here has lead to some thinking it's being promoted as some sort of gold-plated standard, although I realise that's absolutely not the intention.


    I'm also not suggesting that after more than two years and 160 pages the mods split it out into separate threads. What I like about this thread is that it features all of the interests and projects (well, the train set related ones at least) of an individual and as such forms a coherent whole. You may not be its owner, Tony, but you are definitely its glue!


    Aside from that, I'm as baffled as you are as to where the accusations of elitism come from. Your content, like the majority on this forum, comes across not as "look at what I've done" but as "look at what it's possible to do".


    Finally, as I'm aware of your aversion to forum aliases, I'll sign off with my real name although I suspect it might prompt a response of "Oh gawd, not another one!"



    • Like 2
  6. Yes, let it never be forgotten, there are kits and kits. Some of which are, to be generous, 'an aid to scratch building'. A few may not even be that good.


    I wonder how many people have been put off for life by a bad kit, on the presumption that because he/she could not build it, he/she was incapable of building anything?


    You can always tell a dodgy kit on ebay because the seller will have thrown in a set of wheels or a Portescap motor to divert your attention away from its appalling quality. If anyone sees such a kit for sale, run like the proverbial and do not, under any circumstances, be tempted to bid on it! ;)

    • Like 1
  7. High Street, Rhuddlan.




    01745 590048


    Just opened and still getting organised.

    An increasing stock of regular model railway bits plus some useful secondhand.

    Also die-cast and Scalextric.


    After your visit you can look around the ruined castle if it's not raining and have a cup of Kenco if the Cafe opposite hasn't closed for lunch.


    Mark seems a pleasant sort of fellow.


    Now I'm no expert as far as the catering trade goes, but...

  8. Ummed and ahhed about getting the Caley, but having seen Sarahagain's informative post about motorising it, I went to get one today. Just one left in Lincoln WH Smiths now and it has a small but nonetheless noticeable mark on the footplate below the cab entrance. What the mark is I'm afraid I couldn't tell in the Stygian gloom!


    For the first time since the A4 and Coronation, my example appears to be free from QA issues, which is a relief because it's far too pretty to repaint. Although that can be said of pretty much anything that isn't in dreary old Brunswick green :P

    • Like 3
  9. There was only the one in Lincoln WH Smiths when I did a bit of late night shopping last night. Unless you're planning on repainting it, I would look elsewhere - the boiler lining looked like it had been applied by hand in the middle of an earthquake.

  10. In a nutshell, that's why - despite he many exhortations to 'have a go' - I'm reluctant to.  Spend good money and my precious time to try to hack together badly designed, badly fitting kits?  Much as I really really really want to - I just don't have the time or money to waste finding out that the product is intrinsically flawed.


    That said - I keep looking at a SEF Buckjumper to get my feet wet :D


    Know how you feel, it's a minefield out there. I took a leap of faith with a Judith Edge kit and fortunately it paid off. An aged and somewhat warped K's Q1 kit, perhaps not so much - at least it was cheap and it's all part of life's rich tapestry, or so I keep telling myself ;)


    If you're really risk averse, maybe try a simple Comet chassis kit? They're relatively inexpensive compared to full kits, and if it all goes breasts heavenwards you should at least be able to sell on the wheels and motor for something close to what you paid for them. A cheapo loco body off Ebay and the job's done - saves on all that painting malarky, too!


    Be warned though - the first time you get a chassis you've made moving under its own steam, er electricity, there's no going back :O

    • Like 1
  11. Thanks, as an update Hornby have now responded to my initial request about this.

    I am sending the old motor back to them for testing and they are sending a new one back.

    Will be interesting to see how it performs as the inadequacies of the old one were very clear!

    Probably stick with the new one I fitted all the same.


    As for flywheels, Dave Cleal rejected my order for a flywheel as someone who made them has died!


    Yes, sadly they have.


    And of course, it's only a matter of time before Dave Cleal won't be taking orders for anything, anyway.

  12. Well, the box has just arrived from Gostude, very well packed.

    The contents are exactly the same as as if I'd bought them new off the shelf at my local model shop, no sign of them being opened or second hand.

    So I'm happy paying new prices for them even if they are old stock.

    Can you tell me where I can get them new for cheaper than that ?, I know Hatton's are often down to around £7 but I've exhausted all the current Bachmann part numbers that are correct for my region and timescale.

    As I have this thing about not having more than one item of stock with the same running numbers (and I've not got to the stage of renumbering) I can now only collect the older part numbers where I can find them.

    None of the mail order retailers seem to have much older stock, unless I've missed one.


    Many thanks,




    If you've exhausted all other options and you're happy with the price, then that's fair enough. The key with that seller and the equally nefarious micmcn (aka Cartmel Antiques) is to tread very, very carefully.


    I remember when I returned to the hobby a couple of years ago and started hunting around on ebay, those two sellers cropped up all the time at the top of my searches, probably because of their 'power seller' status. Luckily I delved a bit further and it soon became apparent that most of what they had on sale could be had elsewhere at a fraction of the price.


    Now I actually don't have a problem with that - they are, after all, free to charge what they like. What sticks in the craw, though, is as Horsetan mentioned the deliberate mis-selling. I reported one of gosturde's auctions because he described a loco as 'mint' and 'never been run' when the state of the wheels clearly showed that was untrue. The auction was essentially fraudulent but ebay just don't give a toss.


    Caveat emptor, as they say!

  13. So... you've got £200 spare... you're after an LMS Beyer Garratt... as Harry Hill might say - will you the Hatton's, or will you the ebay?


    That said, I declare shenanigans - he's included photos of his other locos (all of which appear to be of significantly better quality) and the invitation to let him know if there's anything you want listing.

  14. The King is a poor choice of model for Hornby in my opinion. Admittedly, the existing model has its flaws, but examples can be readily found on eBay for circa £40, even less in some instances - i've bought at least two at that price. The market is reasonably saturated with examples over the years - are people really going to be prepared to pay at least a ton on top of that knowing that the same loco is being released by a competitor? Extremely doubtful if you ask me! Seems like Hornby really does need a new `Researcher'!


    We shall, apparently, find out later today, but if the model is in partnership with Steam then aren't they partly responsible for this 'poor choice'?


    If I were in the market for a King, I would, believe it or nay, be hoping for a Design Clever job around the same price as the DoG/P2 (i.e. £125 give or take). That would at least give us a clear choice. Two 'full fat' models for the thick end of £200 - not so much.

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