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Bernard Lamb

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Everything posted by Bernard Lamb

  1. Seen today between Excel and City Airport. Making a right din for twenty minutes or so before take off. Something to do with an arms exhibition. Bernard
  2. It is almost worth having an account just to see who it does flag up. Bernard
  3. This was moored by the Excel today. Something to do with an arms exhibition I was told. Bernard
  4. One side affect of the shut down was that there were several 100 copies of the Metro at Hemel station this morning. A quick look at the scene of the fire as I went past was that it must have been very intense as only a small pile of ash remains. It appears as thought the building collapsed in on itself. The end wall nearest to the track, it is very near to the track, that showed up in the item on the news, is still standing. I presume that the shut down remained after the fire had been put out until this wall could be inspected and declar4ed safe. First reports were that it would have to be demolished before trains could run. If the gas cylinders had exploded when a train was passing it could have been very serious. Bernard
  5. How quickly things change. I can remember arriving at MK from Birmingham back when Virgin started to run trains, to be met by a total shut down due to a storm having taken out the signalling. I spotted Chris Green amongst a small group of railway staff handing out drinks and sandwiches to passengers. On another occasion, as well as refreshments, I got a goody bag containing a pack of playing cards and drawing materials for the younger travellers. It looks as though all is OK this morning. I hope so as I will be using London Midland in an hour or so. Bernard
  6. https://rhug.co.uk/product/organic-pork-cumberland-sausages You need to try a bit harder. Bernard
  7. I think that is being rather unfair. Or let us say uneconomical with the facts. The wall/skirt situation has been explained by Dave. I have been through 16 photographs of the prototype and in all lighting conditions the part concerned is so deep in shadow that it is not possible to detect the true shape. The £79 option is sold out so the real equivalent is £82. The development work was done by Hornby when costs were around 25% lower than is the current case. As you say it could have looked better, but as Dave points out it would not have performed so well. For a first adventure into producing a locomotive they look to have done rather well. Better than Oxford or DJH by a country mile. All power to Hatton's elbow and from me a big thumbs up. But then I worked in QC in production engineering, so do have some idea of what is involved. Bernard
  8. They do seem questionable choices. How much extra revenue was generated by two versions of the P2 I do not know. Keen pricing of one model would as I see it have produced a better result. As for the Crosti. I would have though any modeller who wanted one would hack a Bachmann and the casual demand I see as being very limited. As for Railroad in general I fear it smacks of desperation. Protection of the brand name would be better without a lower level range bearing the Hornby name. Having the name of Lima in their portfolio that was associated with good basic shape but crap performance it might have been a better idea to have used that. Bernard
  9. Interesting possibilities. My first thoughts were East Anglia to fit in with my current layout. Felsted sugar beet factory had one. Then I looked further north to the shale fields north west of Edinburgh. They had many examples. Then I noticed the use of tenders, so typical of Scottish practice. Cobbled together with whatever was available. A bit like the LNER Y9s. Then I looked at variants. What an idea for a competition. Create the greatest deviation from an as supplied model. The Shotts Iron Company built the Bairds & Scottish Steel Company N0 8 from spare parts, some of which show a distinct family likeness. That might be a tempting challenge. I shall start with Katie. Duly ordered. Bernard
  10. Code Double Red. Round my way there are signs adjacent to bridges that carry roads over railway lines that bear the words "Locomotives must not cross this bridge." I say Locomotive you say Traction Engine. Bernard
  11. Thirty years or so ago who would have predicted that MRJ would still be going strong, while the power station just down the road would be nothing more than a pile of dust. Funny old world isn't it. Bernard
  12. It's arrived. I do like the rain. I don't mind the wait as I appreciate that it is often rushed out just before a show and I can understand the need for exposure over the weekend and then getting out the posted copies at leisure over the next few days. At least watching here you know when to expect a knock on the door. Just another quirk that makes MRJ different. Bernard
  13. It is clearly not aimed at you and as I commented way back it is not for me. However it will improve the quality of steam era 00 track for a lot of people. Is that not a good thing and a big step forward for the hobby in general? Peco should be congratulated for making a brave decision. Methinks you just want to moan. Bernard
