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Everything posted by SMR CHRIS

  1. When I went to the train show recently I wanted to get a bogie kit set to put the correct bogies under an old Bogie Milk Tank (BMT) however the supplier didn't have any but a friend was able to pick up a set for me from the supplier later that weekend (was a 3 day show). Today got the kit and started the conversion to the correct Bogies for the BMT. As nice as the kit is some of the parts were poorly formed and required a fair bit of time to drill out the excess material that was filling areas that should have been open on the bogies. Also the kit comes with a single straight cross brace for the bogie ends incorrect for the type of bogie for a BMT. The BMT's had a stepped cross brace accross the coupler end of the bogie and apear to be open at the other as the brake rigging needed clearance. I will have to build a cross brace to a similar arrangement to the example in the photo below although it will be of lighter construction the photo is of a heavier passenger bogie. I modified the bogies to provide a 3 point articulation of the wagon a must with a very short wheel base bogie vehicle. One bogie has 2 outer weight bareing points the other weight bare's on the centre pivot. The push tests at "excessive" high speed along the railway proved this worked nicely with no derailments or wobbling so common with vehicles that the bogies weight Bare's on both centre pivots. Next I will add some more detail than orignaly supplied. An example of a bogie with the stepped cross bracing. One big plus of replacing the bogies from the orignal Urethane one that were supplied with the FOX models BMT is the the extra weight the white metal items add to what was a very light model. BMT No3
  2. Looking good. The B/W are great but some colour photos so we can see the weathering in the yard to full effect would be nice for your next post. Re the shed commission I'm sure it will be great but will it be in time for you to exhibit the layout ? (mentioned in an early post)? Keep up the good work
  3. Hi Bob Re the Show, It was very sparse could have fitted several more layouts or a realy big one or two the general impression as we entered the hall was have a few layouts not turned up but no this was it. Then strangely when you got to the NMRA kids scenery clinic there was a bottle neck with a narrow spot when there was a cross row that was near 10m wide with nothing facing could have had this area for the kids scenic clinic and no worries of tripping over a little person who was waiting to build a diorama. The Suburban model railway was Geoff Smalls Ashburn. Basic but very nice representative of suburban Sydney, if a little clinical all to clean for old Sydney town. The little Shunitng layout "Lindon Ford" was not the U drive but Gary the owner was doing his best to promote the hobby by allowing any one to shunt the layout one little boy was being dragged away by his mum after about an hour to see the rest of the show it was in the first row and that is as far as he had got. The official U drive was at the end of the hall I think I even took a photo of that I don't think I missed any display with the photos just didn't take any of the retail outlets. Generally a good show model wise if a little lacking on the volume of the layouts not the quantity I belive the same number of layouts as last year just generally smaller layouts.
  4. Not much modelling done this weekend didn't get all the bits that I wanted at the model Train show but some of the parts are going to be sent out in the mail when in stock. So refitted the painted parts of the J94 back together, with It now DCC fitted I gave it a test tonight. Quick Video of it being test run below. It runs nicely with good sound from a speaker mounted in the boiler the chuff chuff sounds now actualy comes out the chimney as it should. Very happy with the paint finish of the J94 just have to paint the wheels now a name plus number plate and then some weathering. Also as promised some photos of the candy 45class on the layout Still needs some more details fitted air tanks lower steps and some chassis paint work when the rest of the parts fitted. Finally whilst the Diseasles where on the layout some photos of 4905 and one of my 44's 4427 at the end of the yard.
  5. Made the trip down the M1 to visit the model train show today link to Photos Below their were a few O scale models on display. 7mm and 1/4" to the Foot scale's. https://flic.kr/s/aHsk9XxdS4
  6. Thanks Bob I had a feeling I had seen a photo of it in one of the books on the SMR but could not find it when I posted still can't find it. So there you Go Marty you were not out of the realms of reality with your suggestions. Bob I will get the 45 on the layout over the weekend and take a photo or two. Will be going to the Epping Club Exhibition at the Brick pit Saturday so will hopefully be motivated yo do some modelling. I plan on picking up some parts to detail some more O scale items buffers etc and a set of Waratah bogies for a BMT. Link below to Exhibition details for any one in NSW Australia. I will post some photos of the show when I return. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/99775-epping-model-railway-club-exhibition-2015/
  7. The C15 is of a similar style as the NSWGR 11 Class pictured below from Wikipedia I guess that it would have been likely that at least one NSWGR 11class could have been sold to a Colleriy after they were superseded by the S / 30 class. My collection of small locos would be right at home for a coal or quarry railway and the C15 could be the big engine that hauls the loaded cars to the mainline connection. Although the Tower A/B, Ixion H/C would out pull the C15. Another layout for the future maybe, "Going to need a bigger shed" Mybe we need a NSW group layout for our small O scale Locos Martin?? New exhibition layout ??
