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Bernard Lamb

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Everything posted by Bernard Lamb

  1. Being but a simple soul I have restricted my contributions to places that actually include the word "Halt" in their name. I have another local branch on my list to visit, so with luck I will try to post a couple more next week. Totally OT but prompted by your photo. I have a photo of a J39 and a train taking evacuated children from Walthamstow to Aspley Guise around 1940. Any one suggest the route that this train would have taken? Bernard
  2. I thought that line had full blown stations rather than halts. I do like the photographs even if I am a bit of a pedant. Bernard
  3. Having worked on the odd project for LUL I agree and would go further. They have the same degree of control in their procurement programme. When I was involved in the supply of items to be used on escalators the detail and tests required on the paint finish, just to quote an example, took some hard work to tender an acceptable specification. If the people behind the subject of this thread had been as rigorous, even if the cladding did comply with all regulations, we almost certainly would not be having this exchange. So sad and so avoidable. Bernard
  4. That is roughly in line with what I was thinking. Hence my comment about forty years is very much in the ball park. In general terms for much of London that can be described as a well established community. Bernard
  5. It has changed. But how long ago did it become Bangladeshi? A good while from memory. Far earlier than many other parts of Tower Hamlets. I had an uncle who was in charge of the schools in Walthamstow when they went comprehensive. At that time it was roughly 1/3rd each British, West Indian, Asian. Now it is very much Asian dominated. Bernard
  6. Oddly enough the area around Brick Lane has probably had as stable a population in terms of ethnicity as any where in London over that period. Certainly more stable than in some traditional white working class areas where no local families can afford to buy. Bernard
  7. Just as much a minefield as in other scales. I have settled on the Roco type as currently also available from Hornby. At first I used them on coaches and the relevant locos but quickly adopted them as standard as a lot of my stock came with them. They work fine and are fairly bomb proof but don't like any variation in height. But that rider applies to several other types. Bernard
  8. It should of course read Allen Gardens. I think it is rather well done. Bernard
  9. Two comments re the last post. If this had been in France people would probably have been arrested by now. We have a magnificent organization that is based fairly near who I an sure would have willingly taken over the relief effort. They are called Oxfam. Bernard
  10. But they are real people. When I was first told about this forum by a member of another forum It was mentioned that they were such nice helpful people on here. Almost without exception that has turned out to be the case. Unlike Facebook they do not send me silly adverts and other junk. Bernard
  11. I do not accept offers from people to be friends full stop. I think it is a stupid idea. Bernard
  12. Good of you to keep us informed. But where is the piccy? Bernard
  13. My daughter made an interesting comment this morning. As it is Ramadan a lot of people were still up having just finished their meal. On a different date far more people would have been in bed and the death toll would probably have been much higher. Bernard
  14. The two buildings used a totally different method of construction. London used concrete. NY was a steel frame. One stood up, the other twisted with the heat after receiving a massive impact. Bernard
  15. This time from the Harpenden to Hemel Hempstead branch. Roudwood Halt with platform and signal. I think the signal is original. Beaumot Halt. Site of with road crossing but no sign of any remains other than a slight widening of the track bed. Godwin's Halt. Named after Shadrach Godwin, a local landowner. A friend of mine lives in one of his former farm houses. There was a siding here that was used to unload manure. Shadrach had a contract to clear the streets of London from the stuff left behind by the horses that pulled Hansom Cabs. The bridge and cutting beyond the halt has been used as a dump and little remains. Heath Park Halt. Unusual in that it was at one time a terminus for the passenger service. The halt was on an embankment and ran roughly by the first trees across the picture. The road is Corner Hall and if you continue for around 400 yds you will reach my house. Not as glorious as some examples but I hope they generate some interest. Bernard
  16. I now file on line. However I found out by accident last year that if you file on line you can change or add a paper version of various sections at a later date. Quite handy if you find the on line system complicated and prefer to make notes on paper. Bernard
  17. I get that every time I type certain things. 11 or ll and HO or H0 I am afraid my poor eyes and brain can detect no difference, yet still some people have to make sarky comments. Bernard
  18. For some reason the previous post appeared before I had finished writing. Photos are from Halts on the Hatfield St Albans branch. Salvation Army Halt. I love that name. Just a few timbers in the undergrowth. Nast Hyde halt. Renovated and improved by the local Postman. Lemsford Road Halt. Just the steps left. Bernard
  19. Nothing has changed. I leave it without punctuation, emphasis, stress or tone, as there are a multitude of variants from the same source. Discuss. My first comment will be a question as to how one can change "nothing". Bernard
  20. Your reference to German and British accents reminds me of a story from WW11. There was a secret propaganda radio station at Milton Bryan and they needed a female announcer with a good German accent. A young girl of 15, the daughter of one of the people who worked there, took on the task. Her name was Agnes Bernelle and she had come to England with her father from Berlin in 1938. She convinced thousands of German troops that she was broadcasting on "their" radio. After the war she applied for a job with the BBC overseas service and was rejected on the grounds that her German was unsuitable for use on the radio as Germans would not be able to understand her accent and intonation. Of course she could not say a word about what she had been doing for the last three or four years. She went on to have a career in the theatre. On the subject of changes over time. Yesterday I received an email signed off with the phrase. Your loyal servant. That is going back a good few years. Bernard
  21. Don't bother with a RAL chart as there is nothing anywhere near what you need. My screen is quite good in respect of colour and I am checking against a printed chart I had from my working days when I used to check paint finish. You are correct about the lemonish tinge. Nothing near on the two BS charts either so I can't come up with a suggestion. Bernard
  22. What do you mean by "still"? Mine powers my oval test track and has seen off several more modern controllers on various layouts. Nothing quite like it and for certain it will never be equalled let alone bettered. A short on a coach that had lighting the other day did make it growl a bit but usually it works fine with all types of motors, including those used in DJH locomotives. Bernard
  23. When it was introduced it did set a high standard. However it is a case of lacking details rather then errors that put it lower down the list today. A few extra bits of pipework and adding the fire iron guards will improve it. As will some finer tender wheels. Bernard
  24. They are if you model continental stock, where all four wheel wagons and vans have been fitted with close coupling cam devices for around the last twenty years. Bernard
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