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Everything posted by br2975

  1. It is a little known fact that most police officers, when giving evidence at court - mumble, in a most monotone manner. . Until that is, they come to the point where the defendant either used some sort of obscenity, or said something incriminating. . Listening to most police officers giving evidence can send a glass eye into hibernation. . Something like "mumble, mumble, mumble, grunt, mumble, growl quietly, mumble, F**K OFF COPPER, AND TELL THE MAGISTRATE TO DO THE SAME !" . An experienced copper giving evidence could quote a defendant in the same way three times, but by altering the inflection of his speech each time, the officer could create a totally different impression in the mind of the bench, or jury - even though the defendants words stayed the same.. . . . . . Which brings me on nicely to, the Stipendiary Magistrate; in Cardiff that was, for many years Sir Lincoln Hallinan, opinions of whom varied, depending upon which part of 'The Stipe's Court' you normally occupied. . I was sat waiting my case (he'd hear 80 - 100 matters before lunch, easily) one morning when the following case of one Terrence Hutchinson was called, charge - drunk in a public place. Terry was harmless, and was a regular sight around Cardiff pushing his partnet, Pat Maguire in her wheelchair. He would always address me as 'Kojak' for some reason. Terry walks into the dock, dressed in his Parachute Regiment tie, blazer and slacks -immaculately attired, and comes to attention. The Stipe looks over his glasses at Terry:- "How many times have you appeared before me for offences relating to drink Mr, Hutchinson ?. Terry:- "No idea Sir" Stipe:- "This is your fiftieth occasion Mr. Hutchinson, what do you have to say about that ? Terry:- "Happy Birthday Your Worship !" Stipe:- Oh ! yes, it is my birthday, thank you Mr. Hutchinson" The Stipe thought for a minute, then called out Stipe:- "Mr. Hutchinson, I find you guilty of the offence and sentence you to one days detention - sit at the back until I rise for lunch !" Terry:- "Yes sir, thank you." . . Sadly, court, and giving evidence is something alien to today's officers. .
  2. . On my first day - each of my course went in turn before the Assistant Chief Constable, to be posted to our respective stations. . My interview, with a non-tie wearing senior officer wearing a pale blue cardigan with no elbows, went like this:- ACC:- Where would you like to go then ? ME:- Llantrisant, Sir ACC:- Why ? ME:- I live in Beddau, Sir ACC:- Don't be so bloody stupid, you can't go to Llantrisant, it's not a sub-divisional HQ ME:- Oh ! ACC:- How about Ton Pentre ME:- Where's that, Sir ? ACC:- Tonypandy, somewhere a big city boy like you will never have heard of. ME:- Yes sir, you're right. ACC:- Well being a Cardiff boy, when you drive from Beddau into the big city, do you use the M4 or Llantrisant Road ? ME:- Sir ? ACC:- Well, if you use the M4, I have vacancies in Llanishen, but if you use Llantrisant Road, I have vacancies in Ely MW:- I use the Llantrisant Road, Sir, so I'll take Ely. ACC:- That's settled it then, you're off to Ely . Every copper I met afterwards asked "what did you do wrong to get sent to Ely ?" then burst out laughing when I said "I asked for it" . Unbeknown to me, despite being local, Ely was considered the force punishment station, the last chance saloon......... . Then, at the Police Training Centre, Cwmbran my training Sergeant said to me................. "When you meet your classmates again over the next two years, they will say they have done this, and done that - when what they mean is they've read about someone having done this, or that.....whereas in Ely, you WILL have done what they've only read or talked about" . God bless you Mike, you were right. . .
  3. . It was actually women turning up in 'onesies' . The next nearest Tesco store to St. Mellons, is at Pengam Green located a few hundred yards from a notorious traveller site (one of two in Cardiff). . The staff at Pengam Green would openly admit their company made contributions to 'traveller charities' which were paid directly to senior members of the traveller community - and in return, Tesco noticed a sharp decline in crimes at the store. . Allegedly !
