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Everything posted by Annie

  1. Oh dear. For some reason I hadn't come across the Kirkronan website before, but I do recognise many of the locomotives as being made by a creator that makes mostly Ok locomotives, but is really super careless and untidy when it comes to dependencies for anything he makes available. The LNWR locos in particular took a lot of messing around to get them to work. From memory it's mainly missing cab interiors that stop the LNWR locos working. With others it will be stupid things like whistle sound files or engine sound files that are stopping them working. In the Content Manger find the main file for the non-working locomotive. Click on it and you'll get a dropbox. If 'error and warnings' isn't greyed out click on that and you may get a message that tells you that the item is a Trainz Build Number that's not recognised. Depending on whether you've upgraded or not your build number should be 2.9 or 3.1. Work your way down to 'Edit' and select from the menu 'Edit in Explorer'. You'll get a folder pop up with all the files for the item. Look for the 'Config' file and open it. It's a text file written in ASCII and if you've go any doubts about messing it up take a backup copy in Notepad and save it (how do I know this?). Look for the build number. If it's 3.2, 3.5, 3.7 or whatever that's why it not working. Change it to 2.9 if you're not sure of your build number and save. While you're in the config file go back to the item in content manager, click on it again and look for 'dependencies'. You will get a box come up showing all the dependencies that are loaded into the game and working. Anything that's still KUID file numbers isn't present. Compare the config file KUID numbers with the dependency list and you will be able to identify what's missing. Sometimes if you're lucky the missing dependency will be available from the Download Station. Other times it won't be and in the case of 'Mr Careless' I mentioned earlier finding anything of his in the way of missing dependencies is a pain. For things like whistle/engine sounds and cab interiors substituting something else is fine. The only way I could get the Precursor tank engines to work in the end was to give then N2 cab interiors. I've lost count of how many times I've had to fix locomotives and rolling stock before I could use them, but it just seems to be all part of using freeware content for Trainz. One big problem I've found is sometimes someone has used dependencies from let us say Joe Bloggs freeware site and the only problem is Joe Bloggs freeware site does exist anymore. More recently I've found TS2009 content with TS2010 or TS2012 dependecies and of course that isn't going to work until the dependencies are fixed. Yes it's all a pain in the fundament, but it is possible to win through and get stuff fixed. I think only twice out of a whole lot of downloads have I had to give up and flag something away. If you really get stuck get back to me Sem and I'll see what I can do to help.
  2. Borrowed an GNR 'H1' tender for the C1 Atlantic. Not entirely ideal as the locomotive is still in LNER livery, but I'll get around to fixing that eventually. I don't think I'll be running the GNR 'H1' (K3) itself though as it's a bit too modern looking for me. The Gresley steel side coaches have all been banished and replaced with teak coaches so bit by bit I'm creeping things back to the grouping transition era. The long suffering Debton (GWR) station has had a bit more work and late period signals replaced with earlier ones along with a better canopy and island platform buildings so passengers actually have some reasonable shelter now. An LNER passenger train has always been on the timetable to leave and arrive at Debton, but normally at the bay platforms and there definitely wouldn't normally be two 'foreign' passenger trains lined up to leave at the same time. GWR No. 4600 usually works the local trains in and out of Debton so the 'Atlantic' theme carries on. TS2009 and earlier versions is a real desert for decent GWR coaching stock so the only coaches I have are 4 wheelers. Same goes for locomotives in the transition period. 517 class, 850 class, 2021 class and that's pretty much it. Plenty of goods rolling stock though. I have more BG GWR stuff than I do SG GWR stuff truth be told. Edit: I forgot the Dean Goods, there's a TS2009 version.
  3. The problem with Fowler's Midland creations is that they look like Fowler locomotives and nothing else. You'd have to shave it right down to the running plate leaving behind the splashers and the lower part of the cab before you'd have something you could build on.
  4. Brilliant stuff Linny. Card is one of those materials that gets overlooked in these modern times, but is seriously useful for making models that are good as anything else on offer. Not my scale of course, but I can certainly appreciate what you've achieved.
  5. Dave, - I wasn't specifically trying to get at you, - it was just unfortunate that you posted at close to the same time I did which might have given you that impression.
  6. Printouts of workshop interior images can work well behind windows on low relief buildings. Much depends on the images you can find though and how you cut and paste them together to make it all look vaguely plausible.