  14. Whey hey! Eight copies in Hemel this morning. Subscription copy should be along in a few days. I resisted the urge to have a quick browse. Bernard
  15. Eisenbahn Kurier many years ago published a series in magazine type format on German locomotives. It was arranged in chunks covering various similar classes. It is a good background to the machines of both the DR and the DB and their ancestors. One volume has a lot of information regarding numbers and insignia. I think this publication also covered the post 1970 computer numbering with the dreaded check digit and how to calculate it. Bernard
  16. The thing is Dave that you do let people know your real name and you do make references to your private life. I tend to do the same as my experiences of Germany are relevant to my ability to comment on certain topics. It is those people, to quote an example our one time regular Kenton, who had an almost paranoid fear of disclosure. Regarding your first point. I have a friend who wrote the software for the banking system. He was paid a large fortune and retired at a very young age. He told me many years ago just what questions the system would ask and how using a credit card and posting about your holidays could influence you getting a mortgage. I believe that HMR&C now use a very similar system and study the trends of spending habit against income. Again that gives cause for concern with comments people on here make re their spending habits. Taken to the extreme the Security Services also monitor social media and spending habits. A friend of mine, a farmer to give a small clue, had a visit from them as their monitoring software threw up his postcode as having an odd mix of substances. A former member of this forum who runs a forum on my foreign interest area insists on first name and surname being used There can be no possible reason to hide your identity. A pen name I can accept where the true identity is known. However I just can't take seriously anybody with a hidden agenda. If I see a question from one of them I simply ignore it. I feel it a rather sad indictment of the age we live in that John Isherwood has come under such savage attack for speaking out. There can be no place in a free society for these secretive (insert expletive of your choice). To be serious they are evil and a threat to our free and open society. Bernard,
  17. Any statistics to back up that statement? Round my way they are considered to be little gold mines. Albeit having to sell food and drinks to go with the plants and accessories. Now if you had said specialist nurseries I would have agreed with you. Bernard
  18. This topic crops up from time to time. Having been called by my surname at school it was refreshing to be asked when I started work what name I would like to be known by. We are all on first name terms here I was told. No letters in front or behind your name and certainly no titles. It never crossed my mind to use any other name than my true name when I joined a forum. Having some experience of life in a communist country I am probably a bit sensitive to people who feel the need to conceal their true identity. Bernard
  19. It was known as a village and not just a station. It had a population of up to 118 at one time. It had a branch of the Co op and a post office. That seems to me to be enough to make it a centre of population. Bernard
  20. Frogs and Toads all over the place, but what about equal coverage for Newts? Bernard
  21. Peco code 75 joiners fit well but look horrible.. C & L plastic joiners look much better but you will need to solder wires across every joint to keep the juice flowing. There are people who say you should do this any way, even when using metal joiners. They are probably right. Bernard
  22. I suggest North-Eastern Branch Line Termini by Ken Hoole as a good place to start. It includes Richmond, not directly by Andrews but he was involved. I am pretty sure Ken Hoole has covered the area a bit to the south but my direct interests lie further north. The book I mentioned does provide a lot of general background knowledge. There id also a 3 volume NER Record that would be worth a look for general infrastructure and details of fixtures and fittings. bernard
  23. Just had a similar situation with red grapes. One white sheet ruined by blackbirds. A mixture of grape juice and bird . One very upset SWMBO. Bernard
  24. Local update. The Swifts seem to have had a good breeding season and have left. A Red Kite has taken to actually perching on a fir tree in the garden. Several Wood Pigeons appear to be crazy and wander round on the lawn or sit on the corner of the roof and let you walk round them and show no sign of trying to fly off. Not in the garden but a few minutes walk away I saw this fine fellow. Bernard
  25. I us either The RYA or a local sailing and canoe club when needing details of rides for the Thames in the London area. They can come up with accurate predictions for specific points rather than just a generic area. Very handy if you are on a shore with limited places to escape. Bernard
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