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Everything posted by MarshLane

  1. Hi Martyn, Thanks. I've been very lucky this year being able to built the fleet up a little bit. But I like the way your shed is progressing, stating to get that industrial fleet to it and I have a soft spot for J94s and the Bagnall 0-6-0STs .... but I must resist! Too much BR a blue due out the next 12 months! Like what you've done with the control panel. I often find simple is the best and easiest .. usually after I've overly complicated something! Rich
  2. Hi Paul, Thanks! Didn't get round to sorting the photos today ... hopefully tomorrow - however the pit sides have stuck like concrete! Used some Evostick Timebomb - wow! Definitely some of the firmest bonding glue I've ever come across. Expensive but does the job - no way they will come off if I dropped it on the floor!!! Kevin - thats great .. i've been watching John Elliot's Leeds City thread but somehow missed all of that. Rod over on West Kirkby Town has been fantastic in his responses, its given me much info to go back to the shed people with for an accurate quote and also the confidence that it will work in practice! I'll now go have a read of John's shed and see what other information I can glean! Hope I can feedback and help others like this in the future! Cheers Rich
  3. Evening all (well early morning I guess!) Just a quick update. The walls for the first pit have come together, lights have been fitted and everything. Glued into place, so I'm hoping tomorrow may see a photo or two with the pit lit! It looks good upside down, hopefully even better right way up! Work has kind of got in the way, this week but hopefully a little more progress tomorrow! Rich
  4. Thanks Simon, That's good to know! Gives you confidence when others have already done it and it works!!! Rich
  5. Hi Rod, That is wonderful, thank you. I hadnt expected such a detailed reply! That's very kind. I've read it though and it all sounds logical at the moment. I'm looking to the company that built or garage 32 years ago to put the shed in ... the garage is still standing so I'm working on that being a good thing! They can but bespoke buildings together, so I'm just waiting on the quote, but I'll feed some of your info back to them as a minimum requirement. As for fingers crossed, my fingers and toes are all crossed lol! It would be better than the loft and easier to cool on a summers day I think too. It also gives me an area that is around he same width as the loft, but about six foot longer and it's amazing what a difference that makes to the track plan ... and being able to take the track outside to a fiddle yard is another bonus. Have you had any issues with signs/point servos being mounted under the boards on the outside section, or electrical issues where damp has got at soldered connections? Rich
  6. Hi Rod, Hope things are well, WKT is coming on nicely! I'm wondering if I can tap you for some info/knowledge. As you know I've been working on my O gauge depot with the aim of it being part of a fixed loft layout, and also removable to be a layout in its own right. With the building getting ever closer to completion, thoughts have turned to the layout. During a recent conversation about putting a new 6'x8' shed up in the garden to house the baseboards when not in use, along with a little workshop, a comment was passed about why not do it properly and put a shed the full width of the garden, rather than being in the loft, which makes the house cold in winter! Hence, it looks like I MAY gain a 27'x10' shed, possibly with something similar to your fiddle yard running outside. So my query is, with your shed and layout, knowing what you know now, is there any advice you can give, or anything you would do different if you were doing it again, or equally, anything you did that has worked well? Also if, I may ask, what your shed is made from, I'm assuming tongued and groved, and how do you heat it in winter? I've still some issues to solve, like getting electric in there, but thought I'd ask you for your advice before going any further! Thanks in advance! Rich
  7. Simon, Many thanks for the link and for the photo evidence of how you do points, all very interesting. I'm slowly building up the courage to try it! Need a trip to the tool store first!! Apologies for the delay too, I was going to reply yesterday, but the the battery died on my iPad! That point, does look superb! Rich
  8. Well Done Jinty A bit of competing will be good 08 is coming on nicely! Rich
  9. Hi Brian/Dougal, Thanks for the comments. I think its one of those things, if i can just get the idea of cocking it up out of my head, and be content to just keep going with it - if it goes wrong, take it apart and start again - I think i'd do ok! But thanks for the suggestions Dougal, I might well look at those VGA kits - but I thought the GJH ones were plastic kits?? I may be wrong tho. I've got some grand ideas Brian! The thing is I love to see small layouts, i like the detail, they can be completed (to a point) in a reasonable timespan and don't have to take up much space. The trouble for me is I like prototypical operation! That means pairs of 20s, pairs of 37s, 40s/45s on a double track, properly signalled main line, where the same train with the same engine doesn't continually go past and past and past! That isn't easy to do in O gauge, and it isn't a quick task either. No offence to anyone who does like tail chasers, each to their own, but its one reason i've spent the past few years building the loco fleet, up so that when I do get to put a layout together, it gives me the operational interest. I like a layout to be operationally accurate, as well as scenically decent - so my ambition is to have a double track main line, with freight yard, and the semaphore signalling on the layout controlled by a proper miniature lever frame, not the model kind with little levers, but akin to the old westinghouse style ones like in Crewe North box (Now part of the heritage centre). I've spent time researching them, coming up with a way of making it work, and thanks to a good friend who is a wizz at CAD design, we've now got a design for an solid aluminium miniature frame and lever! I've got the electronics side sorted out as to how to make it work, with full pointwork interlocking - now that to me ends playing trains, and moves into recreating the real railway - maybe I'm just too much of a geek!! The ultimate test is going to be to see if JonF (being a signaller in the day job) can come in an work it once its up and running! haha Its each to their own, but i've got some good plans in my head, just i now want to get on and make it reality. But at least the background research and ground work is coming together behind the scenes, which should make each bit move quicker when I finally get there. Hopefully, the shed is looking more and more a reality, which will give a permanent home, that is usable all year round, and will allow me to concentrate on actually building things! Sorry for the ramble... Rich
