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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. That cheese tart site isn't half a click bait site, pages and pages of carp before you get even to the ingredients.. And as it is, it includes loadsa sugar so that's not for me.. Evening Awl, Just back from the Sailing Club where it was so nice, we had the meeting outside on the quay .. The meeting went well, the only unfortunate thing is they'd like us by 08:00 on the Saturday, previous years it was 09:00.. Goodnight Awl, pint almost gone, I needed it.
  2. Afternoon Awl, An extra hour of zzzzzzzzzzzzzz was achieved, Ben the nice Collie letting me sleep in. He had a good snuffle but was mightily offended when I moved a oak log during HIS walk. The look of disapproval was intense. MRC, cut out in board for sink done, various battens fitted to walls, various other bits made till we ran out of wood. To orange shed, concrete, tap washers, paint and varnish bought. More Observations on Saturdays weather look increasingly good for the boat show. Sundays err not a lot of wind and some rain.
  3. Foam used in such tasks isn't permeable, it's closed cell foam. Wax rings in the UK are very rare, I've never come across them, though it seems they are available. Most UK systems use some sort of rubber seal. Mooring Awl, About 5 hours sleep, not enough, just can't get back to sleep. The forecast for the weekend has improved, looks to be dry for Saturday's boat show. MRC this morning.. fitting a sink for dirty brushes etc... Suns up Ben's snoring, so should I.
  4. Afternoon Awl, Lots of spreadsheet changes, as is usual with such things, as you dig in you find other things need changing.. About 5 hours spent on that, it's all but there for this coming year. The first monthly bank account figures are due in , when I start typing that I'll really know if the new format works... Each quarters results cascade to the next, but the quarterly reports show that quarter and the financial year to date. Took Ben for his long walk and.. he cut it very short, the sudden increase in temperature and I think he found it too hot. Several bills paid for the MRC, one more todo, but I've left the paperwork behind at the MRC . I've a couple of hours to spend at the MRC tomorrow morning, I'll pick up the paperwork then, then proceed to the big orange shed as we are almost out of gloss white.
  5. Evening Awl, I suspect GCHQ, might be able to crack that password a bit quicker.. In fact they've probably read it already.. Muddling at the MRC went well, except waiting for ages for super glue to set... Some discussion over accounts, several bills to pay / file receipts. Have made further decisions on format of new spreadsheets, 1 will become 4, thereby each feeding it's own quarterly result sheet.. once made no further readdressing of lines will be needed therefore less chance for me to make a mistake. The temperature dropped suddenly at about 20:30, we'd had a small bit of soggyness outside, just enough to wet everything.. Three possible new members will be visiting soon. Oh good, gimmee the money... Muggachoccy gone goodnight Awl.
  6. Afternoon Awl, again , just lost all the text I'd typed. The something that SWMBO wanted down the mobile home, was a mouse or rat had eaten its way into the kitchen. It had come through the under sink cupboard.. so that was emptied of nibbled leaking bottles, a pile of chewed up rubber gloves it had used as a nest, and a packet of bird seed spread everywhere.. The shelf was lifted out, then the false floor needed cutting up to lever it out, as it was nailed in place. The hole was there to the left, but there was another piece of plywood stuck to the floor elsewhere. That was levered out to show another hole in the floor.. I suspect in the past the sink / piping has leaked and made the 3/4 inch ply floor soft.. A 3/4 ply board has been cut to size and into two to make a snug fit floor cover. This needs painting before final fitting, I also wish to fit a steel or mesh plate below the floor. Ben then took me for his long full walk, they were spraying the field again, of which we got a niff, as we crossed up wind of it, then we went parallel to the field as the sprayer was doing the area behind our garden , so our garden will have got some over spray. Lots of flutterbys and dragonflys about, dandelions showing themselves in swaths . Some work has been done on the club accounts a lot more todo as I wish to modify the spreadsheets for this coming year. Then an eyelid inspection was carried out, shortly I'll head for the kitchen to find something for the evening meal.
  7. Yes you can walk anywhere in Britain after using the train, you can get the train to Wick and walk to Lands End if you want to.... Meanwhile try walking from Berney Arms station in 2019-20 it was the least used station in the country with just 42 passengers... There is no road access and the pubs closed...