  8. Interesting sounding Location with a little modern history, bet that name gets gets some comments when the layout is at shows. Also a New well tank kit also interesting. Will follow your progress. Scratchy Bottom info link http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scratchy_Bottom
  9. Thanks Bob The candy 45 is a bit of a hybrid balsa, ply, plastic with Atlas Alco bogies that I took from a U.S. atlas RS8 The basic body Hoods came from Alco world in Sydney, I guess was from a deceased estate it came with bits of a BO BO chassis that I recovered 2 nice sagmi motors from the rest was just a wreck. A New Chassis was made up the frame from the Atlas loco was cut up to make use of the bogie pivot points I only refitted one motor as that is all they need (both my atlas based 40 class Locos are like this) still pull lots and it is running with A old sound traxx decoder not the best decoder but had it spare also not an Alco sound set. New decoder on the toget one day list. It needs some finishing off and the paint work touching up suspect the body parts had kicked around in a box for a while so may be some heavy weathering to disguise the rough edges of this one. It's a good looking model from viewing distance.
  10. Got some models painted today, all in loco black, ready for some weathering to take place. I Started with my Bachmann J94 these come in a basic black but not a good finish on my one so a more suitable for a working loco "Black" was chosen. "Loco Black" it's from the Model Masters range of acrylic paints. Next was the A/B Saddle tank a tower kit this was purchased built RTR it was very cheap due to being a bright blue colour that had been slapped on thick with a brush and a hand made name from craft shop stick on letters but the model was sound other than the painting, I have had this little engine for several years I started to rebuild it some time ago, finally getting back to finish it. And the largest of the models painted today was the C15 4-4-2 tank. I purchase this model as built by a supposed professional model builder in the UK for about what the kit, motor and wheels cost. It looked very nice, painted extremely well in all over black and numbered and decaled as a BR early crest. All was good until when running it with 2 passenger cars the buffer beam pulled off, then on investigation it was found that it was super glued together, not just the body but the chassis as well and after just a small amount of running most of the cross bracing in the chassis had come lose, after a complete strip and start again as a kit of etched brass parts it is again running nicely if I had paid the going price for a RTR loco for this I would have been very disappointed but as I got it for the cost of the kit,motor+wheels it's just one of those cases should have just built the kit. Well I did in the end. It is now painted all over black but a shade of colour more suited to it being heavily weathered Some quick photos of the models back in the workshop ready for numbering reassembly and weathering. Tower A/B -- Bachmann J94 and in the back row the C15 tank assembled again.
  11. Way down in OZ we haven't seen the specific Hornby decoder in any shops, only decoders that are Hornby genuine DCC items are the sapphire unit for larger Hornby models or the Hornby basic 8 pin plugin both twice the price of better TCS or Lenz units down under so I couldn't justify for any of my own models However having installed several of the Hornby 8 pin units for Customers (customer supplied) and set up & tuned the decoder settings, the general performance is short of other main stream brand decoders in the same models most noticeable is the noise from the motors and starting control. My Decoder brand choice for the Sentinel. TCS TCS decoder why! Best warranty on the market plus, "Goof Proof warranty" they call it, Also personal service is super, direct from TCS. Also as I have TCS decoders as stock no waiting on a order for the Hornby genuine item to arrive if it ever did I orderd a 14xx wheel set for a customer model a year ago and still waiting! Plus DCC installs are what I do so I went for the TCS in the sentinel as the most user friendly to fit. whilst it is a remove the factory wires and fit the TCS harnes (hard wired) the decoder has a plug so can be swaped out if failed but don't expect any issues Getting the model in peices is not hard just a little Fiddley hand rails wires are the most Fiddley but with care they come off and it all went back together A OK. Will be interesting to see the Hornby decoder in the model I usually photograph my installs but forgot on the Sentinel as rushed into it, so I could take it to the club layout the same day I got it. This may promp some of the others on this thread to post some photos of their installs Will have to strip it down in the future and fit lights as the decoder has lighting function outputs so will do photos then.