  10. Hi Brian, Ooh! Now your really talking my language! My aim is to have a couple of rakes of seven or eight BDA wagons in the fleet, as the yard will be the exchange yard for local speedlink traffic, as well as a nearby steelworks. Im really cautious about trying brass kits having never done it before, but I did take the plunge at Telford and having had an in-depth discussion with the guys at PRMRP over how to build them, did take the plunge and purchase a kit. I keep looking at it thing, hmm really should try and have a go at putting it together, but it think its going to be a winter evenings task! So i'll be interested to see how you get on when you start on yours. As for scratching building wagons, thats probably taking it too far for me at the moment! Big believe in little steps first! Hence why I started with the shed building first on the layout, as I'd never scratch built a building at all before now! Ive finally got the interest in trackwork building, having made a few mistakes with the shed trackwork (and that was only plain line!!) but do feel that is the way to go now, after umming and arrrring for ages! Just need to nail the track layout down (and whether its going in the loft of this proposed new shed!) and then i can hopefully make a start using the best of the winter nights. Rich
  11. Absolutely superb. Any more pics taken of recent action on the main line of the layout? Rich
  12. Very true! There really is too much temptation around in O gauge modelling at the moment! Nice tho! I must admit that Cargowagon of yours is tempting me. Wish somebody would bring out the four wheel, double wagons that used to be branded with the 'Rod Mill' logos. Rich
  13. Hehe very true! It appears I may have negotiated a new 27' x 10' shed early next year, which means my original plan for a depot, yard and small station could reach fruition in there rather than the loft ... it's a slightly bigger area! In which case I envisage three boxes and a fair number of semaphores!! Still some negotiating with the powers that be, but does appear to be looking good! Trying to work out if I can keep the depot and yard approaches portable! Don't worry Jon, your workload will only increase!! Haha! I need to speak to you actually about how much space to leave between tracks for signalling before I get too far down the track planning road. Rich PS if your running for cover ... take your workbench with you
  14. Hi Nick, Thanks for your kind comments! Little bit of saving up to do, and one of them .. probably 21 ... will heading off to Cairns Road Works in Sheffield for repaint into BS Blue. I just need to get Andi to focus, he has a liking of Colas 60s, and I keep feeling it could come back orange and black with no British Steel branding at all !!!!! Expensive 12 months coming up what with the centre headcode 37s appearing, followed by my other favourite the '45s' ... so many options ... one needs to be blue with dominos, but the opportunity for a green 45106 to put in an appearance is too much too! Then we have the MGR wagons due early next year from Dapol as well, plus there's still another five '47' varieties i'd love to see around the Depot if I can ever get hold of the base models! May have to go and have a couple of days with Lee (HealeyMills) and learn how to built JLTRT kits and start saving for the kits - Oh no, thats more money. ARRRGGGHHH I need to find the bottle of tablets that read 'how to stop modelling O gauge modern image in 12 easy pills'! Rich
  15. Hi Simon, All is looking good! Im currently finalising the track layout for Marsh Lane, and despite that gut feeling that handmade trackwork is one step too far for me, i'm going to have a bash at it! Its not that I don't think I can do it, its that I want it looking right and running smoothly, and I'm not sure if I can get the standard required .... one little thing wrong and it will bug me forever! Still, as they say, you don't know until you try! Which brings me to the question (which may have been asked before, so apologies if i've missed it). The 'V' and blades are, to me, the hardest part it seems. I've taken the jump and purchased set of blades from C&L, but more for use as a guide to what the end result should be rather than for use. Reading the above, I like your principal of the clamps and wood, but could you explain a little bit more what its doing or how its guiding you? Or is it simply just holding the track in place? Also, in a previous message on the thread, you mentioned a jig for the 'vee' - but i cant see a pic or any description ... any chance of some more information? Cheers Rich
  16. Hi Simon, I do like that photo! What did you make the table and stool out of if you don't mind me asking? Yes I think the interior will be more visible in the shed, especially when doing photographs and the like, but my inspiration really has been the Worcester Road layout - I appreciate its Gauge 1, so needs to be more detailed than O gauge, because of visibility, but that just layout provided so much inspiration to me. If I can achieve 50% of it i'll be happy! Rich
  17. Hi John, yes that would work, although the red wires in this case are those that are pre-wired on to the lights! Hence the idea of painting them! But a good point, all the same. Rich
