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Everything posted by BrushType4

  1. Real wood pallets. and a link to how they fit together. https://www.facebook.com/lasercutbuildings/videos/651220841742248/
  2. For the crowdfunded ones, it is Facebook only. Annoying to miss out, but no different to any number of social media or internet crowdfunding opportunities, if you're not in it, you can't be in it. Had it been launched on this website, it would be equally frustrating for those to miss out who are not members on RMweb. Not too late though if you do want to sign up. Facebook link here https://www.facebook...64404633848334/
  3. I've recently come across some fantastic figures painted by husband and wife team at Detailed Miniatures. I can’t recommend them enough, no association apart from a very pleased customer, see for yourself at http://www.detailedminiatures.co.uk
  4. I've got a GWR coaling stage coming together. Its a little smaller than the Didcot version and I think that makes it a bit easier to add to a 7mm model.
  5. In what way is the post a pointless and speculative one? The sound fitted version of the class 50 will be at least £200 cheaper than a Heljan equivalent. Incidentally Heljan don't currently produce sound fitted DCC locomotives. Steve (NthDegree) had already explained that the geographic location lends itself to a faster sorting of problems if any arise. Lastly, the expected delivery date is sooner than Heljan. Whilst you may not like my comment, my post is no more pointless than you expressing your opinions.
  6. Not at all as far as I'm aware. LLC will produce a better model, quicker and less expensive then Heljan.
  7. Not perfect yet, but my 7mm laser cut prototype.
  8. Today has been busy and I've got a couple of these sheds coming out of the workshop today. One will be a through road and the other is going to be a traditional engine shed.
  9. Couple of pictures of Steve's finished kit. Looking forward to seeing Steve paint this up.
  10. A bit more. Should be in the post tomorrow. Been a massive week catching up.
  11. Steven, I'd like to know and I'm sure others will too, will the 50 will navigate the mythical Peco set track?
  12. Hi Paul, I'm working from the other end. Here is my start on the Buildings by the Milk Dock. Culcross Hall.pdf
  13. I specialise in 7mm but I can be persuaded to dabble in 4mm. No, but I will. Keep checking back over the next couple of days.
  14. Sorry to hear that. Hope you find a solution.
  15. Hi Jinty, I found this and thought of you... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-30x40cm-ITS-QUICKER-BY-RAIL-vintage-enamel-style-tin-metal-wall-sign-/191720292656?hash=item2ca36b8130:g:tWsAAOSwxH1UKUEA
  16. Hi Rich, I went down this route but found the aluminium became very expensive. If you find a good cost effective supplier please let me know! I'll post a picture of my efforts later.
  17. Hi Rich, PM or email me so not to take up Jinty's thread.
  18. MDF will take stain fine. No grain as such but unlikely you'll notice at scale.
  19. Cruel close up, but this is what my earlier joins look like when painted. I've improved them in later buildings. Unpainted, unglued join. My latest effort. Can you see the join?
  20. Signal Box build. Interior walls and floor laid out ready. All slots together and with just a little glue, the clamps and the best of all universal clamps, a couple of elastic bands holding it all together until set.
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