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Everything posted by jcredfer

  1. Watching yet another "B***" awful episode of "Tame of Ghrones" series, with her Mum. They are competing to see who can view the complete set first. Is it any wonder I take to the laptop and another glass of the red stuff? Regards J
  2. I have just had to close the lid of my Laptop, - very rapidly, as my 13 yr old daughter is present in the room!!!!!!!!!!!! Regards J
  3. Difficult to have other than pleasant memories of Glasbury, what circumstances lead you thence? Regards Julian
  4. Living in Calne??? Well, I suppose that might be marginally better than Melksham..... marginally. It's clear to see why Wales is tempting, lovely country, with delightful people. I have had many weeks introducing the delights to East London pupils, around Glasbury and the vast majority of them return, later on in life. Of all the grim realities of latter day teaching, taking youngsters to Wales, was the shining exception to the grime. Regards Julian
  5. Steady on, there are still those who wander around wearing white shorts with a red shirt!! Regards Julian Address withheld, on grounds of security and personal safety.
  6. If both situations been give to a Junior Offr and SNCO team of any of the UK Services, they would have come up with a workable plan. Everyone on both sides of the European area would have had a plan to work to, and [more importantly] businesses and other organisations would be aware of how to work within the new rules. Before the Common market we negotiated a relationship with European countries; When we joined the Common Market, we negotiated our relationship, with them; once in the EU, we continued to negotiate our relationship with the rest of Europe, we need to negotiate a relationship with the EU [as a start/leave position] with the European countries. Once we have left the EU, we will continue to negotiate our relationship with them. A poor plan would allow all concerned to make plans according to the new regulations. The plans may not be perfect, but, "with a plan" everyone would be aware of the direction they should be working too. Without a plan....... chaos........... apparently something our MPs can actually achieve. Regards Julian
  7. And................ those the Navy would then be unable to defend, without the vessel and Complement. If they can't organise leaving a "Club" and make arrangements for their relationship, moving onwards - how can anyone expect them to understand how to do something more complex like providing Defence for our country. Regards Julian
  8. I used to live in Devon, Cornwall, Norfolk, near York and now Salisbury, I have also been a frequent traverser of Somerset. Modern "developers" avarice is absolutely agreed, but there are many areas in these and other counties where housing was built in areas that flooded on a frequent basis. There are a number of reasons for populating these and other similar locations, some making a living around coastal estuaries, ports, lower river crossings, fertile water meadows, reed beds, relatively recent land reclamation and the like. Modern property development has certainly made a meal out of cheap, vulnerable land, with appropriate lack of restriction, but there were those in the past who, also, made fortunes out of construction, wherever that may have been. I'm not quite sure that the developer principle is all that new, none-the-less the rapid increase of population, available to purchase properties has made such fortunes so obviously [obscenely?] large. I suspect that the exploitation of those in need of housing, close to places to earn a crust, may not be all that recent. Regards Juiian
  9. I agree with your logic and would be very unlikely to buy one in such a location... However, there are millions of such placed housing examples in the UK. Regards J
  10. Thank you Chris, very kind. I notice your location. There used to be a saying, around Staffs, that all that Leek needed was a wall around it, to complete the Lunatic Asylum. There is another about one of the inmates, but may another time. Regards Julian
  11. Huge apologies for not getting a reply to you sooner, I had to run my 13 year old daughter and her two friends across to the other side of the county, for entertainment at Centre Parcs. Allan K has stepped in very promptly and given you all the detail you need, including the latest picture above. The groove referred to allows bags of flexibility for where the Vee dropper gets through the baseboard. Apologies once again for the late reply, "must try harder", seems to resonate in the ears. Regards Julian
  12. Sounds like Mrs W Station is making a clean Sweep. Regards... bye J
  13. A thin wire in a small groove in the Sleepers, to the existing Frog Vee wire, is possibly the easiest. Regards J
  14. Somehow tha whole Stn looks way, way smaller than it did when I was a kid. I don't mean just that sense that everything looks slightly smaller, I mean in the sense that memory says it was a huge place with loads of holiday-makers and long Stn buildings. IKB could have run it halfway up the cliffs, out of reach of the waves. Regards J
  15. Soldering looks good to me. Nice and shiny, very tidy wire shapes, and a good smooth covering. With skills like that, the Y shouldn't prove much of a problem. Regards Julian
  16. New Peco If I recall correctly, the Peco Electro-frog "upgrade" which included the wire connections of the Switch Rails and the Check rails [either side of the Vee] also included connecting the Check Rails to the Vee. ie... With the new ones one contact of the Switch Rail to one of the Running Rails, will power that rail, the Vee, the Check Rails and the other Switch Rail [which wouldn't matter as it is clear of the rolling stock wheels]. The silver wire to the Vee is not needed, if the Switch Rail wire connections are left. The cutting of those wires together with the wire bridging between the Running Rail and i'ts adjacent Switch Rail, is to improve reliability of power supply. The silver wire to the Vee, is also connected to the Check Rails and will power them as well. Old Peco So with the old ones the whole Switch Rail on one side, including the Check Rails would get power from whichever Running rail the Switch Rail contacted, the other rail being un-powered [not in contact with it's Running Rail]. Power for the Vee [only], would need to be switched through it's attached silver wire. Cutting / separating the Switch Rails from the Check Rails will also need some wire from the Frog Vee wire to the [now electrically disconnected] check rails, so they get the same Frog-switched power too. There are a couple of plates visible under the Check Rails, which can get wires soldered to them from the Vee power. Regards J
  17. It must be the angle, {or just that recurring age thing}. I really like the corrigated roof on the verranda. It's a very realistic scene, a credit to your work. Regards J
  18. Amazing how weather differs in the UK, even over relatively short distances, in Wx terms. Dawlish yesterday trying to blow a hooligan, yet Salisbury, admittedly cold, but mowing the lawn in a breeze. Sea conditions, also, apparently "fair". Regards J
  19. Great car, particularly for it's time. I really miss mine. Good action picture, has all the feel of panic. I hadn't noticed that Stn Bldg before, or perhaps that's more down to the angle. Regards J
  20. The older Peco points were like the "Y" points and had to be cut. You will need a fine saw to cut the switching rails [and spare blades if you are anything like me }. I bought, what is termed a Jeweller's Saw, which is really good and I was advised to fit the blades so as to make it a "draw" rather than "push" saw. That certainly worked well for me. Regards Julian
  21. Delightful pictures and a great Rolling stock find on the fleaBack. Congratulations to the Pater and Mater on their 2 score and ten, no mean feat! Has Dad still got the MGB? Regards Julian
  22. SALISBURY!!!!!!!!! Most or the cars driven within 20 miles of the City have persons behind the wheel that have been officially certified dead for a minimum of 2 years. Julian
  23. Just come across this thread, I had wondered where you had all got too, with the new format. Good to see everyone still at the staid advice and deep founded wisdom, none of that there cynical stuff, so common with age. Hat coat, door, runs..... lopes! Back to getting the sound continuous as the Peco Turntable changes polarity. Got a solution, this week may reveal if it works. Just got to return M-in-Law to the opposite side of the County first..... Regards Julian
  24. I like the colour change, it's much less stark and much less "in your face". Regards Julian
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