  4. In the late 70s and 80s, Ely Police Station (Cardiff) was blessed with the most efficient 'reserve man' (station enquiry officer) I ever worked with - one excellent copper. . Steve volunteered his services, as he'd had enough of the crazy world outside. . He would come to work with a briefcase that contained one solitary cheese and onion sandwich, and half a dozen cans of 'bow, which he would consume during his shift. . In the early 80s we had our first force 'command control' style computer system installed, and he was our operator. . At the same time we had been bl;essed with a new sergeant (from the training department, and very pukkah), posted to us to gain 'acting up experience' in the next rank. . He walked into the enquiry office just as Steve was ripping back the ring-pull on his first can of the night. . The 'lardy da' Sergeant looked aghast Steve, cool as a cucumber says to him "Pardon my manners Serge, did you want one ?" The Sergeant beats a retreat to the Inspectors office where the following conversation took place Sergeant:- "Sir, the reserve man just drank a can, a can, a can of Strongbow" Inspector:- " F**k me, only one can ?" . Best nick, and area I worked - and known as 'The Hill' long before the makers of Hill Street Blues used us as inspiration. . .
  5. . The posh end of Ely is in the Sea of Tranquility.
  6. . Oh no, the Senedd / Assembly have the monopoly on wind and p*ss in the Principality.
  7. . I remember excuting a search warrant at a house in Moore Road, Ely - occupied by a 17 year old and her two kids ! Lined up along her kitchen window cill, behind the sink were a row of milk bottles, all half full with urine, into which she dropped her fag butts. . . Together with our two Detective Sergeants I searched a house in Gough Road, Ely - and whilst being given a bunk up into the attic hatch caught something moving in the bathroom, out of the corner of my eye. The occupants had built an aquarium in their wash hand basin. . During yet another prisoner officers dispute we had a (mad) burglar 'on remand' in our one cell. He had been nicked 'screwing' a house on our patch in Heol Muston. One day we did a cell check - and found he'd made small creatures and figures from his own excrement and lined them up around the cell toilet seat. . One day, our then Superintendent was passing the enquiry office and saw the reserve man (station enquiry PC) was busy at the desk, and the phone was ringing. The Super answered the phone to an irate member of the public, obviously dissatisfied with the service we'd failed to provide' The Super broke _ "if you can get out of bed and off your fat arse by midday, drag your sorry arse down to the nick and take a look at what my men are doing for you - if not, just f**k off !" with which, he slammed the phone down. This was the same Superintendent who, whilst I was on a 'tutor's course' gave us an hour long lecture on.......discretion ! . .
  8. For those who have existed in blissful ignorance - Ely, is a large council estate on the west side of Cardiff. . It is where I spent many years 'pounding the beat' . In policing circles it was widely believed "if you can work Ely, you can work anywhere" . Having hung up my uniform in 2009 (but did return in a 'New Tricks' role) I could be forgiven for thinking times had moved on in my old patch. . But no - this is what confronted current officers this week in Deere Road, Ely. .
  9. . Underpants, colloquially known as 'dung hampers'
  10. . Despite being a churchgoer, my mum put more emphasis on "make sure you have clean underpants, just in case you are rushed into hospital"
  11. . Are Gideon's bibles still to be found in hospital bedside drawers ? . I remember a 'Guardian reader style' outcry several years ago that only leaving bibles was exclusive and could 'offend' those of other faiths. . The debate was taken up by a Leicester Imam, who fully supported the idea of the Gideon's bibles; and added "there is nothing wrong, or offensive for someone to seek solace in their chosen holy book when in hospital, and as for no copies of the Quran being distributed.....most devout followers of Islam will carry their own personal copy"
  12. . First time I've heard a Hippo make a sound resembling................Meeeeeowwww !
  13. . Man collapses in street - passers by carry out CPR. . Police arrive, and continue CPR. . Paramedics arrive, remove patient to A&E where sadly he is pronounced DOA / BID . Only the police officers would, in theory, be 'investigated' by the IOPC - the members of the public, paramedics and A&E staff would be considered 'witnesses' in the IOPC investigation. . Hence the reluctance of police officers to be 'used' as stand-in paramedics during any NHS strike action . . And in the last sentence, Andy hits the nail on the head....."someone is ALWAYS to blame, and someone must ALWAYS be held accountable - regardless of the reality of the outcome"
  14. . I, and my former colleagues are well aware as to the cause / reasons why ambulances are queuing up outside A&E and yes it is political...... and, knowing this I have never heard former colleagues criticising ambulance staff and paramedics. . The same 'political' issues arise for the police when dealing with mental health matters, and standing in for social workers who only appear to work 9-5 Monday to Friday. . In all my service, and I am well aware it continues - there has been a very good relationship between the police and the ambulance staff - a far far better relationship than ever existed between the police and the fire service. . My point was to highlight the after effects of a patient dying following 'police contact' and how the officers are subjected to the most rigourous and probing investigation that can last for months, even years and can cause untold worry on the officers involved...................... whereas, a patient dies in an ambulance an same police officers will attend and conduct the basic 'sudden death' procedures on behalf of the coroner; no intrusion by the IOPC, no months and months of worries for the paramedics.
