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Posts posted by vikingsmb

  1. 22 hours ago, dave75 said:

    I'm doing a class 13 conversion based on a lima 09 , I've replaced the lima wheelset with a Bachmann one , so have lima wheelset spare if you would like it.

    Send me a pm

    great yes please thanks mate 

    will do 

  2. Morning everyone,

    Bought this class 09 chassis and whilst servicing it, the bolt (i think) has come off and gone walkies, it is the one on the connecting rod which attaches to wheel


    does anyone know where I can get these bolts from or can have a look at it please? 

    it is the later lowered gear chassis

    I'am in contact with 00bill to see if he can sort it, the motor is fine as just serviced it 


    many thanks in advance team




  3. 1 hour ago, 33C said:

    I recently had a "screamer". The bush was rotating in the frame. Bit of superglue put paid to that! Smooth runner now.

    you have just answered my question, no screamer but bush is loose thanks for that :) 

    i got a remagnestiser anyway 

  4. 5 hours ago, 34theletterbetweenB&D said:

    And to round out further alternatives, the aperture to take the bearing oversize, or the bearing OD undersize for the aperture.


    What may help those posting suggestions is to be told what exactly were the:

    that led to the need for bearing replacement?


    basically the loco was running slow, even with rewound armature, checked the usual suspects though


    I will try and get photos up today or tomorrow to show the problem 

  5. Hi everyone, hope all is good, 


    bit of a puzzle, 


    I have stripped down 2 ringfield class 47/9f motors due to issues with armatures and had to replace the motor bearings (s2371) however they keep coming out when i try to replace the armature,  I have fitted them in the correct way though, 


    Any thoughts on this please?


    Many thanks 

    cheers Rob.

  6. On 24/02/2024 at 10:34, cypherman said:

    Hi Robin,

    The easiest ways to tell are look at the coal in the tender. If it is a huge mound then it is likely to be tender drive as they needed the extra height to fit the Ringfield motor in.  I would not be worried about tender drive loco's. If you buy one just fit it with a CD motor conversion kit.

    This web site is a good source of information. Plus all the service sheets you could want for Hornby engines.


    why? serviced they are actually decent runners, no need for cd motor 

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  7. On 02/02/2024 at 21:42, Pmorgancym said:

    I've never heard if anyone being banned from a model.shop, what on earth did you say!!

    it was a post on this forum, I will have to dig it out when i get five, I'am a customer at the end of the day. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Halvarras said:


    Like wot Andyman7 said (and I was just about to!) I've done a lot of Lima motor bogie swapping over the years (including into a pair of Hornby Hymeks which the 26/27/33/42/87 bogie wheelbase fits perfectly as Hornby helpfully shortened the Hymek's ringfield bogie wheelbase by a scale 6 inches.......which was better than the original model's 15-inch discrepancy I suppose!)


    I also found Lima's later extra trailing bogie pick-ups a nuisance, the inelegant 'design' had all the appearance of a bodge to meet 'market expectations' and tended to make the centre axle track at a peculiar angle. 

    i would like to see that mod for the Hornby hymek,  thanks andyman for info I will order bogie tomorrow :) , no luck sourcing later western motor yet though

  9. On 19/01/2024 at 12:26, Halvarras said:


    Yes, I added extra pick-ups to my four but chose the somewhat unconventional method (I suspect!) of turning the middle axle of each bogie around and adding a pick-up formed from a single piece of nickel silver wire bearing on the axle, so the loco picks up from both rails at both ends. Did the same with a pair of Class 47s. Only problem is remembering that isolating the loco via one bogie no longer works!

    regarding what you said about the warship motors being 26/33 etc, I had a look on ebay and the wheels look smaller or am I mistaken?, I found the extra pickups on the 47s etc lima fitted were a nuisance with running. so removed them

  10. On 29/07/2021 at 23:08, Il Grifone said:

    I would agree that Lima chassis plastic is resistant to adhesives. Repairing the break with metal (which is what the chassis should have been made of!) in strip or wire form is the answer.

    Meccano doesn't fall apart, Lego does!*


    *Its clones are worse of course!

    tamaya extra thin cement works on them :) 

  11. On 12/01/2024 at 01:09, Halvarras said:

    The Western is not so easy as it has an unusually short 3-axle bogie wheelbase. The only other model it may share a motor bogie with is the Irish '201' class produced by Lima for the Irish market, and there may be other continental models which used it. Perhaps somebody out there can confirm or deny this.


