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Everything posted by RJL

  1. is reading " Fifty SHEDS of grey" what a man dose in his Shed is His business and his alone.

    1. 2mm Andy

      2mm Andy

      Fantastic book - a colleague got one as his 'Secret Santa' present at work!

    2. Horsetan


      I suppose there is a use for duct tape, then....

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      You are a cheeky bunch of fellows! ;-)

  2. Tragedy - Steps ( now that really was a tragedy).
  3. I have been living a lie for over 30 years ! I always thought HENRY was the mild mannered Janitor but no Hong Kong Fuey's other name was PENRY! You'll all be telling me next that at around the same time I was tuning into and watching PENRY'S CAT ! Could be I hear you shout. ing

    1. DavidLong


      Wasn't Henry the Green Engine?

    2. 69843


      No, that was Penry, his Jubilee cousin

    3. MartinWales


      C'mon! Keep up!

  4. The love boat - Theme from the love boat - Charles Fox
  5. In my mind it dose,also Grisedale by Edmund Kilder will be amazing when it is finished.
  6. In my spare time when not Railway Modelling I modelled Driving Gloves for a bit of pocket money. Only joking, or am I ?????
  7. Smartest Industrial loco must be 0-6-0 "Minnie" it was the contractors loco when the WR&MUR was constructed and then was purchased by the Skinningrove Iron Company and worked until the 1960s before going into preservation.
  8. To be or not to be - B A Robertson.
  9. He ain't heavy, he's my Brother - Gerry and the Pacemakers.
  10. Why should I cry for you? - Sting
  11. Hope history dosen't repeat it's self. when the model is up and running (photo taken in 1896 at the bottom of the Zig Zag)
  12. How is this project getting on ?
  13. Gimme Gimme Gimme (a man after midnight). - ABBA. Not literally, I'm not that sort of man although each to their own. I'm in the Adam and Eve camp not the Adam and Steve camp. (QUOTE- Alan Gordan Partridge)
  14. Reading a book by Cliff Shepherd on Skinningrove Iron and Steel works, it's Railways and Locomotives. An industrial Project looming may be ??

  15. Moon River - ( the late great) Andy Williams
  16. Turkey and Ham Pie, a Christmas and Boxing Day combo. 18 mince pies left to go.

    1. 69843


      We have about 15 mince pies and 11 mini apple pies. Anyone...

    2. SHMD


      PffffFFfff! (a feather floats down)

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