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  1. There's a Queen record playing in my mind at the moment.


    Dum dum dum.....

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    2. woodenhead


      To me the past 8-10 years of government have all been a shambles, opposition parties included.


      They have all been eating themselves and in fighting rather than serving the country.


      Starmer is trying to hold it together and the Tories are doing a fine job of making the Labour party look unified, but underneath I am sure there are fractures waiting to surface.


      Perhaps what we need is proportional representation, and at least at the moment it is also a Labour policy so maybe it's time is coming, but probably at least 4 years away and we all know what happens to a manifesto once in power.

    3. gwrrob


      Making plans for Nigel.😉

    4. woodenhead


      @gwrrob Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!


      I want a return to sensible politics, the circus is over.

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