    I think I'm right in believing that any Lima diesel which has raised centre bosses on the wheel faces has the later gearing. I have four Westerns but they are all first production run with earlier gearing and flat wheel faces. I've never owned a later version.


    I've remotored all my westerns with the later motor, and find they run much better, i've also re-wired them as well which helps, but would like to get additional motors 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Fair Oak Junction said:


    I thought that was obvious to be honest 😄

    I'm a firm believer in the hobby looking forward, not backward.

    I can see where you are coming from, and its not a backward step i can assure you. my lima fleet runs perfectly due to some simple modifications thats all. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Fair Oak Junction said:

    Why stop at pancake motors? Why not go all the way back and just make everything clockwork?
    That way we eliminate the need for track power! It's a win-win! 😉

    I hope that is a joke. 

  14. 20 hours ago, Ben B said:

    I feel saddened by this... it's understandable, and better to go out on a high, but still sad. I used to go to Warley when it was at the Mitchell centre, but I had several trips to the later NEC show when I was growing up, as it fell near to my birthday. I hadn't been for years though, I reckoned my kids were too young for such a massive show, then the Covid pandemic, then the train strikes... ah well.


    And to give my own perspective on the comments people have been making about age and the hobby... I'm nearly 40, last year I went along to my local club who meet on Thursday evenings, with an intention of joining the G gauge group. I'd not been able to previously, as Thursdays was choir night for the kids, but they're older now, and can get themselves there, or easier get lifts with mates.

    But... I was apologetically told that the G gauge group now meet on Tues afternoons. No doubt suits the predominently retired members, and their reasoning was understandable (feeling vulnerable coming out of a big, old building after dark in a not terrifically safe area). But for younger members in full time jobs, not possible.

    I'm also a Scout Leader; we have a real crisis in getting new leaders. We used to have 4 younger leaders in their early 20's, but lost them all to job pressures. Evening shifts, unsociable contracts, pressure to relocate to avoid redundancies... Even my supposed 7.5 hours a day, weekdays only job frequently turns into 10, 11 hour days with little warning. Modern working conditions just aren't geared towards regular volunteering hobbies in a lot of cases.


    I don't think there's a shortage of youngsters who could get into the hobby; in my experience with Scouts and prior school DT jobs, kids love practical tasks, when given opportunity and encouragement (and don't get me started about funding cuts to DT and art departments). But the problem seems to be the current long hours, irregular, short or zero-guarenteed-hours contracts common to the job market, which just culls free time.

    alot of organisations are having same issue mate, struggling to get volunteers.

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  15. On 01/01/2024 at 04:37, DCB said:

    Do the low geared motors still give a scale 125 MPH capability on about 13 volts?  I have early Hornby and early2000s Lima HSTs and  can't really see much wrong with them.   They ran happily out of the box and still do,    Something very few subsequent new loco purchases have managed.   My garden line uses remotored Lima mechs with CD drive motors on battery power,  I had to re wheel a new class 156 last Christmas with new trailing bogie wheels on the drive axles to stop the bogies tipping and derailing under acceleration not a problem I have previously experience.  

    not sure tbh, but the later lower geared motors are much better runners i've found, i've remotored all my westerns bar western duke which came from new, with the later low ratio motors, and i've re-wired them and they run better, also on my lima 47s i've removed the additional pickup on the non powered bogie as found it was causing more problems with current pickup so removed it.

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  16. On 02/01/2024 at 12:49, Halvarras said:

    Yes, the same power bogie is used in the Lima Classes 26/27/33/87. Plenty of Class 33s about as the OO gauge/4mm scale version first appeared in 1977.


    Be sure to steer clear of the earlier HO/3.5mm Class 33, the coupling is the biggest clue at first glance. Although the motor bogie in this also fits the Lima Classes 73/101/117/121 and probably 156 (never had one, too modern for me!)

    on that note, 

    with the western motors, what motors will fit them please? as trying to get additional later low geared motors for my fleet, as i prefer the later motors,


    The later ones are known as supertraction which tbh are better motors than the earlier high geared ones

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