  7. The question of painting and lining on tanksides and cabsides on 3D prints can be dealt with by the use of thin paper decals which can be created with graphics software and printed out. There are threads here on RMweb and other railway modelling sites that demonstrate these techniques and the final result is very very good. Please don't ask me for links as with my vague-O-matic brain I can't remember where to find them, but I don't think it would be too difficult to search them out. As someone who used to scratchbuild to finescale standards mostly for reasons of poverty I'm left rather cold by the present addiction with ultra realistic RTR in the hobby and all the not very supportive comments that are being heaped on what Sem is doing. From where I'm sitting (well lying in bed actually because I'm having rubbish day) Sem is having a go at creating something using his skills to the best of his ability and he's going to offer what he makes to the railway modelling community. If you don't like it and don't agree with what he's done then don't buy it. Simple. I made the attempt to read through all the not very helpful or supportive comments on this thread, but after a while I started to lose the will to live. When I was still well enough to make models I purchased a few of Tom Bell's narrow gauge 3D prints and I've purchased various 3D printed boiler fittings for 16mm scale as well and they were all in the dreaded and apparently shunned WSF. I like them, I'm happy with them and (shock horror) if my health improves I'll buy more WSF prints again in the future. If you don't like WSF or 3D prints then go and spend a fortune on etched brass and whatever other kits are around to get your finescale fix and leave off telling Sem what he should be doing. No doubt I've now enraged various folk, but there you go I don't much care.
  8. My Mum was keenly into researching our family trees and I well remember all the assembled sections of it entirely covering the living room floor and that was without any personal history summaries being added. A fascinating project though and while I was only helping in a support kind of role and not doing much in the way of research I couldn't help but be impressed. I think Mum took her research back to around 1840 as we found after that it became a lot more difficult to find information. Lots of ironworkers on my Mum's side, - some of whom worked for George Stephenson. Metal and engineering trades remained a strong thread with male occupations. My Mum's Dad was an engine driver on the NZGR and several uncles were on the footplate too. Mum was a porteress during the war and her sisters had jobs with the railways too. My grandfather on my Dad's side was a carpenter with the railway workshops. So I guess there lies the reason why I like railways so much.
  9. Very nice Sem. I like that. No doubt the nay sayers will turn up soon and moan about it, but don't take any notice of them.
  10. A forum member on NGRM is building Thrumster station in 16mm scale. The real station building has been restored and from the photos I've seen is very nice indeed.
  11. Trainz has plateway wagons and other early types as well. The working horses are certainly interesting. I had a horse drawn tram on the layout at one time and I should really think about bringing it back as it was a lot of fun.
  12. Thank you for the details about Pevsoft AR. I should have a proper look at it sometime and just have a play about with it to see what it can do. A downside of having narcolepsy is that I find myself resistant to trying new things and especially learning to use new graphics or mesh editing software since it's a real struggle for me to concentrate long enough to actually understand what it is I need to do. I have the Australian 4-6-0's for TS2012 and they are really nice Sem. Beautiful engines to drive and the AI stuff and physics is really well done. I also purchased the Beyer Peacock 4-4-0T for TANE at the same time as it was a Black Friday sale and everything was seriously cheap. Australia either purchased or built Beyer Peacock influenced locomotives in fairly large numbers which has caused me me to consider an Australian layout more than just the once.. My favourites are the SMR colliery 4-6-4 tank engines which while being only Beyer Peacock copies are unmistakeably Beyer Peacock influenced in every inch of them. I have a coal and steelworks layout with an urban traction railway as a part of it and it's the 4-6-4T tank engines that rule amongst the hot steel and coal. I never really got on with TS2012, - apart from the fact it made my much rebuilt ageing computer scream for mercy, - I didn't like what they'd done to 'improve' the editor (surveyor) and I didn't like the session layers that'd they'd sewn into everything so it became a nightmare to try and join different layout boards together. As for TANE I don't know much about it and some on-line friends who've got it say it's Ok, but whenever I think about it I find myself thinking of circles of salt and garlic. My Raven 'Z' Atlantics arrived and one of them is in NER livery, - the other two are LNER livery, but with slight differences between them in the livery details which is nice. Once again the GWR station on my layout ended up with foreign visitors while I did a screenshot. I don't have any NER coaches so some 'Litho' style GER ones in Lake livery did the honours.