  18. I thought i'd post this as a separate post, as its rolling stock related, rather than the shed building. I've extended the carriage stock for the new layout by another vehicle, this time a Royal Mail-liveried Mk1 BG. I remember as a kid, seeing this sat in the parcels sidings at Leeds on the one or two occasions that Dad took me, usually while mum and family members explored the local shops! I think it brightens the place up a bit - need to do some research on numbering to get the right number added, and like the others it will need weathering at some point. I really do need to learn how to weather coaches! Tower told me recently that the Royal Mail BG and GUVs were not selling well, unlike the others, so the opportunity to obtain a couple, with one going into Intercity or Provincial livery had moved down the priorities scale a bit, as there was no rush. However, this one was a eBay Bargin ... on at £189 (I think) which was a good price anyway for a £250 model, on a Buy It Now, or Best Offer. I always treat these as basically saying there is a little movement. On this one, I put in, what I thought was something of a silly lower bid not expecting to get it, and to my amazement, it was accepted instantly! Too good an offer to miss, from my view point! Hence its addition. It also gives rise to the thought that Marsh Lane Depot Level 5 facility may also deal with bogie and wheel changes on parcels stock Rich
  19. Evening all (once again!), Well from the hive of activity on Thursday (admittedly with little to show) yesterday and today have been work, family and home related matters, so little modelling has been done! But I though i'd just update those that are interest on the activity. I was originally intending to run thin wires from the six overhead lights in the shed to a common point below, but then had something of a brainwave! (Don't have those often so this could backfire yet!) Instead of running wires all over the place and having to disguise them, I thought how about running two brass roads, separately, down the length of the shed, positioned at the highest point of the roof trusses, one on either side of the longest vertical support. That way, one is positive and one negative, and the wires from the lights can be soldered to brass rod, it saves wiring runs, and saves having to disguise it. So that is what i've now done. This birds eye view of the shed building, shows one of the rods temporarily in place. All appears to work well, and it will also give some added strength to the roof supports. The two rods have now been removed and painted black, so the next task is to return them (scrap off a little paint where the solder will go) and solder the lighting connections. The red cables will be hand painted black to disguise them. To ensure the cables stay separately, the two black cables will be soldered to the rod on one side of the truss (i.e. the wall end), while the to red wires will be soldered on the other side (i.e. the door end). I've also test fitted the two full length horizontal wooden beams that run at 90 degrees to the roof trusses - quite amazing how much detail they seem to add! Only stuck with blu-tac to start with just to check position and lengths, they will be fixed in properly once the brass rods are in and solders. I've also got that last bit of that floor to finish off! The middle truss (pictured at the bottom of the above picture) did have lights fitted, but I wasn't happy with how they looked, so they have been removed and i'll have another go, hopefully tomorrow. I'm also about to order some brass tools, benches, cupboards etc.. from Severn Models, as suggested by Les a couple of days ago. Its starting to get interesting this! The eagle eyed among you will also note that the pit steps are in on the above picture - well except the very top step which will be cut to size and put in last. I've done a test fit on the first pit and I have to say, I think its come up quite well - my apologies for all the vertical pictures in this post! The pit will have around seven little lights set in to the pit walls just to provide basic illumination down there - and they will be far dimmer than the main shed lights, but hopefully should help to lighten the bogie detail on locos. This is only a trial fit at the moment, but shows the principal. I'm hoping a bit of time tomorrow might get the lights soldered, and the first pit completed! Thats all for now ... 2-1 (Train out of section for those non-signalling readers!) Rich
  20. Very good an realistic. I had to do a double take there!!! Superb. Rich
  21. Thanks Jim Probably highly unlikely now I guess!! Still we live in hope! Rich
  22. Hi Steve, I like that idea, seems to work well. Could you drill a hole in both sides and slide some 4 or 5mm thick brass rod through to act as a barrier? I presume there is no flex in the guttering? Rich
  23. Evening all, Day off today, and managed to spend most of it working on the shed building! Nothing really worth any images tonight, but have spent the day working on the electrics for the shed lighting, all lights are now fitted and tested and I'm in the process of wiring everything up properly. First of the pits has been but together as well and the pit lighting trial fitted. All seems to work quite well although I'm going to put a resister in the circuit so both the pit and overhead lighting is controlled by one feed, yet the pit lighting is dimmer. Also measured out the shed roof, so hopefully that will get cut tomorrow, then it's on to wall detailing! Just about decided on the depot layout trackplan, I've been tweaking, changing, starting from scratch, tweaking again etc etc etc for several weeks now, but I think I've got it nailed. A long term aim (part of an extension if I ever get the first bit built!) is to try and replicate the turntable at Old Oak Common, albeit in the North East! I like the photo opportunities for diesels sat around a turntable! Also decided that the depot will have been the BR 1980s equivalent to a Level 5 heavy repair shop so that opens the way to some odd traction for the north east and the next building to be built! Got some key ideas for that one, bigger, better, learn from the lessons of the first, and a more heavily detailed interior! More to come as they say! I'll try and follow up with some pics tomorrow! Rich
  24. Just spent a very interesting (if somewhat depressing!) 20 minutes wandering through this thread. As many have commented, the changes at Crewe are unbelievable over the time, but I guess we should be satisfied that at least something of it still survives. I wonder if anything ever used the new track that was laid? Im guessing that is the main line connection into the works?? Rich
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