  12. Can't comment on the Hornby decoder but I have fitted a hard wired TCS M1 decoder all fitted in fine and the little unit performs really well one thing that surprises is the hauling capacity, it has the occasional hesitation on Peco dead frog points but no issues when running through live frogs.I have a train of 34 Bachmann BR 16 ton mineral wagons and the Sentinel will haul the lot with a van and shunters truck included. See the video of it flying round the club layout with from memory 27 wagons this was the limit going up the Helix between levels It is running on DCC. This number of wagons stopped my Hornby 28xx 2-8-0 on the helix. Link to video https://youtu.be/3soRojfjsHQ"]https://youtu.be/3soRojfjsHQ
  13. Good to know that you have a local workshop that can do small milling work, the good thing about living in a country town. We have lots of engineering shops around here but none want to do such little jobs when I have walked in and asked about doing little milling jobs like this they look at it and say just that and only the one and they come back with a rediculus price. So I decided to save up and buy a small miling machine as it will pay for itself by the time I have done all those little jobs. A small milling machine to do the jobs required it is still quite large around 70kg I intialy thought may be able to get away with a small bench top hobby unit but soon found that the bed travel is so short that you can't do much esp with O Scale in mind, may be Ok if only doing HO/OO scale stuff but with O scale in mind a larger (small) machine is the go not cheap though so saving up for it. I'm looking at it this way it may be one of those tools that gets use every now and again but the time saving using it will be huge and as they say Time = Money, I added up the number of little jobs I have done this year that required large amounts of file work to produce a slot or get a nice flat surface and relisted I can easly justify the purchase just have to save up enough money now to get the one I want.
  14. Look forward to seeing your L Shunters truck Martin After painting and decals I dry brushed weathered L273 With model master dirty black then some Mig weathering washes to hi light the details then was air brushed very lightly with the model master Dirty Black and then some model master buff Mat this last colour gives that sandy dusty look Some photos of my L273 shunters truck now in service.
  15. Thanks Martin I Did think of that Martin but decided to do it this way. I moved the shed down and aligned its platform closer to the rear track so I can have a 1:43 scale model car clearance behind the shed and I am having a concrete hard stand area for unloading of a fuel tanker at the end of the short siding, (under the 20class in the photo) as have a nice Corgi 1:43 fuel tanker that can be placed in the scene as required. Also going to build a NSWGR precast concrete loading bank representation against the back scene, finding 40cm's really isn't much space when modelling in o scale you have to suggest something's as you just don't have space for them. The next good reason not to do it was the the removal of the track was a pig of a job don't know what glue Ron used but suspect was bon-create, as wasn't easy to get up esp with sand used as the Ballast was all set like concrete and it required 2 blades in the multi tool to cut it back to board level. This combo of glue and sand for the ballast also ruined the teeth on my razor saw when cutting the rail gaps for the rewire to DCC as in some spots esp at the points the ballast was at rail hight and was a quick way to blunten the blade. Thanks for the sugestion anyway. I have also finally finished painting the L shunters truck with a little air brushing just have to put a pin in the leg of the shunter so he can be located in the truck in a one of a couple of small holes in different positions so he dosn't fall over with a bit of rough shunting. Martin Any progress with you L shunters truck it was close to paint last time I saw it at the forum.??
  16. Hi Bob Thanks for the comments over on my post Re the Fox 59 kit And you are in luck with the 59 it is in the work shop and being striped down so easy for photos. The Axle Block is located directly on the chassis block was lookng how to fix this at the moment as it results in the buffer hight being way to high. See the photos I may wait until I can afford a good quality milling machine to rectify the issue as you can see in the photos the Hight is way out as supplied in the kit. I haven't measured the wheels to see if they are correct yet (can't find my calipers) but I think it is the Chassis issue and it needs notching to accept as the cylinder block and piston rod don't line up with the center of the main driver that the connecting rod goes to as should be the case. Ron has located the connecting rod lower than the piston rod on the cross head to make it look 1/2 ok. Remembering that these kits were intended orignaly to be basic 3rail types. So I guess we can consider them now as scratch building or kit bashing aids to get a fine scale model from. The comparison of the front buffer beam hight to a wagon. Also Sorry realise I had forgot to post up some photos of the 59 as I said I would.
