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Status Replies posted by Mythocentric

  1. I've just spent 4 hours in a shed playing trains. Sod growing up!

  2. A few days ago I found a rather handy pair of mitre clamps for model assembly of one of the model railway shops websites. Obviously a must-have so, for some obscure reason, I decided to wait and order them the following day! Guess what? I can't remember which b....y shop it was. Anyone like to help save my sanity?

  3. Building station platforms, listening to early Pink Floyd and getting sorely tempted to reach for the Stratocaster. Syd Rules!

  4. Building station platforms, listening to early Pink Floyd and getting sorely tempted to reach for the Stratocaster. Syd Rules!

  5. is feeding Schrödinger's cat.

  6. is at Auschwitz today. Sobering.

  7. What a star Jess Ennis is - not content to do enought for gold, that kick for the line in the final event has made my olympics for sure!

    1. Mythocentric


      Jess Ennis and Vicky Pendleton. Two names to silence the detractors!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. "You're a rumor, recognizable only as deja vu and dismissed just as quickly. You don't exist; you were never even born. Anonymity is your name. Silence your native tongue. You're no longer part of the System. You're above the System. Over it. Beyond it. We're 'them.' We're 'they.'"

  9. OH Happy Day... SWMBO has just left to visit her brother & family in Kent for a week and I am FREE......... There's beer in the fridge, curry shop on speed-dial and no bl**dy soaps for a 8 whole days. Let joy be unconfined!

  10. Summer!! What Summer??

  11. How does time fly?

  12. Business Analysts, does anyone know what they are there for?!?

  13. After a lifetime of modelling the former L&Y lines in Lancashire I've just bought a Bradford Corporation bus for the new layout. My hands are still shaking...

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