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Jim Bob

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Everything posted by Jim Bob

  1. The problem with this site is that I spend far too much time reading and not enough modelling!

  2. I, also, have an Airfix 14xx and have bought a "Mainly Trains" upgrade kit for the body (this was originally going to be used on my K's kit - see separate blog). However, whilst still honing my soldering skills, I decided to upgrade the Airfix model. Problem is, as you all know, the motor completely fills the cab, which I would really like to detail with backhead, brake and crew, etc. So, considering the chassis: I wonder if anyone has tried replacing the Airfix motor with a smaller "can" variety, still driving the front (or middle) axle, without obtruding into the cab? It would need a good hacking about of the cast tank and boiler weights and a suitable "mod" to hold the new motor, plus replacing the weights when I know how much room I have! Any ideas or suggestions gratefully received. Jim
  3. Excellent work, John. I look forward to seeing the interior detailing and the finished "side-project". Jim
  4. I see, absolutely, your eye for detail and can find no fault with your building placements. It's all beginning to take on the shape of a busy yard that has grown as needs demanded. Stunning work! I agree, the pagoda building is unlikely and another curved roof, corrugated hut would blend/fit into the scheme, better but the general layout is perfect, in my opinion and, yes, with regard to ash, dirt etc, I reckon the whole area would be thick with it. No matter how much you kept your dropped fires and smokebox ash to the pit, the wind would have blown it around the site and the rain would have washed it all everywhere. The more "grime" the better! Get it on!! Jim
  5. Excellent work! It's amazing what you can achieve with a little perseverance and determination to make a good'un from a doubtful beginning. Jim
  6. Hallo John, I only found your amazing build project on this website a couple of days ago. Since then, I have been catching up on all your posts and am glad you found it "finished" enough to show to all the family! But, as you say, there is always a good excuse to carry on working on it. If, like me, you actually prefer construction to running, you really don't want to "finish" at all - then what do you do? Thanks for all your inspiration! Best wishes, Jim
  7. I agree, Dragonusde, cardboard wreaks havoc on knife blades. For this reason I reserve my X-Acto knives and blades for precision work on plastic kits, etc. My local "Poundstore" sells three of those plastic, retractible blade knives (where you can snap off the blunt leading blade, to present a new, sharp section. All for
  8. Fatadder, this interior super-detailing is of the highest standard, which I fully endorse (as my tag line suggests!). I wish you well with this project.
  9. Thanks Stefan, I admit that your 'builds have really inspired me to get going again! As far as paints are concerned; I know that more recent ranges have be introduced but they are sooo expensive, compared to good old home grown Humbrol and now they are back to being made in the UK, after Hornby bought them! (Sorry! - that didn't mean to sound anti-continental! Just, hopefully, more control).
  10. This a fantastic conversion, Stefan. I have been away from this website for too long! I grew up with Triang in the '60's and was always very happy with the running and haulage powers of that motor. ! also remember that either Humbrol or Airfix's own paint range included an "Indian" red that looked very good to me - a good red/brown - not too pink and not too brown! Airfix paints are no longer available and Humbrol dropped a lot of model railway related colours over the years. Bad mistake now, I think, now that Hornby own them! Perhaps we should all lobby Hornby/Humbrol to reintroduce them. Admittedly, they have re-introduced some colours but the renge is hardly extensive!
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