  13. I re-skin models all the time and for 99% of models re-skinning for personal use is fine by the creators of the models. Sometimes you'll find somebody who has filled up the attached notes with a model with all manner of threats about modding their models, but by and large all they do is prove they know nothing at all about copyright law and fair usage of their original material. Basically so long as what you're doing is for your own use and you're not trying to represent it as being all your own work or trying to sell it then it's fine. I mostly use Paint.net and Ifranview for what I do. Sometimes even good old MSPaint has its uses. I've heard of PevSoft, but I don't really understand what it does and I haven't ever used it. I buy from Paulz Trainz because he has models I can't get anywhere else. And he has reasonable prices too. Three Raven 'Z' class Atlantics cost me $US15 which I think is very reasonable. Wagons and coaches are even cheaper at around $US4-5 for three wagons and $US12-15 for 6-8 coaches. Most of his models are for older versions of Trainz Simulator, - that is TS2012 and older not including TANE. I run TS2009 and everything I've purchased from him is fine. He provides good after sales service and if there is a problem he gets it fixed very quickly. I will most probably have a look at modding the Raven Atlantics into NER livery, but at the moment it's not a big priority since I'm still running a fair bit of Big 4 era stuff. I really don't know anything about MSTS. I do own a copy, but haven't looked at it for a long time. A list for Trainz? There's a lot of pre-group content available, but I'm not sure if I have the energy to try listing it all. Some older content is a bit naff and has a lot of issues that are a pain to fix and I don't think I'd bother to list them should I do a list as they're fairly disappointing. Anyway I'll think about it.
  14. Ok done it. Spent my pocket money for this week. Three Raven 'Z' class Atlantics will be arriving on my layout shortly. They're in LNER green as there wasn't an NER livery option for them unfortunately. Isn't it beautiful
  15. I also have the Atlantic in GNR livery. My imaginary layout is still very much Big 4 era though bit by bit I'm gradually rolling back time. Atlantics are the top link express engines on my line as it's a Pacific and 4-6-0 free zone. I'm presently considering a Raven 'Z' class Atlantic from Paulz Trainz. I like GNR locomotives well enough, but I like the NER ones best. I'm considering a NER Tenant E5 as well even though the E5's were only a class of 20 locomotives and they were gone by 1929. I have plans to buy some NER coaches from Paulz Trainz too, but with the dilemma of whether I buy them in NER livery or LNER livery. Winding back to the the grouping transition era would let me have the lovely red NER livery so I'm considering doing that. The Gresley coaches would have to go though. My HUGE UK layout has over 100 scale miles of trackwork and is great for playing top link expresses on when the mood takes me, but mostly I concentrate on the corner of it where my imaginary GNJt.R has its metals. The GNJt.R has some wonderful anachronisms in that rolling stock and locomotives from the 1860-70's can be still be found working alongside 20th century pre-grouping era locomotives and rolling stock, but it's my railway and I don't care. Random snap of a GNJt.R tank engine at work. This is one of the too short J72's that I call a Kitson copy built to the GNJt.R's order. Four of them are named after former Grand Navigation Shipping Co ships from the early days of the company. After I got properly correct J71 and J72 models I was going to retire them, but decided not to. They're older and more simple models made for TS2004, but they're basically Ok.
  16. I was delighted to read Simon that you are working on a model of 'Gazelle'.
  17. Another snap of Furlong station at the end of the twiglet of a branchline I've been working on at the moment. I love my digital trainset it makes me feel happy.
  18. Delightful. These pictures really made me smile this morning. James, your daughter puts me in mind of my own intrepid daughter who at age 30 something is quite fearless about picking up tools and having a go at most things including a year or two ago rebuilding the engine in her car.
  19. While looking about for useful spares for some of my old clockers I came across this auction on our local auction website for a down on its luck Hormby M1 tender loco https://www.trademe.co.nz/toys-models/models/railway/locomotives/auction-1568799152.htm?rsqid=f937d59f2bf4417eb66c5ea2b5467382 Only $NZ118.00, - a positive bargain! Since I already own several that are much the same that now makes me potentially a modestly wealthy woman Not much is presently happening with this project of mine at the moment as I'm presently spending anything up to 18 hours a day asleep and when I'm awake I'm constantly feeling like I'm about to fall asleep. Trying to build a layout looks like being a step too far, but I may be able to do some repair work on some of my tinplate treasures if I take my time and be patient over what it's possible for me to achieve during the time I'm able to maintain a useful level of concentration on the task at hand.
  20. Lovely aren't they That's the kind or wheel you can depend on.
  21. Seems like an appropriate picture for the UK at the moment. GNJt.R tank engines on the K&ESR. The looks-like-a-J72 isn't really as it's been modelled about 4/5ths too short and it's quite noticeable when they're in company with a scale sized J72 or J71. They were originally made for TS2004 and are fairly basic with no crew. I tried to adapt one to have a footplate crew and ended up rendering it completely inoperable due to not being able to mod configuration scripts for toffee. For the purposes of the GNJt.R I call them a Kitson copy built to my imaginary railway company's special order and I think the GNJt.R grey goods livery suits them very nicely.
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