  15. . I doub it, they'll be raiding us first.................Mrs. br2975 collects Robertsons Jam Golliw*g badges, and has them all displayed in glazed frames on our dining room wall. . Afterwards, 'The Sweeney' will move onto our back bedroom, to recover a whole family of soft Golliw*gs on the spare bed - purchased in Spain, at a shop run by an ex-pat from Yorkshire who described them as 'Oriental Gentlemen' . We'll be guilty of 'importing hate crimes'
  16. . The principle issue at Soham was that of vetting, the vetting of Ian Huntley. . Huntley had come to the notice of the police when living in Cleveland. . Whilst he may not have acquired any convictions that would have jeopardised his job as a school caretaker, there was intelligence available that may have been damning of his job application. . Unfortunately, at the time of the Soham murders, intelligence was not available through the Police National Computer, and the nominal records held on the PNC at that time did not indicate whether another force held intelligence on a person, the PNC only recorded persons who had been arrested, charged, convicted or who were wanted, disquaified drivers or missing persons. . The 'Management of Police Information' aka MoPI came about as a result of Huntley's actions.
  17. . It is almost 14 years since I last attended a Police Federation of England & Wales (PFEW) annual conference. . I had been to many. . When I first started attending such events I was always struck by how irreverant, disrespectful and almost abusive Metropolitan Police representatives were to their senior officers. . But then, I found out how "Britain's largest' police force was run (or rather NOT run) and realised how many of the comments I'd heard from the rank and file were born out of frustration with the top brass at NSY & Tintagel House. . The PFEW itself continually called for a review or public enquiry into policing for many, many years seeking change from top to bottom in the recruitment, training supervision, review, monitoring , retention and disposal of staff as well as pay and conditions..................... but no party at Westminster had the appetite to support, or instigate such a review. . Changing tack slightly. . I read today of officers 'raiding' a pub and taking away a half-a-dozen 'golliw*gs' following a complaint by a member of the public, alleging a hate crime - and obviously certain newspapers ( a term used loosely ) made a big thing about a 'waste of police time and resources etc etc" But, the police didn't create the 'hate crime legislation' it was created by vote seeking politicians then drawn up by Home Office mandarins, with the odd input by ladder climbing, liberal elite senior police officers. It is left to the rank and file officer to enforce, and justify. In (some people's) ideal world, a complaint to the police about these 'golliw*gs' - would be met with a "they're dolls, this isn't a police matter, clear off and grow a pair" But, we don't live, or police that ideal world Any police inaction over such an allegation would lead to 'complaints against the police' topped off with "the police did nothing about these dolls, because they are institutionally racist" - and the officer who didn't deal sieze the 'golliw*gs' and arrest the racist pub landlord to the complainants satisfaction either gets' dismissed as a 'racist' or at best gets a Final Written Warning. . Society gets the policing it deserves.
  18. . What makes the police different here, is that there is no 'desk' anymore. . The desk has been replaced by a 'dining room table' . Whoever thought the police service (we're no longer permitted to call it a police 'force') could be run by officers 'working from home' ? . "I'll be working from home today, my dog is alone and gets anxious" "I can't come in today, my son has a dental appoint ment" - He's 18 ! . The idea of officers 'working from home' has increased the 'not in my remit' principle that has grown in the police over the last ten years or so; to the extent that officers will refuse, point blank, to perform certain tasks.....tasks which they are perfectly capable of performing, but which they perceive as outside their specialist role, or beneath them . This is compounded by 'desk wallahs' working from home who are, or claim to be, on 'restricted duties' . Officers who cannot go out onto the street 'just in case I have to deal with something' Or Officers who refuse to attend meetings with other, outside agencies - unless accompanied by a chaperone - a fully fit officer who can deal with anything that arises. . Other officers cannot sit for any length of time due to alleged injuries or ailments; but can endure seven hour transatlantic flights when they are on annual leave, or can go on skiing holidays. . These 'lead swingers' are all well known to colleagues, and supervisors and managers who would love to seem these 'uniform carriers' cast from the payroll BUT The police service is no longer run by the SMT (Senior Management Team), but by H.R. who constantly 'pooh pooh' every attempt to bring these lead swingers into line. . In short, the police H.R. departments are more concerned with the rights and welfare of few p*ss takers, than the the rights and welfare of a majority who have to do their own work, and carry their 'sick, lame or lazy' colleague(s) . It is a commonly known fact that 90% of police work is carried out by only 20% of officers. . And you all thought racism, stalking and misogyny were the biggest problem effecting "UK Police plc" .