  8. Last time I was living in Driffield, Beefy was giving it some hump against the Aussies... In the last 20 years the 9 closest banks have closed, and another half dozen building society offices have gone. it's now at least a 40 mile round trip to find one.. we are lucky in that the second nearest post office is one, that is it's not a sub post office. So it has a near full range of services. The post office in Horning has closed a few weeks ago, it had a side line in tourist tat and Jigsaws, there were no takers to buy the business. So they are opening a small sub post office counter in a newspaper / minor food stuffs and things tourists forget shop, that's a few yards away. The post office building is becoming a dog grooming business. Mooring Awl, Very late getting to sleep again. 1 hours sleep, 4 hours sleep, half hours sleep, not enough... Ben the I'll stay here in bed till you're ready Collie came on patrol, he's happier now the deep grass and Alexander have mostly been cut back. Don't suppose the rabbits and deer will be so happy. 100% blue welkin, reasonably warm, extremely heavy dew. Finished reading " Behind the Enigma, The Official History of GCHQ", this is a sister volume to " Defence of the Realm, The Authorised History of MI5" it's another huge volume of 848 pages, or over 30 hours in the audible version. Very interesting, but a maze of acronyms, so you are forever switching between the narrative and the notes at the back of the book.. I prefer acronyms notes are at the bottom of the page. I note throughout the book the number of times GCHQ, found themselves scrabbling to catch up as their political masters suddenly change tack, normally due to outside events. The book finishes approximately in 2000 but the odd reference up to 2020. I'm betting cut backs and " refocusing" meant that there has been panicked changes to keep a check on Russia, which was heavily cut back after the fall of the USSR. I suppose I aught to buy the history of MI6 to complete the set. Plans for today, I'm summoned to the mobile home this morning, swmbo wants something done. Updates of the MRC accounts are required, it being the end of the month. Maybe more mowing .. Time for breaky Ps no idea where the quote box below came from..
  9. This also says a lot. Police average training. USA: 652 hours 🇨🇦 Canada: 1,040 hrs 🇬🇧 UK: 2,250 hrs 🇦🇺 Australia: 3,500 hrs 🇩🇪 Germany: 4,050 hrs 🪦 Killings by law enforcement in 2020: 🇺🇸 USA: 1,021 🇨🇦 Canada: 52 🇦🇺 Australia: 16 🇩🇪 Germany: 9 🇬🇧 UK: 5
  10. With the American police record with their weapons, for their own safety, they definitely shouldn't carry them.
  11. Not just nuclear plants have armed guards, oil refineries and gas refineries have too. But they're in a 4x4 with the weapons locked in a boot. Not sure i fancy being in a gas works when someone starts shooting.. 2.5 hours rebuilding lawnmower deck, took the time to also sharpen the blades, tidy up and find... Yep two bits left over under the spanner roll, deck off, bits fitted, Deck on... 3.5 hours total spent. Then a couple of hours mowing, did most normal areas on highest cut, and a couple of cut throughs through the jungle. Then set to mid position height, and mowed again the main walkway from house to mobile home / muddling shed. That will do for the day, I'm off to get our pills, as the doctors pharmacy will have reopened after lunch.
  12. Very few farms here have much in the way of machinery, one old battered little tractor is about it. They contract out Labour if farming the field themselves, you call in a ditching company or a spraying company, the harvestors tour the area going field to field. Or the contract out the entire field, birds eye will organize planting a field of peas and a few months later organize harvesting it.
  13. Mooring Awl, Couldn't get to sleep, then started falling asleep and waking up almost immediately.. then finally had 5 hours solid sleep, woke due to bladder control, returned to sofa, said to Ben not yet. Woke nearly 2 hours later... Been out With the Ben the nice Collie who let me sleep in, grass very wet after yesterday's rain, he had a good wander around. He starts his new pills today, like now , swmbo has just walked in with his pills hidden in something he really scoffs down, we'll see what happens with that. Major crime in this area is rare, most often it's out of area gangs seeing local shops / cash machines as an easy target and county lines drug gangs. Though with the aged population round here there cannot be much of a market for drugs... We're already prescribed them!! Plans for today... Lawn mower Muggacoffee to finish Then Time to put the overalls on.
  14. Mum was brought up in a house with outside loos, and a well about 50 yards away that was shared between 4 houses. I can remember when we temporarily had to live in my grandparents house in 1963, the new bathroom just off the kitchen had just been fitted. That grandfather's work was a ganger had 3 of his 4 children get their degrees, two became teachers. My wife was brought up in a house with outside loos and a tin bath in front of the fire until the early 1970s. I rented a cottage in about 1980 that had only got mains water / indoor plumbing in the early 1970s, the former gamekeepers house on the edge of a big estate needed to wait until mains water came half a mile down the road to the solitary house. This house got mains water about the same time, late enough to have had an electric pump mounted in the well to pump water up into a barrel up in the loft for probably the previous 20 years. As for alcohol free, I became very partial to Heineken lager zero with lime or lemon out in Saudi , that really suited the conditions. The rich locals could of course get smuggled whisky, the poor often drank alcohol based perfume!!! You'd find empty bottles of it behind dunes just off the main roads. These days, for me, it's alcohol with beer or whisky, but not much, rarely do I have a coke.
