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Posts posted by Cleefy

  1. I just downloaded the instructions for the Comet chassis and they say it has a 40mm wheelbase that suits the Hornby model as opposed to the 38mm wheelbase of the Bachmann and - as far as I can tell with my rudimentary measuring - GBL models. Dunno what to do at this point - attempt a fettling? Smaller wheels? Make a half-decent static model from the two flawed ones I bought, use the other for painting practise and knock the idea of motorising it on the head? I'm tending towards the latter as I have other candidates I can be buying a chassis kit for until the situation with Comet resolves itself one way or t'other.

  2. If this is how Hornby are going to announce new products in future can we have some suggestions as to photos for other new releases -


    A duck's bum for a new Mallard


    A thrown banana for an updated GWR railcar.


    A chopped down tree for... something... ;)


    Edit: dammit, Metr0Land!

  3. As someone who isn't going to be buying a King from anyone, it's going to be interesting to sit back and watch this one play out. New kid on the block vs grizzled vet. Cue the music...

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    Did anyone else guess the seller before opening the link?



    Yep, the 'wonderful model for your collection' spiel gives it away.



    I am not sure who makes this item.


    Stevie Wonder?


    Gostuditis unfortunately appears to be conatagious - apparently this, with its dust, smears and tarnished coupling rods is 'like new'.

  5. WHS Ealing surprisingly had two 4MTs today, which they had placed behind the Mallard partwork.


    This was quickly reduced to one, after which I quickly stuck in an order to Comet for a chassis pack. No time like the present, before everyone retires and/or Phoenix Paints takes over.....


    I bought a Compound with the thought of sticking a Comet chassis underneath it. Thing is, it's just one more on a fairly longish list of other GBL locos and cheap RTR bodies snaffled from Ebay for the same purpose - I saw them as a way of getting some kit-building under my belt without having to suffer the expense of full loco kits or faff about painting and lining.


    Of course, Geoff's recent announcement has thrown a different light on my plans - I can't afford to panic-buy all the chassis kits I'll need even if I leave the wheels and motors until later, so I guess it's a case of prioritising now and hoping he finds a decent seller in the meantime.


    I realise I sound like I'm complaining, but FAOD I would do exactly the same in Geoff's position and I genuinely wish him all the best.


    And sorry, GBL, but unless you pull a real doozy out of the bag, I guess we're done for now...

  6. Isn't this loco still in mid-gear though?


    I'm finding all this whirling twirling iron mongery most perplexing.


    Same here. Before reading this thread I was getting along just fine not even knowing what a return crank is, let alone at what angle it should lean.


    Ignorance? Certainly. Blissful? Most definitely!


    My apologies to Tony and anyone else who might be mortified by my cavalier attitude to Walshe... Wealsche... Waelsha... gubbins ;-)

  7. Cleefy, some of us have some whitemetal lumps lurking in cupboards! I'm sure if you were to ask then someone might find some real loco/tender bits you could practise with.

    Think about it because TW is absolutely right, once you've 'cracked (not melted) it' you will have a ball with Finecast/DJH kits.

    Lovely idea this horse trading Tony. Also, great pics once again; I really like the 'openness' of Little B. True, trains in the landscape modelling.



    Ah, thanks - I'll bear that in mind when I get near to completing my current kit :) Having watched Tony's videos I did think that I'd probably get on better with white metal kits overall once I was confident about soldering them.



    looks like I'll be buying some DVDs from Amazon in the near future...


    I just had a quick look and parts 1 & 2 are cheaper from Activity Media themselves, £12.99 each as opposed to £18.99 and £20.99 from Amazon. They're also doing part 3 (painting and lining) for £9.99.



    Usual disclaimer, no connection to the company other than happy customer.

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  8. Yes, it's a very pretty tanker.  Is it a complete kit - everything in the box so a novice bodger like me could have a go - or does it require extra bits from arcane suppliers?


    I'm pretty sure SE Finecast sell the motors and wheels you'll need to complete their kits and they're very helpful to deal with. However, as a fellow novice bodger I was advised not to jump straight into a white metal loco kit due to the material's low melting point. Now I'm sure some will say it's not a problem as long as you're careful, but I'm not that brave so I'm currently having a go at a brass kit and once that's done I've got a couple of SE Finecast's white metal wagon kits to have a bash at - a lot less costly should I inadvertently put my soldering iron through them!

  9. Hattons have e-mailed to say they have arrived.


    Edit...due in stock today....too excited to read e-mail correctly.


    Lousy timing for me personally, with my bike costing me £300 yesterday :banghead: Still, kudos to Hattons at least for giving me heads-up so I had the chance to nix my pre-order. Hopefully their ltd. edition status won't inspire a buying frenzy...

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  10. I would like to echo Phil on that. I'm gearing up to building my Dave Alexander J25, and your two DVDs on Kit Building have been instrumental, as has the Improving RTR DVD. 

    Many Thanks Tony.


    Apologies for another 'me too' post - on returning to the hobby I never intended to get into kit building, until one day I saw Tony's kit building DVDs going cheap and idle curiosity got the better of me. Now I'm working my way through one of Mike Edge's shunter kits and loving it. Well, mostly - admittedly there has been some frustration due to my own lack of ability, but I guess it helps to build character if not the kit itself!


    So again, many thanks Tony for setting this particular neophyte off down the road of kit building. I have a long way to go and no idea how far I'll get, but if there's one thing of which us biker types are aware, it's that the journey is the reward :)

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    It has a white mark on the cab roof area from box foam rub that may clean off


    I doubt it, otherwise he would have done and listed it as 'mint' and charged an extra £40...


    Sadly I doubt it - whilst he's not quite up there with the usual suspects who take the proverbial, he's got form and I've got him excluded from my saved searches. The current catalogue on the DPS website has this very loco for £85 + £4.50p+p for anyone wanting to save some money, support a worthy cause and be protected by the distance selling regs to boot.


    As for making typos, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt when it comes to this little treasure.

  13. Tudeybabes reaches a new low. The USP for this? It has been signed "in the Derek Lawrence, Larry Goddard style". Signed by someone whose initials are WS, but that's just splitting hairs, obviously.

  14. So why do a few sellers on eBay sell locomotives or anything Model railway based at ridiculous prices at that £100 starting bid and £160 to buy it now. as an example. And like you said its better to go to Hattons to get a Class 42 at that price and simply get a decoder at about between £10 to £20 then you save upto about 80 pounds. I say avoid anyone on eBay who sells a simple loco or anything model railway based if the price is OTT, which in this case is. 


    I wonder about this and I can think of three possible scenarios:

    a) they have done no research whatsoever and genuinely think that's what it's worth

    b) they've done minimal research and only encountered the gostudes and micmcns of this world and believe them to be bargain basement sellers

    c) they've done proper research, have realised that the gostudes and micmcns of this world are taking the proverbial but at the same time aren't quite ambitious enough in that respect


    I know which theory I lean towards ;)

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