  19. Roll on Saturday, 26th. August. . My breath is baited. . I'm beside myself Baz !
  20. . Remove 'MoD' - insert 'POLICE' . Remove 'Project' - insert 'POLICY and or PROCEDURE' . Following the final line, add - 'COCK UP'
  21. . I spent almost 40 years in policing. . 30 years as a 'warranted' officer (current speak), and half of that as an elected staff association representative. . The primary function of a police officer is "the protection of life, and property etc etc" . This includes administering first aid as and when. . Now, there are two things that are likely to effect the anal retention of a police officer. . 1..... a death in custody, where an arrested person dies whilst on their way to a station, whilst in custody there, or shortly after release from custody, or 2.....a death after contact, where a person who hasn't been arrested, but has been involved in some police interaction dies during that interaction, or soon afterwards . . Both of which will bring down the investigative maelstrom that is the Independent Office of Police Conduct and will subject all officers involved, however minimally to months, even years of worry. . For example My daughter, a serving officer, once took an infant in 'cardiac arrest' to the U.H.W. Cardiff in the back of a smelly dirty police personnel carrier as there were no ambulances available, and administeredcCPR and first aid during the hair raising journey. The child survived. . Despite her best intentions, had the child died, she, and the van driver, together with any other involved police officers would be thoroughly investigated by the IOPC as this would now constitute a 'death after contact' - where experience dictates the officers suffer months, even years of worry and uncertainty. As a 'staff association representative' I was a 'misconduct friend' and would assist and advise officers during such misconduct investigations. Take it from me the I ( for Independent ) in IOPC does mean 'independent' to the extent that their intrusive investigations and recommendations are totally unsympathetic towards officers who tried their best, but may have got it wrong due to lack of training, or a wrong split second decision.................they look for 'show trials' in order to justify their existence. . So thorough is an IOPC investigation that any minimal mistakes such as incorrect notes, incomplete vehicle log books, breach of speed limits or incivility - none of which resulted in the 'death after contact' will result in the IOPC demanding the officer's force take disciplinary action - which in turn leaves a sceptical public saying " see it was the police's fault' . Such 'deaths in custody' or deaths after contact' then leave the officer, and his/her force open to disciplinary, and civil action. . Whereas the ambulance service, who continually fail to attend emergency calls will walk away scot free. And any number of persons have died as a result of the unavailablity of ambulances and paramedics. In addition, when a patient dies in an ambulance, or in A&E after arriving by ambulance, only the usual 'sudden death procedure' is adopted on behalf of H.M. Coroner - there is NO investigation of the ambulance crew, paramedics or A&E staff in the way the police are investigated. . Hence the concern of police officers at the recent possibility of them being 'forced' to stand in for striking paramedics and ambulance staff. . Therefore, to me, having 'been on the inside' for 40 years, and experienced any number of such investigations and litigious actions, I can understand what caused the officer to make that comment. .
  22. . Mike, just a thought - it may have been worked loco first to Ynysybwl, as the loco came light from Abercynon, and the auto coach was invariably stabled overnight in the bay at Pontypridd. . That would allow the light engine from Abercynon to back onto, and couple up to the auto trailer and then head off, chimney first 'up the valley' . This also appears to be the auto trailer(s) for Abercynon's "JB Auto" (aka St. Fagans Pullman) which were stabled at night in Pontypridd, yet the loco ran light to/from Abercynon; and 'most' photos of 'JB' show the loco (invariably a 64xx) at the Ponty /Abercynon end of the train.
  23. get hold of this book:- . "Rails in the Fells" Jenkinson, David Published by Peco Publications, 1973
  24. . Sorry, but your point is ? . There are far more models of 'Western' diesel hydraulics produced/available than the 74 built by BR. . There are far more models of 'Falcon' and 'Kestrel' than the solitary examples used on the network. . There are far more models of nuclear flask wagons about than ever ran on the network. . The real life traffic is irrelevant, it is what the model railway manufacturers think the market will support is what counts.
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