  15. Some years ago here someone living well inland decided we no longer need flood alert sirens. Texting/ phoning landlines / calling mobiles would work they said.. Along came the next storm, landlines were down, mobiles don't work on the coast, and several families were left in chalets hit by big waves...
  16. I recognise that fret!! I've used scale link several times before good they are too.. But in this case there's in excess of 20 window doors.
  17. Try talking about cigarettes and waterways on an American site.. Fags and Dykes..
  18. Now gusting 38mph at a massive 8C, retiring to the living room was a good idea... There are a lot of mallard cross eider and other escaped farmed ducks on the broads, that gives a few strange colours..
  19. The club layout previously mentioned, failed at its next show, as a section of track disintegrated with temperature changes in the hall. It has now been stood in a corner in disgrace facing the wall.. It will be stripped for recoverable items.. Meanwhile not a lot has happened to Decoville for a variety of reasons. One of which was the "window doors " that open from the hotel rooms to the balcony, I couldn't find a suitable art deco style type to fit... Then I suddenly thought this afternoon.. print your own on acetate film... Film has now been ordered I will start designing on the PC, do some prints onto paper, once I'm happy then use acetate.
  20. Saw some ducks at the sailing club, mallards... They were floating about in a puddle in the car park.
  21. Err not quite, it's manufactured coal now, which has some coal in it, but has a high percentage of " renewables" in it . I note one version uses Olive stones !! https://www.wickes.co.uk/Homefire-Ecoal-Smokeless-Coal---10-Kg/p/151160?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZqBM-_Ehi_5N_vX5BtZWQTsVmqC3mmGOrl95CLHUfQF-k6Mxs87eLRoCr98QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds We had a ton delivered a few days ago as it was on sale, which means we have about 2.5 tons out there. All delivered in plastic of course, they will open the bags and dump them in the bunkers, but I just bring a bag in when we need it.
  22. But the RAF only issued rum on special occasions, such as after snow clearance duties. I was twice issued a tot of rum from the container in a basket kept in the safe. That was around 1982..
  23. We can only get a mobile signal up at the top of the stairs in the bathroom. Not a good place to be in a fire.
  24. Mooring I went to, had a bacon roll and muggacoffee.. looked out of the window and thought...... Nahhhh.... Too windy, too wet. So went to the Big orange shed but.. Going up a hill the landrover coughed..? And coughed again and slowed.... Then we got to the flat bit on top and it picked up.... Hmmm I think the fuel gauge / wiring to it, is stuffed again Big tes and coe 1/2 mile ahead, stop at round about , on accelerating cough cough die, pulled off onto verge using momentum. Not far enough off road causing cars to swerve. But landrover is on the flat now, engine starts, I drive completely off road engine keeps running.. so I drive back on and make it to the petrol station.. 75+1/2 ltr diesel, it's a 90 ltr tank but it's very flat, so the last 15 ltr must have been sloshing around down there... Missing the exit on slopes and acceleration. Refueled no problem since. Had to pull over to let ambulance through from behind.. Collected sand drove back different route no less than three sets of road works and a ford transit driving slowly marked horses... Must be small horses.. Surprised swmbo and Ben just coming out for long walk, I spread the sand... Ben and swmbo are back from a shortened walk, Ben the meteorologist Collie said it was going to rain, and just after they got back it did... Big time, full fire hose soggyness.. 633 squadron.. I have to remember that. The range of the land Rover is 90ltr x 32mpg, thats about 635 miles.. so odometer when I fuelled up was 433 miles.. so first opportunity after 633 squadron that's 200 miles I'll refuel again.. When this muggacoffee is gone I'll go pay some MRC bills... Oh on the way back I saw a sign for.. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/chox-con-chessboxing-festival-tickets-732798017597 Weird!!!
  25. Mooring Awl, 6 hours sleep with a couple of wake up and turn overs, then 2 hours semi dozing. Forepaws and right ankle reminding me of the weather, has been extremely soggy overnight, light fine drizzle at the moment, more soggyness due shortly according to the radar. Ben the impatient Collie was very happy on patrol, but kept stopping looking back at me and saying hurry up.. I'll be going to the sailing club anyway, but with winds gusting up to 15 to 38mph there's not much chance of me sailing, it doesn't then seem worth uncovering the boat to get it all wet. I'll probably come home via the orange shed for what will be the last load of sand , wheel tracks and hollows for the filling in of. If they were to take me off metformin and only be on the placebo I'd definitely know quickly as my blood tests would show my sugar levels climbing. I would only proceed if metformin would be continued even if on a reduced dose... Time to finish my muggacoffee and head to the SC.
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