  17. Been doing a completed rewire for DCC on my East Maitland Layout. East Maitland the model railway was started by a friend and was originally wired very to a basic standard with Alligator clips between boards, these attached to brass screws, that were screwed through the boards and soldered to the rails. If you didn't have the points in the right direction on one board you got no power to the last board of the 3 not DCC friendly in anyway. I have modified the hand built points to isolate the frogs and set up Tam Valley Frog juicer's to automatically change the polarity with the result that if you run through a point with out changing No Shorts and with the weight of most o scale locos they will trail through the points without issue. Very happy with the frog juicers a little extra cost but with the intention of Exhibiting the railway soon if I can limit the chances of a DCC short and the reset and start again, It will be a good thing. Also today a second Big River Models 12 Wheeler arrived for a first on track test run. This TAM also a preproduction model but with all the improvements made as items were found during the testing the kit has been built and finished in orignal Cedar Red style with white roof. photo of it with the first preproduction model that is a bit of a hybrid parts wise, painted as a varnished timber style car. With the weatherd under carriage of this car the detail in the bogies can be seen clearly I also took a quick video EDIT added video links
  18. Making the most of a model railway that is only around 40cm wide esp in O scale can be a challenge. Over the last two day it was decided to fix up this section , previously the approach to the station had a very tight reverse curve too tight for tender engines to negotiate. Also whilst realigning it gave a bit of space for a second siding in the goods yard. This siding was also installed today in the goods yard for added interest. The realignment to the front edge of the main line, has given some space for more detail around the goods shed not much but some is better than none. Decided to use Tam Valley frog juicers with the rewire of the layout from DC to DCC control with only 5 points I decided to go for the twin Juicers as on 2 of the 3 boards there are 2 points each and a single point on the last board Have also installed a large gauge copper buzz wire system under the boards for the DCC. Testing the track work live Loco's on all tracks Looking back towards the station The Tam Valley frog Juicer
  19. Hi Bob Yes Bob they have removed One that was the biggest and in a dangerous position on the house, the others they were coming back for later. need the stump removed now so the side fence can be replaced Then we just have to wait for the building company to start on the building repairs now, new roof and sidding on part of the house actualy more damage than I thought when the insurance building Co inspected, looks like the whole house has moved slightly, also water damage repairs inside thankfully we are fully insured. On the Modelling front. Back doing some modelling work on East Maitland. This Layout was started by a friend and built to a stage that he could basicly exhibit it before I took it over and am adding more detail and fixing some issues before it is exhibited againg including track work and a complete rewire for DCC opperation with frog juicers as orignaly was DC one loco in steam and of you didn't have the points in the right direction on one part you got no power an the other etc I have started on the track rework on East Maitland was going to build new points but found I had 2 new Peco points that fit so won't wast any time getting it back up and running. The track work was required due to a very tight reverse curve on the station main needing to be removed as big locos couldn't negotiate the tight radius in such a short section, this section will now be basicly straight and I can get a second goods siding in that will just hold 3, 4 wheel goods trucks for more shunting interest also gives some room behind the goods shed for access to the sheds back door previous if the little people had stuck there heads out the door would be knocked of by a passing train. track laying Tomorrow fingers crossed I also have just had 2 big lazy Susan ball raced bearings delivered to use as a centre pivot for the fiddle yards at each end of the layout they are 12" across and rated at over 400kg's so should be more than suitable for the job. Something for another post when I get to that These are all items so the layout will be easier to run at shows no lifting of Locos or wagons just turn the whole lot around should have room for 4 tracks on each fiddle yard allowing 8 trains or more if short trains or rail motors etc that can share a track. Photo of track mocked up to check it will fit as thought.
  20. Finally got back to some modelling today mostly finishing touches like paint and decals today. The shunters truck now has been paint and decals to match the Prototype L273 The 48 class dose some shunting with the shunters truck attached The TAM sleeping car now has its correct 6 wheel Bogies fitted and painted. See the TAM running in the video, links below.
  21. The Australian wholesaler needs to realise that if all the Australian shop fronts disappear so with his profits and a good part of his business and may be his business as well may fail as well. They seem to forget as a wholesaler you work on volume a retailer works on the single item sale. The current Aus Wholesaler seems to have forgotten this. I know some Australian hobby retail shops are selling Bachmann items with minimal Mark up just to get sales to keep the doors open in some cases no more than $10 to move the stock at the same price as online sales. That won't keep the local shop going with rent, power, wages to pay so we can have the convenience of popping down an getting a pack of rail joiners Saturday morning so we can lay that new siding to put the latest O/S Online purchase on. Example the Bachmann Railway children pack. I asked a local shop about pre release and was told it would be between $450- $500 and he said how can I justify selling that when a UK shop was listing pre release with postage to Australia for under $300 meaning the item would be less than what he would pay for it. Seen as low as $275 after release. As the local retailer said if he got just for shelf stock he would be stuck with it as it is over priced for what you get in the box. Noted now Some local Ozzy shops have resorted to listing there's on flebay with free DVDs etc to try and shift at the $485 good luck
  22. Marty you have to build your. " first one " of your " own " first Yes you are right a 3 way RTR by Peco would be a winner
  23. Sorry Marty but the wheels will be staying just as they are for the time being, if I did one 38 would have to do all of them that's 18 wheels and it's not about to happen any time soon the PSM 38 will be correct if it gets done soon been waiting a few years now and will use that for photos when I want a true to scale but the other 3 Fox /OGH 38's run so well that I'm not going to mess with them.
  24. Not much been going on Down under this month model train wise, but finally a building assessment for the storm damage will be done and the fencing contractor will be looking at my fences today so with a bit of luck will be able to get back to some normality soon did get to run some trains for the first time since the storm and made 2 quick videos see the links. One of a NSW 48 class and the other of a C38 both with a branch line Mail train that includes a TAM sleeper car, BR intermediate sitting car and a EHO Guards/parcels Van https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4XLz3Z6FTS8 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SE8ul5o94mo
  25. Hi Bob I will find a photo of Ron's 59 and post for you, Ron said that the 59 kit was one of the smallest run kits he did so is a bit of a rarity.
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