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Status Updates posted by C&WR

  1. Just bought "Raising Steam" in honour of Sir Terry Pratchett. That will be me off any other activities until it's finished!

    1. skipepsi


      Enjoy it it is good

    2. simon47603


      I'll second that.

  2. Just getting my hand back in for some card modelling by making the Scalescenes freebie little huts from " Op Build It".

  3. Just getting my hand back in for some card modelling by making the Scalescenes freebie little huts from " Op Build It".

  4. OK, how on earth is one supposed to get into a Noch figure pack without breaking it?

  5. Paignton Steam Railway here I come!

    1. Jaz


      ......don't forget some photos!!!!

    2. C&WR


      Just downloaded, Jaz. Editing to follow - we went to some friends' restaurant afterwards...


    3. C&WR


      Erse, photos seem to be too big!

  6. This evening I have mainly been contemplating the painting of my Tornado backhead...

    1. Horsetan


      Er...that's it!

  7. Woo-hoo, styrene delivery finally received!

    1. Jaz


      Arn't you supposed to be working??? ;P

  8. Itching to get home and see if some masking I've done has worked...

    1. Jaz


      you left masking on for how long? Yowsers hope it comes off without lifting the paint.

  9. Lovely to meet RJS1977 for real today!

  10. Bah! Trying to get some photos available online & Picasa playing up...

  11. Blast, fouled up another go at flushglazing my Class 45.

    1. Metr0Land


      I know the feeling!

  12. Fouled up another go at flushglazing my Class 45. At this rate I will have spent more at SE Finecast than I did on the donor loco!

  13. Fouled up another go at flushglazing my Class 45. At this rate I will have spent more at SE Finecast than I did on the donor loco!

  14. Blast! Second attempt at flushglazing my 45143 "Fifth Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards" and again I've banjaxed a windscreen. At this rate I will have spent more at SE Finecast than I did on the donor loco!

  15. Blast! Second attempt at flushglazing my 45143 "Fifth Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards" and again I've banjaxed a windscreen. At this rate I will have spent more at SE Finecast than I did on the donor loco!

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